14th Generation (2pt Flaw)
You were created five or fewer years ago by a member of the 13th generation. Though you have 10 blood points in your body, only eight of them may be used to heal wounds, power Disciplines, raise Attributes etc. Obviously, taking this Flaw precludes you from taking the Generation Background, and you may not start with Status, either. You are likely a clanless Caitiff, for your blood is probably too thin to pass down the distinguished characteristics of a clan. Most 14th generation vampires should also take the Thin Blood Flaw.
Absent-Minded (3pt Flaw)
This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration. Though you do not forget such things as Knowledges or Skills, you do forget names, addresses, and when you last ate. In order to remember anything more than your own name and the location of your haven, you need to make a Wits roll or, as a last resort, spend a Willpower point.
Addiction (3pt Flaw)
You suffer from an addiction to a substance, which must now be present in the blood you drink. This can be alcohol, nicotine, hard drugs or simply adrenaline. This substance always impairs you in some fashion.
Adolescent (1pt Flaw)
You were chosen very early in your life. This age difference will cause people to react to you differently. The older Chosen may not take you seriously. ("You've got to be kidding. She's just a kid!") Increase the Difficulty of your Social rolls by 1 to 3 depending on the circumstances of your situation or the individual you are confronting.
Aging (3pt Flaw)
You are not as spry as you used to be; any one Physical Attribute score (your choice) must be lowered by one dot. This Flaw may be taken once per decade past the 40 year mark.
Allergic (1-3pt Flaw)
You are allergic to some substance, in a manner not unlike mortal allergies. However, you do not get hives or sneeze, but are actually incapacitated y your reaction. If the substance was in the blood you drank, the reaction will be very strong, though touch along is enough to disturb you. If it was in the blood, you will have five fewer dice on all your Dice Pools for 10 minutes. - if you just touched it, the penalty is reduced to two dice. Choose form the list below or make up the substance to which you are allergic: · Plastic: 1pt, · Alchohol:2pt, · Illegal Drugs: 2pt, · Metal: 3pt.
Amnesia (2pt Flaw)
You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself or your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may someday come back to haunt you. (you can, if you wish, take up five points of other Flaws without specifying what they are, and leave it to the Storyteller to detail them. Over the course of the chronicle, you and your character will slowly discover them.
Anachronism (2pt Flaw)
You have been a vampire for some time, an are unable (or unwilling) to keep up with the changing times. An Intelligence roll is needed whenever you have to deal with something from a later period than your own breathing days. If the roll is failed, total the net failures and use this total as a negative modifier to your attempts. Example: Osric, a fifth-century Goth by birth, has this Flaw and is attempting to deal with a computer. His Intelligence results in two net failures. Osric now has a two-dice penalty when determining the outcome of his attempt to make the infernal machine cooperate. Not that characters with this Flaw will generally have been vampires for a longer time than the 50 years suggested in Vampire, so Storytellers should decide whether or not to allow this Flaw in their characters.
Asthma (2pt Flaw) — You have Difficulty performing strenuous tasks because you cannot breathe properly. With asthma, your lungs only pull in a fraction of the air that normal lungs require. Any time that you exert yourself, you must make a Stamina roll (Difficulty 6) or be unable to perform any action on the next round while you catch your breath.
Assamite - Blood Madness (2 or 4pt Flaw)
The curse that the Baali of Chorazin laid upon the warrior caste has fallen on your head, and you are plagued with an unending hunger for the blood of other Cainites. Whenever you taste Cainite blood, you must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 8) or you fall into a hunger frenzy in which you will do anything to gorge upon as much blood as physically possible. If you follow a Road that teaches Instinct, you are instantly lost to this frenzy; no roll is possible and the Flaw is worth four points. You often find yourself thinking of other Cainites - even other Assamites - as potential vessels rather than equals. This Flaw is mainly found among the warrior caste. It is much rarer among sorcerers and viziers, only affecting those who have partaken of warrior vitae or who spend the majority of their time associating with warriors.
Assamite - Disgraced (2pt Flaw)
You broke the laws of the khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since partially made amends (enough to prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq), your name still bears the stain of your misdeed. All dealings with other Assamites are at +1 difficulty, though the Storyteller has the discretion to vary this penalty fore individuals who know you well or whom you have served well or badly in the past. Clearing your name will be a strong motivation for performing well in all respects while on an assignment.
Assamite-Du’at Enemy (4pt Flaw)
During your apprenticeship at Alamut, you somehow incurred the displeasure of one of the du’at, and your existence will be considerably more difficult as a result. Your enemy is unlikely to be your direct commander (the caliph in the case of warriors), and you may not even know his identity - though you may certainly try to find out and make your peace somehow.
Assamite - Magical Addict (3 or 5pt Flaw Physical Flaw)
Whether through a weak will, a lingering anomaly from you r mortals day or overuse of ritual components like kalif, you have become addicted to the alchemical psycho- active drugs that some sorcerers use to focus their blood magic. Going beyond a mere physical or psychological addiction, this dependence goes so far as to affect your very mastery of the powers at your command. Your competence with Assamite Sorcery is dependent on the frequency at which you cater to your addiction.
If you take this Flaw at 3 points, suffer a +2 difficulty to all rolls related to blood magic, including (but not limited to) use of path powers and rituals, whenever you are not under the effect of your drug of choice. For 5 points, you are completely unable to focus yourself enough to perform even the simplest blood magic if the drug is not in your system.
Only characters with at least one dot in Assamite Sorcery may take this Flaw. Non-Assamites may take this Flaw if they somehow receive tutelage in the Discipline.
Assamite-Silsila Enemy (2pt Flaw)
A member of the silsila has taken against you for some reason - faction enmity, for example - and will exert influence to thwart your chances of promotion, make sure you get difficult or inglorious jobs, and generally make your existence uncomfortable. The Storyteller should decide whether you know who your enemy is at the start of the game, though you may do what you can to find out.
Assamite - Outcaste (2pt Flaw)
You have rejected the role of the caste into which you were Embraced, choosing instead to define your own existence and follow the path of another caste. While many Assamites take this course with few negative repercussions, you have managed to make enough waves to gain a certain amount of notoriety. Perhaps you made a public spectacle of your lack of interest in your heritage, or maybe you asked a mentor in another caste to take you as his surrogate childe. Whatever the specifics may be, you have shown your lineage a great deal of disrespect. Your sire refuses to acknowledge your existence, and all other members of your caste treat you with scorn You suffer a +2 difficulty penalty on all Social rolls involving dealing with your Embrace caste.
Assamite - Religious Prohibition (2 or 4pt Flaw)
In your breathing days, you were either Jewish or Muslim, and have retained your faith through the Embrace. As both religions prohibit their followers from tasting, let alone drinking, blood, this creates a moral dilemma for you. Even animal blood is a forbid, den substance, and your conscience pricks whenever you feed.
This Flaw has a variable point value. At two points, you voluntarily restrict your feeding to animals or blood that has been drained by a ritual butcher. At four points, you refuse to feed unless it is an immediate necessity (blood pool is three or less), and even then you may fall victim to depression and self-loathing for several night after the forbidden act.
Assamite-Silsila Enemy (2pt Flaw)
A member of the silsila has taken against you for some reason - faction enmity, for example - and will exert influence to thwart your chances of promotion, make sure you get difficult or inglorious jobs, and generally make your existence uncomfortable. The Storyteller should decide whether you know who your enemy is at the start of the game, though you may do what you can to find out.
Assamite - Unbroken (3pt Supernatural Flaw)
For whatever reason, the Tremere curse was stronger in you than in most of your clanmates. This was no great liability while all of you were so afflicted. However, when Ur-Shulgi cast the Breaking, the great ritual's power did not fully cleanse you. You now share your caste's thirst for Cainite blood - but for you, the very substance you crave is still a poison.
The Tremere curse that once affected your clan has been weakened in you, but it is not completely gone. When you drink non-Assamite Cainite vitae, each blood point enters your blood pool normally. However, on the way down, it inflicts one automatic, unsoakable level of lethal damage in a combination of unnatural toxic shock and internal acid bums. On the plus side, all your difficulties to resist the warrior caste's addiction are at -1 difficulty - think of it as aversion therapy. If you are a sorcerer or vizier, this Flaw is worth one additional point (for a total of 4), but you gain the warrior caste's addiction in addition to your own caste's weakness.
Assamite-Unconquered Enemy (1pt Flaw)
You have an enemy among the Unconquered who will try to thwart your plans and may even try to destroy you if this can be done without being found out. Your enemy has been blackening your name, and as a result you find that all dealings with the Unconquered are at +1 difficulty.
Bad Sight (1 or 3pt Flaw)
Your sight is defective. The difficulties of any dice rolls involving use of your eyesight are increased by two. As a one point Flaw, this condition can be corrected with glasses or contacts; as a three-point Flaw, the condition is too sever to be corrected.
Bards Tongue (1pt Flaw) — You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an ability that can be ruled by any conscious control. However, at least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and come out your lips. To avoid speaking prophecy, the owner of the 'gift' must expend a Willpower point and take a wound level from the strain of resisting (especially if he bites a hole in his tongue).
Bastard Childer (2pt Flaw)
You have sired one or more childer without the permission of the local prince or Justicar. Under Kindred law, both you and you4r childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should other vampires discover your secret. This flaw is cumulative and must be taken once per bastard sired.
Beacon of the Unholy (2pt Flaw)
You radiate palpable evil. Clergy and devout mortals know instinctively that there is something horribly wrong with you, and react accordingly. Churches and other places of worship are barred to you as well.
Blasphemer Among Heretics (1-2pt Flaw)
While the Cainite Heresy itself rests somewhat outside the bounds of Christian orthodoxy, your particular flavors of theological imagining are bizarre even by Heretical standards. You no longer stand within the Heresy itself but have been expelled; you have both the Heresy and the faithful as your enemies. If your blasphemy is minor and you still have friendly dealings with other heretics, this flaw is worth I point; otherwise, it is worth 2.
Blind (6pt Flaw)
You cannot see. Characters can compensate for the loss of vision by becoming more sensitive to other sensory imput, but visual cues and images are lost to them. Actions involving hand-eye coordination are very difficult to perform, especially under stressful conditions. Difficulties of all Dexterity-based rolls are increased by two. Oddly, vampires with Level Two Auspex (Aura Perception) are still able to use this ability, though the information is interpretably via other senses.
Blood Hunted (4-6pt Flaw)
You have been made the target of a blood hunt, and for you to return to your home city is death. For four points, this Flaw means that only your home city is off limits to you. For six, it means that the entire Camarilla is howling for your vitae.
Botched Presentation (1pt Flaw)
When your sire presented you to the prince of the city, you flubbed it. Now you’re convince His Majesty hates you (whether he does or not). You need to succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) just to stand in front of the prince or one of his duly authorized representatives without running, blubbering or otherwise making a fool of yourself.
Bound (2pt Flaw)
You are blood bound to another vampire. Your regnant may not necessarily treat you badly, but the fact remains that your will is not entirely your own. The knowledge gnaws at you, even as you find yourself lost in devotion to your vampiric master.
Brujah-Lack of Control (1-3pt Flaw)
For whatever reason (thin blood, an uneducated lineage), the character’s control over on or both physical disciplines is lacking. Brujah with this flaw have demonstrated numerous deficiencies: Celerity may only be used for running and combat movement,. Any attacks made while using Celerity are at +1 difficulty. Activities requiring precision such as saddling a mount or garbing oneself in armor are impossible with Celerity activated (one point). The character cannot control his own Strength and must concentrate on keeping it in check lest havoc result (breaking a friend’s hand in greeting him, for example, or snapping his spine with a hug). If a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) fails, the character must apply his full Potence in damage to the target object. Additionally, an unsuccessful attack with a melee weapon necessitates a Dexterity + Melee roll (difficulty of the character’s Strength + Potence). An unsuccessful roll means the character loses his next action while recovering his balance (two points) The blood of the character does not focus his strength effectively. Potence successes are not automatic, but instead are only added as additional dice for Strength and damage rolls. A physical action such as lifting a gate or overturning a cart requires a Strength + Potence roll (difficulty 6). The result is the number of dice that the character can apply to the task (three points) Some truly inept Brujah have flaws in their control of both Celerity and Potence, and face the constant derision of their peers. With proper tutelage from a trained elder the character might be able to remove this Flaw, but she has best set aside a lifetime or two to devote upon the task…A Cainite should not be hindered with more than one expression of this Flaw at a time.
Brujah - Obvious Predator (2pt - Social Flaw)
Either your face or your immediate disposition lets people know that you have nothing good in store for them. Mortals react poorly to people who exude such a blatant air of menace, and all your difficulties for Social rolls increase by two (with the exception of Intimidation- related rolls).
Brujah-Pariah (2-4pt Flaw)
The Brujah consider themselves a clan of brothers (and sister) working towards common goals, if by different means. The clan encourages self-determination, but the character has taken her individuality too far and is now outcast. At the two-point level she has insulted, by word or deed, one of the two extremes of the Brujah clan. As a descendant of ancient scholar-kings, she may have vigorously denounced the rash brutality of her more radical clanmates. Alternately, the Brujah might feel that the goals of the elders are mere fantasies, and has acted according to her own whims - whims that have come in direct conflict with her more conservative brethren. Difficulties of all Social rolls in dealing with Brujah holding the opposite viewpoint increase by three. This penalty is reduced to one for more middle-of the road Brujah. A character with four-point Flaw has committed an act of treachery or murder against a clanmate. Word of this crime has spread throughout the clan, resulting in her ostracism. Brujah will neither come to her aid nor speak with her, nor will they accept her assistance unless at risk of Final Death. The clan considers the character Caitiff. While it is conceivable for a pariah to be restored to good standing within the Brujah, many do not bother to seek such opportunities.
Brujah - Uncontrollable (5pt - Mental Flaw)
Rage and passion constantly war in the soul of a volatile Brujah. Perhaps you were ill tempered before the Embrace, or perhaps your Brujah lineage awakened some latent fury. In any case, even more so than your classmates, you are prone to frenzy. Difficulties to resist frenzy are always 10 for this character. Prepare for a short, hellish ride.
In MET, characters with this Flaw always lose on ties in attempts to resist frenzy. Uncontrollable can easily disrupt a LARP, and Storytellers are cautioned to carefully consider whether it's be appropriate in their games.
Bulimia (4pt Flaw)
The thought of drinking blood is repulsive to you, and while you acknowledge the need to feed, you often have the irresistible desire to forcibly remove the blood from your system. It is likely that you had an eating disorder in your life before you were Embraced. In order to successfully hold the blood inside of your system until your body has absorbed all of the precious fluid, you must make a Stamina roll against a difficulty of 8. Failure means the sudden and extremely messy (to say nothing of embarrassing) loss of all newly consumed Blood Points as they are vomited from your body. However, any blood gained while in a feeding frenzy can be kept down. So, the only guaranteed method of nourishment is to feed when frenzying. This can prove to be socially demeaning and often places the Masquerade in jeopardy.
Can’t Cross Running Water (3pt Flaw)
You cannot cross running water unless you are at least 50 feet above it. "Running water" is any body of water more than two feet wide in any direction and not completely stagnant. A Kindred with this Flaw obviously believes too much in old wives’ tales.
Cappadocians-Horrific Appearance (3pt Flaw)
An increasingly frequent occurrence among Cappadocians is a strange accentuation of their inherent clan weakness. Numerous Cappadocians, already prone to resembling walking corpses, have show a more pronounced Horrific Appearance. Those who exhibit this aberrant trait become even more corpselike; their skin draws tight over their bones and scales away entirely in patches. Advances cases may exhibit open sores, excessive decomposition of the body, limbs and head (commonly resulting in the loss of the nose and ears) and a repulsive scent reminiscent of the grave. Cappadocians suffering from this Flaw have Appearance ratings of 0. This may never be improved although it may be physically hidden or masked with magic or Disciplines.
Cappadocians-Mad Visions (3pt Flaw)
Some Cappadocians report cases of peculiar aberrations of Prescience, in which the afflicted Cainites claim to have apocalyptic visions. The vampire cursed with Mad Visions sinks periodically into tormented trances, sometimes in the middle of performing tasks, and drops to the ground, twitching feebly. When questioned as to the nature of these waking nightmares, the Cappadocian reports either visions of hellish person agony or vivid by inexplicable premonitions of the entire clan’s destruction. A few frail psyches even block out all memory of the episodes. Cappadocians who suffer Mad Visions or experience Prescience rarely share their visions with Cainites outside the clan. Indeed, many of those with the visions are driven to the verge of madness by burgeoning Cassandra Complexes in which the prescient know the horrid truth of the future and realize their inability to prevent it. Thankfully, this condition is infrequent, and few suffer to the dullest extent , though more than one Graverobber has had to be alleviated of her misery.
Cast No Reflection (1pt Flaw)
You actually cast no reflection, just like the vampires of legend. This can have a very detrimental effect when trying to pass as a human. Vampires of Clan Lasombra automatically have this Flaw (and you may be mistaken for one for them if you posses this).
Catspaw (2pt Flaw)
You’ve done dirty work for someone high up in the city’s hierarchy in the past - the sheriff, the primogen, or even the prince. However, instead of granting you a favor, your deeds have made you an embarrassment or a liability. For the moment, your former employer’s concern is to keep you quiet. In the long term, it’s to get rid of you.
Child (3pt Flaw)
You were a small child at the time of the Embrace. Although time and experience may have changed your outlook, you are stuck with a child’s body. You have the Short Flaw, and you find it difficult to be taken seriously by others (two-dice penalty to all relevant rolls). Because you have never before experienced any sort of transformation change (never having undergone experiences of puberty), you are ill suited to withstand the demands of the Hunger (the difficulties of all such rolls are one greater). Additionally, certain clubs may not admit you, because you are "underage".
Childe, Vengeful (2pt Flaw)
You have sired a childe who has grown to loathe you. Not only does your childe not aid you in your dealings with other Kindred, he actively works towards detriment. At time you feel your childe would commit diablerie upon you if given half a chance, and you could be right.
Clan Enmity (2 or 4pt Flaw)
For some reason something about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of a clan other than your own. There is a two dice penalty to all social rolls for social dealings with members of this other clan. Select the ‘enemy’ clan randomly or choose. For 4 points: One clan in particular wants you dead. You have offended the entire clan, from elders to neonates, and as a result every member from that bloodline wants your head on a plate. The effects of the Flaw may manifest as anything from very public snubs and insults to actual attempts on your existence. You are also at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls relating to members of the clan in question.
Cold Breeze (1pt Flaw)
A chill wind follows you wherever you go. While it may make for dramatic entrances, this effect also discomforts mortals (+1 difficulty on all appropriate Social rolls) and also endangers the Masquerade. Cold winds sweeping through executive offices or crowed nightclubs can raise all sorts of questions.
Color Blindness (1pt Flaw)
You can see in black ad white. Color means nothing to you, though you are sensitive to color density, which you perceive as shades of gray. This makes it impossible to use the Level Two Auspex power of Aura Perception. (Note color blindness actually indicates an inability to distinguish between two colors, but we fudged a bit for the sake of brevity.
Compulsion (1pt Flaw)
You have a psychological compulsion of some sort, which can cause you a number of different problems. Your compulsion may be for cleanliness, perfection, bragging, stealing, gaming, exaggeration or just talking. A compulsion can be temporality avoided at the cost of a Willpower point, but is in effect at all other times.
Confused (2pt Flaw)
You are often confused, and the world seems to be a very disoriented and twisted place. Sometimes you are simply unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior all the time to a small degree, but your confusion becomes especially strong whenever stimuli surround you (such as when a number of different people talk all at once, or you enter a nightclub with loud pounding music). You may spend Willpower to override the effects of your confusion, but only temporarily.
Conspicuous Consumption (4pt Flaw)
It is not enough for you to draw nourishment from the blood of mortals - you believe you must also consume your victim’s heart, liver and the blood-rich tissue. OF course, this will necessitate the deaths of all your victims (unless you are extremely creative), which might lead to numerous problems with the Masquerade and maintaining Humanity. Characters with this Flaw must additionally purchase the Eat Food Merit.
Curiosity (2 pt) — You are naturally curious and find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, you find that your curiosity easily overrides your common sense. To resist the temptation, make a Wits roll (Difficulty 5) for simple things like "I wonder what is in that cabinet!" Increase the Difficulty up to 9 for things like "I'll just peek into the dragons lair – no one will know. What could possibly go wrong?"
Cursed (1-5pt Flaw)
You have been cursed by someone or something with supernatural or magical powers. This curse is specific and detailed, it cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and it can be life-threatening. Some examples follow: · If you pass on a secret that was told to you, your betrayal will later harm you in some way (1pt), · You stutter uncontrollably when you try to describe what you have seen or heard (2pt), · You are doomed to make enemies of those to whom you have become most attached (so whatever you do, don’t get too close to other characters!) (4pt), Every one of your accomplishments or achievements will eventually, inevitably, become soiled and fail in some way. (5pt)
Dark Fate (5pt Flaw)
You are doomed to experience a most horrible demise or, worse, suffer eternal agony. No matter what you do, someday, your struggles, and your dreams will come to naught. Your fate is certain and there is nothing you can do about it. Even more ghastly, you have partial knowledge of this, for you occasionally have visions of your fate - and they are most disturbing. The malaise these visions inspire in you can only be overcome through the use of Willpower, and will return after each vision. At some point in the chronicle, you will indeed face your fate, but when and how is completely up to the Storyteller. Though you can’t do anything about your fate, you can still attempt to reach some goal before it occurs, or at least try to make sure that your friends are not destroyed as well. This is a difficult Flaw to roleplay; though it may seem as if it takes away all free will, we have found that ironically, it grants freedom.
Dark Secret (1pt Flaw)
You have some sort of secret that, if uncovered, would be of immense embarrassment to you and would make you a pariah in the Kindred community. This can be anything from having murdered an elder to having once been a member of the Sabbat. While this secret weighs on your mind at all times, it will only surface in occasional stories. Otherwise, it will being to lose its impact.
Deaf (4pt Flaw)
You cannot hear. While you may ignore some applications of Dominate, you may not listen to electronic or vocal media, and the difficulties of many Alertness rolls are increased by three.
Death Wish (1-5pt Flaw)
You have an unconscious wish to die the True Death. The search for blood, the politics and pain, the constant knowledge of all eternity looming ahead of you, and perhaps your own cowardice, all have their effect on you. Although you never deliberately do anything to harm yourself, you do tend to hinder yourself at awkward times. At ant time during a story, the Storyteller may ask you to reroll a Skill check, The least successful of the two rolls is the actual result of your action. The Storyteller may do this a umber of time per story equal to the number of points taken in this Flaw.
Deathsight (2pt Flaw)
Everything appears rotted and decayed to you. The world appears to you as a corpse; mortals look diseased, buildings seems decrepit, and your fellow Kindred seem to be walking, moldering cadavers. You are at -2 difficulty to resist all rolls based on Appearance, but by the same token you are at +2 difficulty on all Perception-based rolls. In addition, you find social interaction difficult and are at +1 difficulty on all Social based rolls.
Deep Sleeper (1pt Flaw)
When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. Raise the difficulty by two on any such rolls, and roleplay how you never seem to be on time when you have an appointment early in the evening.
Deformity (3pt Flaw)
You have some kind of deformity - a misshapen limb, a hunchback or whatever - which affects your interactions with others and may inconvenience you physically. The difficulties of all dice rolls related to physical appearance are raised by two. Your deformity will also raise the difficulty of some Dexterity rolls by two, depending on the type of deformity you possess.
Delusion (1pt Flaw) — You believe wholeheartedly in something that just isn't so. For example, you might believe that you are just a normal human (when you are, in fact, a vampire), that round rocks are extremely valuable, that you are the long-lost son of a Duke, or that your imaginary friend is actually real.
Demon Hounded (1-4pt Flaw)
A demon has taken a special interest in your soul. She appears to you occasionally, using threats, bribes and honeyed words to win you to her cause. Sometimes she just asks you to perform innocuous favors for her. Sometimes she just asks you to sell your soul. Sometimes she offers you favors or information without any apparent catch. In any case, it is not your interests she serves, but those of her diabolical masters. All of her plots are ultimately designed to ensnare you and win your soul. A minor demon (1pt Flaw) may be an annoying imp, incapable of no more than distracting you, thieving small items and pleading for your soul; its plans are unimpressive, but can be frustrating. A greater creature (4pt Flaw) is your physical equal and can concoct horrible devious plans to win your soul. In either case the Storyteller creates the character for the demon, and keeps track of its plots.
Diabolic Sire (2pt Flaw)
Your sire is engaged in acts that could cause a tremendous uproar in the Camarilla. She could be wantonly breaking the Masquerade, or hunting down elders of the city and feasting on their blood. Archons are likely to come to you in order to discover your sire’s whereabouts, and they may not believe you if you tell them you don’t know.
Diabolist, Known (5pt Flaw)
You have committed diablerie at least once to achieve your current position of power. Although not all members of elder Kindred society known of your terrible flaw, at least some elders of import are aware of it. You are certain word of your proscribed behavior is slowly making its way though society. Other elders could easily discover this at any time and, at the very least, most of society knows that you are to be shunned. Adding to the danger, there is always the possibility of a Blood Hunt despite your elder status. If they haven’t already, certain elders can be expected to use their informations to force you to back their cause. You receive a +3 difficulty modifier on any Social roll involving elder Kindred who know your secret.
Diabolist, Secret (2pt Flaw)
You have committed diablerie at least once to achieve your current position of power, but no one yet knows your secret. Should the information ever be revealed, other elders may well refused you aid, shun you or, even worse, turn against you, perhaps even calling a Blood Hunt. It is imperative you keep this information hidden. Should your secret ever be reveled you will received a +3 difficulty modifier to any Social roll involving elder Kindred.
Disease Carrier (4pt Flaw)
Your blood carries a lethal and highly contagious disease. The disease can be anything from rabies to HIV, and Kindred who drink your blood have a 10 percent chance of becoming a carrier as well. You must spend an extra blood point each night on awakening, or you will being manifesting symptoms of the disease (increased chance to frenzy for rabies, reduced soak rolls for HIV, etc.)
Discipline Inept (5pt Flaw)
For some unknown reason you are particularly inept with one of your clan disciplines. You pay out-of-clan costs to raise it.
Disfigured (2pt Flaw)
A hideous disfigurement makes you ugly and easy to notice as well as remember. You therefore have a zero Appearance, much like the Nosferatu (who cannot take this Flaw)
Disgrace to the Blood (3pt Flaw)
Your sire regards the fact that he Embraced you to be a titanic mistake, and has let everyone know it. You are mocked in Elysium, taunted by your peers and actively despised by the one who should be giving you guidance. Any request or petition you make is likely to be looked down upon by friends of your sire, and your achievements are likely to be discounted.
Driving Goal (3pt Flaw)
You have personal goal, which sometimes compels and directs you in starting ways. The goal is always limitless in depth, and you can never truly achieve it. It could be to eradicate the Sabbt or achieve Golconda. Because you must work towards your goal throughout the chronicle (thought you can avoid it for short periods by spending Willpower), it will get you into trouble and may jeopardize other actions. Choose your driving goal carefully, as it will direct and focus everything your character does.
Dulled Bite (2pt Flaw)
For some reason your fangs never fully developed - they may not have manifested at all. When feeding, you need to find some other method of making the blood flow. Failing that, you must achieve double the normal amount of successes in order to make your bite penetrate properly. A number of Caitiff and high-generation vampires often manifest this Flaw.
Eerie Presence (2pt Flaw)
Mortals have an unconscious awareness of your undead nature, which makes them anxious and ill at ease in your presence. Because of this, difficulties of all dice rolls relating to social interaction with mortals are increased by two.
Emotional Isolation (1pt Flaw)
You have seen too many friend and family, Kindred and kine alike, swept away on the river of time and cast into oblivion. The pain of seeing so many die while you continued to exist was horrible to bear, so horrible that you have now isolated yourself emotionally from all others. You often come across as cold and utterly without feeling, but what is that to you? You are now safe from pain. Due to your total emotional isolation, you receive a +1 difficulty modifier to any Social skill rolls involving emotions and cannot spend experience points on the Empathy Talent.
Enemy (1-5pt Flaw)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. The value of this flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. The most powerful enemies (Methuselahs or Archmages) would be five point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. You must decide who your enemy is and how you became enemies in the first place.
Ennui (2pt Flaw)
You are world-weary. You have seen enough to know that nothing is ever truly new; the same events and so called passions are merely replayed again and again, with only the faces and names shifting as the many, many years go by. You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know of them once you have determined what part they play on the world stage (+1 difficulty to Perception rolls involving people you know). Due to your belief in the predictability of others, you also receive +1 difficulty to the difficulty level of the first action taken following a surprise (such as an ambush).
Escaped Target (2pt Flaw)
The flip side of Rival Sires, Escaped Target means that you had targeted a mortal for the Embrace, but someone else got there first. You cannot stand the humiliation of being cheated of your prize, and fly into a rage (+2 difficulty to avoid frenzy) whenever you see the one who got away. This hatred may lead you into other irrational behaviors, like Embracing enemies of the neonate, creating unauthorized childer or even trying to kill your rival. Furthermore, your petty and irrational behavior is well-known and quite noticeable, and as a result you are at +1 difficult on all Charisma rolls until the situation is resolved.
Expendable (1pt Flaw)
Someone in power doesn’t want you around. Maybe she wants territory you possess, or is jealous of the attention you’re getting from a prize mortal retainer - the details are irrelevant. What does matter is that she has the power to maneuver you into dangerous situations "for the good of the Camarilla" and has not compunctions about doing so.
Failure (2pt Flaw)
You once held a title in the city, but failed catastrophically in your duties. Now you are branded incompetent, excluded from circles of power and responsibility and generally ostracized by those one their way up. Your exclusion may make you a target for recruitment by the Sabbat (or so the whispers run, making you even more distrusted). Conversely, the consequences of your error - a breach of the Masquerade, an unauthorized Embrace, a lawbreaker allowed to escape - might come back to haunt you.
Flashbacks (6pt Flaw)
You managed to make it through the Creation Rights, but not wholly intact. The most insignificant thing can throw you into a different mood or state of mind. Your behavior is extremely unpredictable. Because of your precarious emotional state, your Willpower fluctuates. At the beginning of each story, make a Willpower roll (you may not spend Willpower for an automatic success, obviously). If you succeed, you may participate in the story as normal. If you fail, however, your Willpower is considered to be 1 for the duration of the session. You may roll again at the beginning of the next session to see if you regain your wits.
Flesh of the Corpse (5pt Flaw)
Your flesh does not fully regenerate once it is damaged. While you are able to heal yourself to the point of regaining fill functionality, your skin still retains the cuts, tears, bullet holes, etc., which you have incurred. Depending on the nature of the damage, this Flaw will make social dealings exceedingly difficult.
Former Prince (3pt Flaw)
Once, you held near-absolute power in a city, but those nights are gone now. Perhaps you stepped down, perhaps you were deposed, or perhaps your city fell to the Sabbat; it matters little in your reduced state. What does matter is that the prince in the city where you now dwell is aware of your prior employment, and has concerns that you might be trying to make a comeback. The machinery of the Camarilla in the city where you now make your home is subtly stacked against you, and if the prince sees and opportunity to get rid of you he just might take it.
Gangrel - Forgotten of Proteus (7pt Flaw)
You have fallen out of harmony or are simply cursed. You cannot ever possess the discipline of Protean or sense it's use.
Gangrel - Animal Enmity (5pt Flaw)
A species of animal refuses to answer to you or fraternize with you in any way. They may even attack you without provocation. Animalism is useless toward these species (i.e., canine, feline, rodent). Even if used by an ally Animalism will not effect their view of you.
Gangrel - Eyes of the Shark (3pt Flaw)
No matter how humane you are when others look you in the eye they see you as an eating machine, emotionless and cruel. Whatever your Humanity, it is treated as a three when others make eye contact with you.
Gangrel - Pied Piper (2-4pt Flaw) Animals follow you around, making it fairly easy to track you and/or find your haven. The points of the flaw determine the size of the animals (2pt -rats, bats and mice, 3pt - Cats and dogs, 4pt - Wolves, deer, bears as examples).
Gangrel - Repelled By Amulets (2pt Flaw)
Some animistic beliefs revere animals as sacred and create amulets from, or wear their feathers and claws. These amulets repel you the same as if they were crosses. You must make a willpower roll whenever you are in the presence of one or be repelled.
Gangrel - Superstitious (2pt Flaw)
The character has misconceptions about what he is. In the absence of a sire, he becomes what he believes himself to be. "Hollywood-itis," the belief that one has the powers and limitations of one of the several movie vampires, is the most common form. A more severe manifestation (possibly worth more points to the Storyteller) is a Gangrel who believes himself a Lupine.
Garou - Animal Musk: (1 point Flaw)
You smell like an animal even in Homid form. You suffer +2 difficulty on Social rolls in a situation where your smell is obvious (indoors, at a party; but not at a dump, etc.). This scent does not bother wolves, only humans.
Garou - Banned Transformation: (1-6 point flaw)
Some event prevents you from changing, except back to your breed form. Choose one from below or create your own. You must spend a Willpower point and make a Willpower power roll to change forms successfully when the restricting circumstance occurs.
• Soothing music ( 1 point)
• When wolfsbane is near (2 points)
• Without spending a Rage point (3 points)
• When silver is near (4 points)
• During the day (5 points)
• When the moon cannot be seen (6 points)
Garou - Dark Secret: (1 point Flaw)
You have some sort of secret that, if uncovered, would be of immense embarrassment to you and would make you a pariah in the Garou community. It can be anything from having murdered an elder to having been seduced into an affair with a Black Spiral Dancer. While this secret is on your mind at all times, it will come up in stories only once in a while, but when it does, watch out.
Garou - Derranged: (3 point flaw)
Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw things you weren't meant to see, and the experience drove you mad. Choose a Derangement for your character; although you can temporarily overcome this insanity with Willpower, you can never permanently rid yourself of its grip. Metis can take this Flaw as their deformity.
Garou - Foe from the Past: (1-3 point flaw)
An enemy of one of your ancestors still seeks revenge — through you. If the enemy is supernatural, such as a vampire, mage, wraith, changeling or spirit, this Flaw is worth three points; if you are being stalked by a fanatical werewolf hunter or other nonsupernatural human, it is worth one or two points, depending on how powerful your foe is. (Such a mortal probably isn't the same person that pursued your ancestor, but rather a descendant or heir of one of your ancestor's enemies.) She doesn't necessarily pursue you all the time. She is out for revenge against your ancestor, and you are simply the best path to that vengeance. You must have the Background: Past Life to purchase this Flaw.
Garou - Forced Transformation: (1-4 point flaw)
Some event or condition forces you to shapeshift uncontrollably. You must spend a Willpower point each turn to resist the change. Once changed, you cannot shift back until the condition forcing the change has passed. Choose one event from below or create your own.
• Every full moon you must assume Crinos form (2 points)
• When your auspice waxes you assume Crinos form (2 points)
• You change under influence of alcohol: to Glabro (1 point), to Crinos (2 points)
• When you are sexually aroused: to Glabro (1 point), to Crinos (2 points); if you are a lupus: to Homid (2 points)
• When you get angry (just short of a Rage roll): to Glabro (1 point), to Crinos (2 points)
• When you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos: to Glabro or Hispo (2 points), to Lupus (3 points), to Homid (4 points)
• When entering the Umbra: to Glabro, Crinos, Hispo (1 point), to Homid or Lupus (2 points)
• At the sight of wolfsbane: to Homid (1 point)
• At the sight of a vampire: to Crinos (1 point), to Homid (3 points)
• When you sense Wyrm-taint: to Crinos (1 point), to Homid (2 points)
Garou - Mark of the Predator: (2 point Flaw)
Herbivores fear you, and carnivores see you as a threat. You cannot posses the Skill: Animal Ken.
Garou - Pierced Veil (3 point Flaw)
Your Crinos form doesn't trigger the Delirium in mortals. This Flaw can be a dangerous one, as werewolf hunters find it easier to trace you and perhaps find your caern.
Garou - Pack Mentality: (2 point flaw)
The pack is your life; without it, you are nothing. Your identity is so tied to that of your pack that you always think in terms of "us" rather than "me." When in the presence of at least one packmate, you receive a -1 on all pack tactics difficulties; when alone, you receive a +1 to all difficulties. You are so dependent on your pack that sometimes you can't make decisions without them — even if you are the alpha! The Storyteller may decide that you have to make a Willpower roll or even spend a Willpower point to act on your own in a stressful situation.
Garou - Sign of the Wolf: (2 point Flaw)
You find it difficult to hide your werewolf heritage. In fact, your Homid form has all the folkloric signs of werewolves. Your eyebrows have grown together, there is hair on your palms, your second and third digits are the same length — you exhibit all manner of embarrassing conditions, in other words. In extreme cases, a pentagram may appear on your palm just before and during your auspice's phase of the moon. Obviously, it's difficult for you to hide from werewolf hunters.
Garou - Slip Sideways: (1 point Flaw)
You can't always control your passage to the Umbra. If, during a stressful situation, you should confront a highly reflective surface, roll Wits + Occult, difficulty 7, to avoid making the shift. You must still make a Gnosis roll to pass the Gauntlet in this instance, though your difficulty is 1 less — but only when you accidentally step sideways. If you want to go through, you're at normal difficulty.
Garou - Taint of Corruption (7 point Flaw)
You are touched by the Wyrm and corrupt in the eyes of other Garou. You appear as a Wyrm creature to others using the Gift: Sense Wyrm. You suffer bad dreams, as manifestations of the Wyrm come to you in your sleep to lure you to their side. Your only hope may be your pack, if it will stand beside you. Ridding yourself of this corruption should be a major undertaking; such a quest would certainly inspire many stories.
Garou - Territorial (3 point flaw)
You don't like to leave your territory, nor do you like to have strangers enter it. In fact, you get so nervous and disoriented while outside your territory that you are + 1 on all difficulties. In addition, you must make a frenzy roll to keep yourself from attacking intruders who enter your territory, unless they obtain your permission to do so.
Garou - Twisted Upbringing: (1 point Flaw)
The pack that nabbed you and took you away for your Rite of Passage taught you all the wrong things about Garou society. Everything you believe about how Garou interact is wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble. Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start (the Storyteller will tell you when). But until then, you continue to believe what you first heard, no matter how others try to trick you into thinking otherwise.
Garou - Vengeance: (2 point flaw)
You are out for revenge — perhaps the caern you belonged to was destroyed, Pentex made your best friend into a fomor or someone brutally murdered one of your parents. This may be something from your days before the Change, or its origins could be in some event from your life as a werewolf. Either way, your obsession is wreaking vengeance on an individual (or perhaps an entire group), and you make it your first priority in all situations. Your need for vengeance can be overcome only by spending Willpower points, and even then, it subsides only temporarily. Someday, you may have your revenge, but the Storyteller won't make it easy.
Garou - Ward: (3 point Flaw)
You devote yourself to the protection of a human. You may describe your ward, though the Storyteller will actually create her. This character may be a friend or relative from your pre-Change days or just a good friend. Wards have a talent for getting caught up in the action of stories, and they're frequent targets of characters' enemies. If the ward is Kinfolk, then she must be one the character has a particularly special relationship with (lover, childhood friend, etc.).
Garou - Wolf Years: (5 point Flaw)
Your life span is that of a wolf, rather than that of a normal Garou. In other words, you've got 12 to 20 years at most. You begin to take aging effects at eight years if you are lupus or within five years of the Change for a homid character. Naturally, homids with this Flaw begin aging quickly only after the Change.
Ghoul - Artificially Aged (2 pt. Revenant Flaw)
You have been fleshcrafted to look like an adult, although true maturity is still some time in your future. Although you can pass as older than you actually feel, you have difficulty dealing with complex situations. Your difficulty to resist frenzy is only one less than that of a vampire (or one more than normal, in the case of Bratovitches); tantrums come easily to you. You must also subtract one die from all Social Dice Pools that involve subtlety or sophistication.
Ghoul - Domitor Pariah (2 pt. Flaw)
You are Bound to a vampire who, for whatever reason, is unwelcome among or even hated by the other Kindred of the chronicle area. Without Cainite allies, she finds herself relying on her human and ghoul associates to get by. You will likely find yourself given additional responsibilities, which may present opportunities for you to further ingratiate yourself with the master. However, if other Kindred discover whom you serve, your life might well be in danger. The Storyteller will determine why your domitor is so despised; you are welcome to offer suggestions, but the Storyteller is under no obligation to tell you the cause of such antipathy. You might not even know that your beloved liege is hated at all; after all, who could dislike such a wonderful creature as she… ?
Ghoul - Romantic Notions (2 pt. Flaw)
You believe your entire existence as a ghoul to be head and shoulders above your previous life. You feel that your domitor needs you, and that every feeding is nothing short of an act of purest love. Revenants with this Flaw want nothing more than to serve the glorious ideals of the Sabbat, and leap to indulge any Sabbat vampire's whim.
Your Willpower is considered to be two points lower when the object of your romanticism attempts to use Dominate or Presence on you. For a vassal, the domitor triggers this penalty; for revenants, any vampire known to be Sabbat may easily influence a ghoul with this Flaw. Independents may not take this Flaw unless the Storyteller approves a common sort of vampire whom the ghoul idolizes, and with whom the ghoul puts herself at a disadvantage in dealings, due to her romanticized ideas.
Ghould - Vitae Sink (3pt. Flaw)
For whatever reason, you metabolize vitae more quickly than other ghouls do. You must be fed every two weeks, rather than every month, or lose all supernatural traits and revert to a human once more. Few ghouls with this Flaw last beyond their natural life spans; at this rate, missed feedings do happen ….
Giovanni - Inbreed (1-5pt Flaw)
A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discusses with the Storyteller before player take it for her character. The Inbreed Flaw covers all manner of physical, mental and emotional defects. A one-point Inbreeding is something simple and unobtrusive, like eyes too close together or an underbite. A three-point Inbreeding is more sever: a congenital health condition (for mortals) or a crippling physical deformity. Five-point Inbreedings are grossly disabling or emotionally crippling - everything form uselessly atrophied legs to a permanent Derangement, decided on mutually by the player ad storyteller. Inbred conditions may or may not be immediately discernible, though their point costs should be relative to their magnitude.
Glowing Eyes (3pt Flaw)
You have the stereotypical glowing eyes of vampire legend, which gives you a -1 difficulty on Intimidation rolls when you’re dealing with mortals. However, the tradeoffs are many, you are a walking tear in the Masquerade and must constantly disguise your condition (no contacts don’t cut it); the glow impairs your vision and puts you at +1 difficulty on all sight-based roll (including the use of ranged weapons); and the radiance emanating form your eye sockets make it difficult to hide (+2 difficulty to Stealth rolls) in the dark.
Grip of the Damned (4pt Flaw)
There is no ecstasy in your Embrace - only terror and pain. Mortals upon whom you feed struggle and shriek all the while as you attempt to feed, requiring you to grapple with them for as long as you wish to take their blood. For vampires with high Humanity , this experience may require a Humanity roll, at the discretion of the Storyteller.
Guilt-Wracked (4pt Flaw)
You simply cannot come to grips with the fact that you must drink blood to survive. You suffer horrible guilt over each time you feed (roll Conscience, difficulty 7, or else frenzy every time you feed) and try to avoid doing so as much as possible. This means that you rarely have much blood in your system, leaving you vulnerable to both attacks and hunger-based frenzies.
Hard of Hearing (1pt Flaw)
Your hearing is defective. The difficulties of any dice rolls involving the use of hearing are increased by two.
Hatred (3pt Flaw)
You have an unreasoning hatred of a certain thing. This hate is total and largely uncontrollable. You may hate a species of animal, a class of person, a color, a situation - anything. You must make a frenzy roll whenever faced wit the object of your hatred. You constantly pursue opportunities to harm the hated object or gain power over it.
Haunted (3pt Flaw)
You are haunted by an angry and tormented spirit, most likely one of your first victims. This spirit actively attempts to hinder you, especially when feeding, and does its utmost to vent its anguish upon you and anyone in your presence, The Storyteller determines the exact nature of the spirit, its powers, and whether or not it can eventually be laid to rest.
Humanitarian (3pt Flaw)
You believe that human life is a sacred gift and will not take a person's life except in the most extreme of circumstances. You may not ever willingly endanger the lives of innocents or in any way participate in a killing. You have no problems with killing animals (for the right reasons), and will kill evil and inhuman creatures to protect others if necessary. (Be very careful, however, with your definition of "evil"?) Senseless death in all forms repulses you, and you feel that those who perform murder should be punished and stopped.
Hunted (4pt Flaw)
You have come to the attention of a witch-hunter, or some similar individual who now seeks your destruction. This hunter is beyond reason and has some form of power, influence or authority that puts you at a disadvantage. Your friends, family and associates are likewise endangered. Sooner or later, this Flaw will result in a confrontation. The resolution should not be an easy one, and until then you are in for one hellish time.
Hunted Like a Dog (3pt Flaw)
Another sect or group of vampires be it an independent clan or the Sabbat as a whole - has decided you’re a target for extermination, and pursue you relentlessly. On the bright side, the enemies of your enemy may well wish to help you out, potentially garnering your allies in this one instance.
Illiterate (1pt Flaw)
Through lack of education or as the result of a condition like dyslexia, you are unable to read or write.
Impatient (1pt Flaw)
You have no patience for standing around and waiting. You want to do everything now, and the Devil take the hindmost. Every time you are forced to wait around instead off acting, a Self-Control roll is required to see if you go haring off on your own instead.
Incomplete Understanding (1pt Flaw)
The whole matter has been explained to you, but you’re still not quite sure how this whole Camarilla/Masquerade thing works. Your imperfect understanding of the riles and regulations of your new existence means that sooner or later, you’re going to make a mistake. It’s only a matter of time…
Inept (5 pt Flaw)
You are not attuned to your natural aptitudes, and therefore have five fewer points to spend on your Talents (the most you could take on your Talents would be eight, and the least would be 0). Of course, you can still spend freebie points to take Talents. However, you cannot at the start of the game, have any Talents at 3 or higher.
Infamous Family (1pt Flaw) — You come from a family that is very well known, but not very well liked. You have a bad reputation, and have a particularly hard time losing it because it is seen as a family trait, not a personal one. You have trouble trusting others because others in your community have always acted against you (probably for no more reason than the blood in your veins).
Infamous Sire (1pt Flaw)
Your sire was, and perhaps still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the Kindred in the city. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as well ,This is a heavy load, and one not easily shed.
Infectious Bite (2pt Flaw)
You lack the enzymes that allow most Kindred to seal the wounds caused by their feeding. You may not automatically lick the wounds of your feeding closed. IN fact, your bites have a one on five chance of becoming infected and causing mortal victims to become seriously ill. The precise nature of the infection is determined by the Storyteller.
Insane Sire (1pt Flaw)
Your sire has completely lost his grip on reality, and has become dangerously insane. Any wrong committed by your sire may affect your standing, and some of your sire’s dangerous schemes may somehow involve you. Because their sires are already assumed to be insane, Malkavians cannot take this Flaw.
Intolerance (1pt Flaw)
You have an unreasoning dislike of a certain thing. This may be an animal, a class of person, a color, a situation, or just about anything at all. The difficulties of all dice tolls involving the subject are increased by two. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial to be reflect here - a dislike of White Wolf Magazine or tissue paper, for instance, will have little effect on play in most chronicles. The Storyteller is the final arbiter on what you can pick to dislike.
Known to be Dead (2pt Flaw)
Communities are small, and deaths and disappearances are known to all. You originally lived in the area where the chronicle is set, and the locals know that you are dead. Perhaps they saw you die, or you were discovered in torpor and pronounced dead (perhaps even buried). At ht moment this causes you no problems - but if you use your real name or are spotted by people who knew you. Then you can expect problems. Exorcists, pious knights and others (perhaps even local Lupines) will seek to destroy you; demons, mages and others may come to offer you "assistance".
Lame (3pt Flaw)
Your legs are injured or otherwise prevented from working effectively. You suffer a two-dice penalty to all dice rolls related to movement. A character may not take this Flaw along with Double Jointed.
Lasombra - Cloaked in Shadows (4pt Flaw)
The shadows come to you even when you do not call them, wrapping themselves around you like a cloak in constant motion. This makes you stand out in any crows, and you can no longer pass for "normal" even when you so wish. Other Cainites may well avoid your company, being discomforted by your strange affliction. Lasombra in particular find you unpleasant company (+2 difficulty on all Social rolls) because your inability to master your shadows demonstrate a failure of will on your part.
Lasombra - Enmity of Shadows (4pt Flaw)
The shadows summoned by the Lasombra are unpredictable, and could possibly attack the summoner. The Lasombra must make a Willpower roll difficulty 6 each time he uses Obtenebration power of Level 3 or greater. A success indicates that the power functions normally; with a failure the summoned shadow attacks their putative master.
Lasombra - Image Obsession (1-5pt Flaw)
As Lasombra cannot see their apperance, those with this Flaw find themselfs hypnotized by the vagaries of their own apperance. The compulsive behavior may be small at first (1 point), manifesting itself as a repeated questioning of others as to their looks. ("Does my hair look alright? Really?"), to obsessive behaviors such as brushing hair, adjusting clothes and the like. The symptoms occasionally run the gamut to full-fledged mania (5 points), wherein the afflicted Lasombra are constantly attended by ghouls intent on grooming them and can speak of little save their appearance.
Lasombra - Marked for Death (2-5pt Flaw)
The Courts of Blood have found you and at least one fledgling is now hot after your blood. While you probably can defeat this threat on your own, the wait is maddening. Furthermore,. There is the implied insult bound up in the court’s decision - your peers obviously feel that you are incompetent and need to be replaced. After all, even if you defeat one would-be diablerist, there is no guarantee you won’t be hunted by a second, or third. The point cost of this Flaw varies, depending upon the strength of the Cainite who has been granted permission to hunt you, the conditions laid upon the hunt and whether or not the court has seen fit to inform you of your current status. Consult with your Storyteller to see what the details of your situation are - and how many she’ll share with you.
Lasombra - Religious Prohibition (2-4pt Flaw)
Taken from Hebrew stock, you grew up strongly religious. Part of that religion, however, is a dietary restriction forbidding you to taste blood. Even animal blood is forbidden to you by this law, and you find yourself racked by pangs of conscience every time you feed. This is a variable Flaw. At 2 points, you simply restrict yourself to feeding on animals or blood that has been drained by a ritual butcher. At 4 points you abstain from feeding unless it is absolutely necessary (3 Blood Points or less), and even then you may well fall into pits of self-flagellating despair.
Lasombra - Unable To Swim (2pt flaw)
The character has never learned to swim, or has been thaught but reverts to helpless flailing. Consider this character's Athletics rating to be zero for purposes of the movement rules (see "Blood-Dimmed Tides"). A character cannot take this flaw unless he has at least one dot in Athletics, and a character with the Secondary Ability: Swimming cannot take this Flaw for obvious reasons. At the storyteller's discretion, a character who takes swimming lessons after game play begins may buy off this Flaw at the cost of six experience points after using experience to raise his Athletics score at least one dot.
Laughingstock (5pt Flaw)
Somehow you’re draw the scorn of the local harpies, who make you their favorite and reflexive target. You are at +2 difficulty on all Social roll in Elysium and a +1 anywhere else in the city. In addition, you are at +2 difficulty to use Intimidation or any Dominate powers on anyone who has heard the stories mocking you.
Leper (3pt Flaw)
Before you were Embraced you suffered from leprosy or a skin disease which might be easily confused with leprosy. Your Appearance may be no higher than 2, and your flesh is marred by rashes, pale patches, festering sores, scars etc. Your skin disease whatever it actually is, is obvious to any who look upon you. Mortal authorities refuse you entry to any city, and you will be treated with fear and revulsion. Very likely (Storyteller’s discretion) your condition is still contagious, though being undead it cannot have any further effect on you. This Flaw is worth only 1 point to Nosferatu, and then only if the disease is contagious.
Light Sensitive (5pt Flaw)
You are even more sensitive to sunlight than other vampires are. Sunlight causes double damage, and even moonlight (which is, after all, the reflected light of the sun) harms you. Indeed, even bright lights can be painful, but the pain can be mitigated by wearing sunglasses. When the moon is shining, the light it casts will cause wounds in the same way sunlight does for normal individuals. However, the wounds caused by the moon are not aggravated, and can be healed normally. Remember, even on nights when the moon is full, it may have already set when you venture outside, or be obscured by the clouds.
Loathsome Regnant (4pt Flaw)
Not only are you blood bound, but you are also in thrall to a vampire who mistreats you hideously., perhaps you are publicly abused or humiliated; perhaps your master forces you to commit unspeakable acts for him, In any case, existence under the bond is a never-ending nightmare, with your regnant serving to conduct the symphony of malice.
Lord of the Flies (2pt Flaw)
Buzzing harbringers of decay swirl around you everywhere. Their constant presence makes it difficult for you to interact socially (+1 difficulty when appropriate) and nearly impossible to sneak up on someone or hide effectively. The buzzing of the files inevitably gives you away - all Stealth rolls are at +2 difficulty.
Lost Love (1pt Flaw) — You have lost your true love to death, distance, or marriage. You take little joy in life's pleasures and give up easily in the face of difficulty, since you've already lost the most important struggle. On those occasions when you forget yourself and have a good time, you inevitably feel sorrow afterwards as you think about how it could have been if your true love were with you. Still, time heals all wounds.
Low Self-Image (2pt Flaw)
You lack self-confidence and don’t believe in yourself. You have two fewer dice in situations where you don’t expect to succeed (at Storyteller’s discretion), though the penalty might be limited to one die if you help the Storyteller by pointing out times when this Flaw might affect you). At the Storyteller’s option, you may be required to make Willpower rolls to do things that require self-confidence, or even to use a Willpower point when others would not be obliged to do so.
Lunacy (2pt Flaw)
You are affected by the phases of the moon, increasing your chances of frenzy. Under the crescent moon, difficulties to avoid frenzy increase by one. Under the half or gibbous moon, difficulties rise by two. When the moon is full, difficulties increase by three.
Magic Susceptibility (2pt Flaw)
You are susceptible to the magical rituals of the Tremere, as well as to spells of mages of other creeds an orders. The difficulty to cast a spell upon you is two less, and all spells cast have twice normal effect on you.
Masquerade Breaker (2pt Flaw)
In your first nights as a member of the Kindred, you accidentally broke the Masquerade - and were spotted doing so. Someone else covered for your mistake, but holds the favor over you. Now you exits in fear that your error will be revealed. In the meantime, you "savior" takes pitiless advantage of you.
Matricide/Patricide (4pt Flaw)
You have committed diablerie upon your own sire. If this information becomes known among elder vampires you will be shunned, or perhaps even put to the sun. You are most certainly an easy target for blackmail, and you must always be alert to the signs of other Kindred searching for information about your sire and his untimely demise (or "disappearance").
Methusalah's Thirst (7pt Flaw)
You can only feed on other Vampires, the blood of mortals and animals does nothing for you. This is a very dangerous flaw, normally one possessed only by ancient vampires.
Mistaken Identity (1pt Flaw)
You look similar to another Kindred, and are mistaken for her, much to your chagrin. This individual’s allies will approach you and tell you things you do not want to hear, her enemies will attempt to do away with you, and other will treat you in odd ways. Ultimately you might be able to sort out things, but it will take tremendous effort.
Monstrous (3pt Flaw)
There is something wholly monstrous about you, something that makes you even more hideous than a Nosferatu. You scarcely look human, but the manner in which you differ is up to you. Perhaps you have grown scales or warts all over your body, or perhaps the scream you issued when you died has been permanently frozen on your face. Not only is your Appearance a zero, but you make even the Nosferatu uneasy. Nosferatu may take this Flaw, but only gain one point for it.
Mute (4pt Flaw)
You cannot speak. You communicate with the Storyteller and describe your actions, but cannot talk to player or Storyteller characters unless everyone concerned uses Linguistics dots to purchase a commonly understood sign language or you write down what you wish to say.
Naive (1 pt) — You see world in rose-colored hues. Your privileged upbringing (or massive psychological repression of abuse) makes you all too ready to accept others as kind and caring. You are always the last to suspect foul play or bad intent on the part of another, and this can get you in real trouble. On the other hand, the Flaw often leads people of the Caregiver nature to take you under their wings with more fervor than usual.
Narc (3pt Flaw)
You are known to be a snitch, an informer planted in the sheriff’s pocket. Those on whom you might yet inform loathe you as a result, feeding you misinformation when they can in an attempt to discredit you. Given the opportunity, they might do you mischief. Regardless, our reputation as a full fledged weasel precedes you, putting you at +1 difficulty on all Social rolls against those who don’t agree with you politics
New Arrival (1pt Flaw)
You’ve just arrived in your new city of residence, and have done so without knowing anyone in the place. Existing fractions may try to recruit or eliminate you, while the harpies size you up and take your measure. Meanwhile, your ignorance of the city’s current events, history and politics (not to mention the personality quirks of the vampires already in place) may cause you to make a serious blunder.
New Kid (1pt Flaw)
You’re the latest Embracee in the city, and everyone knows it. That automatically puts you at the bottom of the social totem pole. Other neonates take every opportunity to demonstrate your inferiority to you, proving that the dynamics of the schoolyard are alive and well in the Camarilla. Even if someone else is added to the ranks of the unliving , you’re still regarded as something as a bit of a geek by your peers - a distinction that can have dangerous consequences if bullets start flying. All Social rolls are at =1 difficulty when you are dealing with other neonates.
Nightmares (1pt Flaw)
You experience horrendous nightmare (daymares?) every time you sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking hours. Sometimes the nightmares are so bad they cause you to lose one die on all your actions for the next night. (Storyteller’s discretion). Some of the nightmare may be so intense that you mistake them for reality. A crafty Storyteller will be quick to take advantage of this.
Nosferatu - Anosmia (2pt Flaw)
You have no sense of smell or taste. The vilest odors and flavors imaginable cannot affect you; in fact, you do not even recognize their presence. You cannot attempt a Perception roll that involves either of these senses. However, any supernatural attack involving horrific odors and tastes does not affect you. Granted, Nosferatu who have surrounded themselves with unseemly funk long enough become immune to just about any foul odor, but you simply do not recognize smells at all. MET: From the reek of spoiled milk to the delicate perfume of a magnolia in bloom, from the tang of blood on your tongue to the memory of your last martini, the world of scent and taste is lost to you. You may not take this Flaw and the Merits: Acute Sense: Smell or Acute Sense: Taste. You automatically lose any challenges relating to smell or taste; Heightened Senses for taste or smell has no affect on this.
Nosferatu - Blunt Fangs (1pt Flaw)
Your teeth are huge and square, not sharp like those of other vampires. To do damage with a bite attack, you must score an additional success (thus, this extra success subtracts from the amount of damage you do). Once you have sunk you teeth into your prey, you inflict a level of damage for every two blood points you take. Once your fangs are locked in a victim’s flesh, you’ve got to chew and chew and chew..
Nosferatu - Club Foot (1pt Flaw)
One of your feet is gnarled and deformed. You move at only half normal speed.
Nosfertau - Enemy Brood (3pt Flaw)
A brood of your fellow Nosferatu have an unceasing vendetta against you. You can run from them, but you can’t hide. If you stay in the same city, they will pool whatever resources they have to make your existence a living hell. Traveling through the local sewers is a nightmare. If you flee, they will use their influence and contacts to call in favors in the next city you show your ugly mug. The Storyteller may allow you to buy off this Flaw, but only after you’ve completed a story in which you’ve resolved and overcome this social stigma.
Nosferatu - Infamous Autarkis (1pt Flaw)
The Camarilla won’t accept you as one of its own under any circumstance. The Sabbat wouldn’t think of submitting you to Creation Rites — it’s just not worth it. Something in your past, your reputation or your sire’s background is so abhorrent that both sects reject you utterly. You aren’t just autarkis; your infamy spreads throughout both sects of vampiric society. Although you might find a coterie that’s willing to work with you, they would not dare take you to any gathering of Camarilla or Sabbat vampires for fear of damaging their own reputations. The Storyteller may allow you to buy off this Flaw but only after you’ve completed a story in which you’ve resolved and overcome this social stigma. MET: You may never gain Camarilla or Sabbat Status. This marks you as automatic prey for the Scourge in a Camarilla city, and for any likely hunters in a Sabbat city.
Nosferatu - Necrophile (3pt Flaw)
No, you don’t have sex with the dead, but you certainly enjoy their company. You are obsessed with dead bodies and “invite” them over to your domain. Your haven is distastefully decorated with severed and mutilated body parts of all kinds. You talk to your dead friends, dance with them, make art out of them and entertain frequently. Some vampires of particularly refined temperament may need to overcome a Courage roll (difficulty 4) to enter a room where you’ve left your guests and their accouterments. Toreador go apeshit; Toreador antitribu applaud. For some reason, this Flaw is very popular among Leatherfaces.
Nosferatu - Nosferatu Caitiff (1pt Flaw)
You were Embraced by a Nosferatu, but failed to meet the standards of even that clan, and were subsequently rejected by your sire, As you did not complete the Becoming process, you were not fully transformed, but you still look rather odd. You begin the game with an Appearance rating of 1, and raising your Appearance costs double the usual number of experience points. In addition, you present a tempting target for just about any bully - other Caitiff may not have much to kick around, but a "Nosferatu reject" certainly offers possibilities for abuse. Not all Caitiff sired by Nosferatu have this flaw; nobody knows why some do and some don’t.
Nosferatu - Parasitic Infestation (2pt Flaw)
In many ways this Flaw is the negative counterpart of Swarm Attractor. Several species of hemovores - ticks, lice, mosquitoes, gnats, chiggers, leeches and the like - find your blood particularly tasty. These creatures crawl and hide among the creases and folds of your skin despite your best efforts to remove them. Particularly persistent are those vermin that drink from you three times and thus become enormous, bloated, Blood Bound ghouls. You may not command the vermin in any fashion; they are too intoxicated on your vitae to be of any use (though they do love you for what’s it’s worth). The parasites also drink from one to four of your Blood Point each night (roll a die and divide by three, rounding up). This forces you to hunt more often. Finally the constant itching and irritation increases by one the difficulties of all your rolls to avoid frenzy.
Nosferatu - Parasitic Infestation (2pt Flaw)
Other creatures live on or inside you. Exotic hemovores — chiggers, gnats, ticks, lice, mosquitoes, leeches and unnamable bloodsucking fungal spores — consider the creases, folds and scabrous layers of your skin delightful. Your flesh continuously twitches and writhes, and living things burrow inside you, possibly even nesting in the cavities of your body. Despite all your ingenious methods of discouraging them, this loathsome hosting will not disperse. You cannot command these vermin in any fashion; in fact, the worst of them are very defiant because they have been strengthened and corrupted by your foul vitae. Each day, when you rise, roll one die. Divide the result b y three, rounding up. The result is the number of blood points you lose to the blood-intoxicated parasites within and upon you. In addition, the constant itching puts on you edge; increase the difficulty of all Self-Control rolls by one. MET: When you go into play at the beginning of the evening, make the usual vitae test. Once you learn your level of vitae, make four Simple Tests — each loss or tie indicates a Blood Trait lost to your parasites. You suffer a one-Trait penalty during Self-Control tests. Roleplay the constant itching the parasites give you; also wear a tag to indicate to onlookers that your skin is quite literally crawling.
Nosferatu - Putrescence (3pt Flaw)
The mystic process that inhibit the natural decay of the vampiric form were less effective on you. As a result, you constantly rot, though a day’s rest checks and to some degree heals the effects. Your soak Dice Pool is reduced by one, and if you are jarred or hit violently (more than three successes after soak) you must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 6). If you fail, one of your facial features or fingers falls off if you botch, one of the levels of damage is aggravated and one of your limbs falls off. This will regrow when the aggravated wound is healed.
Nosferatu - Stench (1pt Flaw)
Few Nosferatu smell good, but you reach a new nadir or odiferousness. Even other Nosferatu are repulsed by your stink, and your Stealth Dice Pools are reduced by two against any creature that can small, unless you are upwind. Clan Book Nosferatu (pub)2000: Nosfertau - Stench (1pt Flaw) Even other Nosferatu recoil at your horrific odor. Subtract two dice from any Stealth roll when evading any creature that can smell (unless you are upwind).
Notoriety (3pt Flaw)
You have a bad reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire. There is a two-dice penalty to all dice rolls for social dealings with the city’s Kindred. A character with this Flaw may not take the Merit of Reputation.
Old Flame (2pt Flaw)
Someone you once cared for deeply is now with the enemy. Unlike the Enemy flaw, this person was a romantic interest, even so far as to hold a romatic relationship with you. He still attempts to play on your sympathies "for old times’ sake" while working against you. Unless you succeed on a contested Manipulation + Expression roll against your former friend, you do not act against him unless the situation becomes life-threatening.
Obsession (2 pt) — There is something you like, love, or are fascinated by to the point where you often disregard common sense to cater to this drive. You react positively to anything related to your obsession, even if it's not in your best interests. For example, if you are obsessed with supernatural creatures, you will go out of your way to talk to and befriend vampires, werewolves and stranger things, and find out as much as you can about them, disregarding all warnings. There are many other obsessions, including women, men, guns, knives, sports, roleplaying games, you know the type.
One Arm (3pt Flaw)
You have only one arm - choose which, or determine randomly at character creation. This happened before the Embrace. It is assumed that you are accustomed to using your remaining hand, so you suffer no off-hand penalty. However, you do suffer a two-dice penalty to any Dice Pool where two hands would normally be needed to perform a task. A character may not take this Flaw with the Merit Ambidextrous.
One Eye (2 pt Flaw)
You have lost an eye, and cannot regenerate it. You have no peripheral vision on your blind side, and must roll two fewer dice for any feat requiring depth perception (including missile combat).
Open Wound (2-4pt Flaw)
You have one or more wounds that refuse to heal, and which constantly drip blood. This slow leakage costs you an extra blood point per evening (marked off just before dawn), in addition to drawing attention to you. If the wound is visible, you are +1 difficulty for all Social-based rolls. For two points, the Flaw is simply unsightly and has the basic effect mentioned above; for four points the seeping wound is serious or disfiguring and includes the effects of the Flaw Permanent Wound.
Outlaw (4 pt) — You are an infamous criminal with a price on your head. Although no one might be devoted full-time to your capture, you can be sure that someone is sent after you whenever you come to the attention of the authorities. If you are caught, there may be a debate about whether to kill you outright or save you for public execution, but your death is assured.
Overconfident (1pt Flaw)
You are an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own worth and capabilities - you never hesitate to trust your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat. Because your abilities may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to blame. If you are convincing enough, you can infect others with you overconfidence.
Overextended (4pt Flaw)
You’ve got your fingers in too many pies, and people are starting to notice. You have too many ghouls, too many retainers and too many influences, which ,means that a lot of people have vested interest in trimming back your operations. These enemies take every opportunity to reduce your power and influence, and if that means lying, cheating or killing, so be it. Furthermore, your enemies block every attempt you make to move into new areas of control. You’re boxed in, and the box is getting smaller.
Paramour, Jilted (1-3pt Flaw)
You had a long-term relationship (minimum 50 years) with a fellow Kindred. Although the relationship proved useful and pleasant while it lasted, you grew weary of your former paramour and ended the long term tyst. Unfortunately, your former paramour did not take the ending of the affair well, and has apparently developed a strong antipathy for you. You both known many of each other’s secrets and this has caused a stalemate thus far, but you are concerned that your ex-paramour may interfere in your affairs at some time in the future. The cost of this Flaw depends on the relative power and position of your ex-paramour in Kindred society ( 1 for an ancilla, 2 for another elder of equal power, 3 for a more powerful elder).
Paranoia, Extreme (3pt Flaw)
You are certain the world is full of creatures and people who wish to see you destroyed. However, you do not worry about those individuals who loathe you from a distance. It is the ones you let get near you, the ones who profess some caring towards you, you are the real danger. Of course, not all your associates and so-called friends are actually enemies (at least they probably all aren’t). However, you know that no one ever does anything they don’t believe to be for their own benefit. You are constantly alert seeking to commit diablerie, stake you, or worst. Whenever someone you know performs an act that appears selfless, you must make a successful Self-Control roll to resist branding them a traitorous, implacable enemy bent on your destruction (and taking appropriate actions against such a monster!). The Storyteller may also decide that your companions’ actions are suspiciously altruistic and necessitate such a roll.
Paraplegic (6pt Flaw)
You can hardly move without the assistance, such as a pair of crutches or a wheelchair. Even then it can be painful and cumbersome to do so. The Storyteller and you should take care to roleplay this Flaw correctly, not matter how difficult it makes things. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit Double-Jointed.
Pelagic Compulsion (2pt flaw)
The afflicted character feels inexplicably drawn to the sea at the expense of his ability to concentrate on other matters (+1 difficulty to all Willpower rolls if the character has been out of sight of the ocean for more than 24 hours). This call can be temporarily satisfied by an extended sea voyage, and is most often felt in the first 50 years of unlife.
Permanent Fangs (3pt Flaw)
Your fangs do not retract, making it impossible for you to hide your true nature. While some mortals may think you’ve had your teeth filed or are wearing prosthetics, sooner or later you’re going to run into someone who knows what you truly are. You are a constant threat to the Masquerade, and other Kindred may take steps to prevent a breach from ever occurring. You are also limited to an Appearance rating of 3 at most.
Permanent Wound (3pt Flaw)
You suffered injuries during the Embrace, which your sire did nothing to repair. You start each night at the Wounded Health Level. This can be healed like normal damage, but each evening, after sleep, your wounds always return.
Phobia-Mild (1pt Flaw)
You have an overpowering fear of something. You instinctively and illogically retreat from and avoid the object of your fear. Common objects of phobias include certain animals, insects, crowds, open spaces, confined spaces and heights. You must make a Courage roll whenever you encounter the object you fear. The difficulty of this roll is determined by the Storyteller. IF you fail the roll, you must retreat from the object.
Phobia-Severe (3pt Flaw)
You have an overpowering fear of something. Common objects of fear include certain animals, insects, crows, open spaces, confined spaces, heights, and so on. You must make a Courage roll not to enter Rotschreck when faced with the object of your fear. The difficulty depends on the circumstances. If you fail the roll, you must retreat in terror from the object of fear. IF you score fewer than three successes, you will not approach it. The Storyteller has final say over which phobias are allowed in a chronicle.
Poseidon's Call (1pt Flaw)
An individual with this condition, finds her stability directly tied to that of the weather, calming as skies clear and growing progressively more bloodthirsty as a storm mounts (rolls to resist frenzy are at -1 difficulty in completely calm weather, but +1 on rough seas, +2 in the middle of a thunderstorm, and +3 during a hurricane).
Poverty (1pt Flaw)
You are very poor for an elder vampire. Either you never bothered to save anything over the years, or you throw away any accumulated wealth for your own, obscure reasons. You may not take nay Resources.
Prestation Debt (1-5pt Flaw)
You currently owe a boon to one or more other Kindred. This debt could have been incurred far in the past, or only last week, but the Kindred to whom you owe the debt is still extant. As such, she has gained some Status over you, and you are at a slight disadvantage in any dealings you have with her. It is also conceivable that your debt could be called in, and that you could be asked to perform some service or favor for any such vampire to whom you are indebted.
Prey Exclusion (1pt Flaw)
You have an overpowering fear of something. For instance and animal-lover might decide to hunt only humans, or a character might decide to spare a class of person she particularly admires: police, teachers, medical professionals, clergy, peace activists and so on. You are disturbed when others feed from this type of prey, and could possibly enter a frenzy (Storyteller’s discretion). If you accidentally feed upon this class of prey yourself, you will automatically frenzy and will need to make a roll for Humanity (difficulty 8 or greater. Note: This is not as restrictive as the Ventrue limitation, which limits a vampire to a certain class of prey (therefore Ventrue cannot take this Flaw).
Probationary Sect Member (4pt Flaw)
You are a defector. You tuned traitor to the Camarilla, Sabbat, Followers of Set or other vampirc orders, and you still have much to prove before you are accepted by the Kindred you have defected to. Elders, ancillae and even neonates treat you with distrust and even hostility, and your reputation might even sully those whom you regularly associate with.
Ravnos - Family Enmity (2pt Flaw)
By an act of betrayal, or perhaps a simple "misunderstanding", you have gained the scorn of one of the families. They will not offer any assistance to you, and may even alert your enemies to your presence in a city. Until you redeem yourself, be it through unrewarded loyalty or perhaps remarkable cunning, they will interfere with your plans and darken your name wherever they travel. Note: You may not take a Family Enmity with the Tsurara or the Ravnos families.
Ravnos - Marhime (3pt Flaw)
You have committed some grievous crimes against the Rom, and are now shunned by their families (including the Ravnos). Though they do not work against you, they avoid contact, as you might contaminate them (difficulties of all Social rolls involving other Gypsies increase by two). Cleansing yourself of your crime is an arduous uphill battle; until you are redeem by a kris, you are unable to travel in the company of your people for anything longer than a few nights before they drive you away.
Ravnos - Wuzho Enemy (2pt Flaw)
You have drawn the attention of one of the Wuzho. This enemy is quite dangerous, as he wishes nothing more than to send you to your end. Though he does not confront you directly, he works to thwart your plans whenever possible - destroying family ties or angering other mulo against you - waiting for the night when you are not longer able to defend yourself against him.
Recently Arisen (3pt Flaw)
You have been lying in a state of torpor until very recently. The years have left you in their wake and the world has been remade in your absence. The culture shock is very jarring, and you still find it difficult to make your way in this strange new environment. Only the general flow of Kindred politics and society remains reasonably familiar; the rest of the world is gibberish. You receive +2 difficulty level of rolls involving technology and social interactions with everyone save other Kindred.
Recruitment Target (1pt Flaw)
The Sabbat want you, and they want you bad. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time.
Red List (7pt Flaw)
ou are either being considered for or are already on the dreaded Red List, the registry of those vampires the Camarilla most wants extinguished. Any Camarilla vampire will either attack you on sight or, more likely, call in for a great deal of help.
Repelled by Crosses (3pt Flaw)
You are repelled by the sight of ordinary crosses (just as if they were holy). Kindred who were of the Church prior to their Embrace are the ones most likely to possess this Flaw; they perceive that their new form is a judgment from God.
Repulsed by Garlic (1pt Flaw)
You cannot abide the smell of garlic, and the smallest taint of its scent will drive you from a room. The full force of its pungent odor will bring blood tears to your face and render you early blind, while its touch can cause boils and even open wounds.
Rival Sires (2pt Flaw)
Not one, but two vampires wanted to gift you with the Embrace. One succeeded, one failed - and she’s not happy about that failure. Either you, your actually sire or both of you have become the target of the failed suitor’s ire. Regardless, your persecutor is at +2 difficulty to refrain from frenzy in your presence. In addition, she may be working actively to discredit or destroy you.
Routine (2pt Flaw)
Through the ages you have settled into somewhat of a routine. You tend to go to the same places at the same times of year, and to proceed from haven to haven in a regular order. If others studied you behavior closely, they might be able to take advantage of it to do you harm. The Storyteller may lower the difficulty level for anyone attempting to surprise the character from 1-3 points depending on the specific nature of the situation.
Salubri - Odd Eye (1-2pt Flaw)
Your third eye looks strikingly different than the two you were born (and Embraced) with. For one point, the third eye us merely a different color (i.e. blue, when you have brown eyes), while for two points it’s something rather disturbing (i.e. violet, red, slitted, like a cat’s eyes). Needles to say, this inhuman feature is not going to help your reputation.
Salubri - Stubborn (1-3pt Flaw)
There is conviction of spirit, there is unshakable will, and there is just plain being orney. You fall into the last category. When your mind is made up, or when you’re set on doing something, nothing can divert you. For one point, you’re set in your ways, but a convincing argument will turn you around. For two points, you’re a regular mule, and nothing’s likely to change your mid short of a catastrophe. For three points, you’ll not only defend you conviciton to Hell’s door, you’ll kick it in and argue with the Devil. This Flaw is most often taken by warriors.
Salubri - Unblooded (5pt Flaw)
You never received any ritual of blooding from your sire or other warriors, and so your training is at a standstill. You may not progress beyond the second level of Valern until you receive a ritual of blooding, ad you are two Traits down in any Social roll against a blooded Salubri. Only warriors Salubri make take this Flaw.
Salubri - Visible Eye (5pt Flaw)
You cannot get your third eye to close. It remains open even when you sleep. While you can cover it, covering it tightly is too painful to be borne. You may spend Willpower to force it shut for 10 minutes, but it snaps back open immediately thereafter.
Second-Class Citizen (2pt Flaw)
The simple happenstance of birth has made you a second-class citizen in medieval Europe. This tends to come in two forms. First, you might simply be female. Mortal men may treat you as a natural inferior, and many male Cainites also discriminate against you. Furthermore, you must rationalize taking any combat-oriented skills (Brawl, Melee, or Archery) or certain Knowledges (Bureaucracy, Finance, Academics) during character creation. Being a woman usually precludes tuition in these exclusively male areas. Alternately, you might be a member of a disliked or persecuted social group, and your appearance, speech or local reputation marks you as a member of this group. You are excluded from local politics, and are distrusted and hated by most local mortal. (Remember too, that many Cainites retain prejudices of the societies which bore or sustain them.) You may be an Arab in Western Europe, or a Jew. Or perhaps you were convicted thief, with a brand on you face or forehead attesting to your conviction, or an infamous local prostitute. You also might be a member of a resented immigrant group (like a wealthy Norman from Wales). Either way you can be targeted by angry mobs needing a scapegoat…Bear in mind that you need not take this Flaw! A female vampire without this flaw is simply assumed to be able to overcome societal pressures and garner respect. Take this Flaw only if you want to roleplay a vampire at a social disadvantage.
Selective Digestion (2pt Flaw)
You can digest only certain types of blood. You can choose whether you can drink only cold blood (the blood of a dead person), blood with the taste of fear (found in blood only in moments of terror), or blood with the taste of job, or perhaps only certain types (A,O, etc.) This Flaw may not be taken by Ventrue characters, since they already have something like it though their clan weakness.
Setites - Aura of the Wyrm (5pt Flaw)
You radiate corruption to such a degree that any Garou in the locale are drawn towards you. This is a serious Flaw, as your unlife is constantly threatened by frenzied attacks directed against you by enraged werewolves.
Setites - Forked Tongue (2pt Flaw)
Your tongue is forked and flickering, like that of a snake. You speak with a hiss. Upholding the Masquerade becomes difficult for you. Note that this tongue does not inflict aggravated damage, nor draw blood.
Setites - Heartless (4pt Flaw)
Having removed your heart via the fifth level of Serpentis, you have lost it. The heart might be in the possession of a foe, or simply missing. If it is possesses by some other Cainite (perhaps a Setite elder, or your sire) you must obey their every command. If it is lost, the anxiety this causes you interferes with your nightly existence.
Setites - Scales (1-3pt Flaw)
During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. If only a small area, one easily hidden, such as a patch of skin on your shoulder, this is only a one-point Flaw. Having an entire limb affected, such as an arm, forcing you to wear long gloves at all times, is a two-point Flaw, while having a scaled, lipless face is a three-point Flaw.
Short (1pt Flaw)
You are below average height, and have trouble seeing over high objects and moving quickly. You suffer a two-dice penalty to all pursuit rolls and you and the Storyteller should make sure your height is taken into account in all situations. In some circumstances, this will give you a concealment bonus.
Shy (1pt Flaw)
You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people, and try to avoid social situations whenever possible. The difficulties of all rolls concerned with social dealings are increased by one; the difficulties of any rolls made while you are the center of attention are increased by two. Don’t expect such a character to make a public speech.
Sire’s Resentment (1pt Flaw)
Your sire dislikes you and wishes you ill. Given the smallest opportunity, your sire will seek to do you harm, and may even attack you if provoked. Your sire’s friends will also work against you, and many elders will thus resent you.
Sleeping with the Enemy (3pt Flaw)
You have some sort of intimate connection with a member of an opposing sect or inimical clan. You may have a love, a childe, a friend or a contact working the other side of the fence, but regardless ofd politics you retain a friendly (or more than friendly) relationship with your putative foe. Your close ties to someone on the other side would be regarded as treason by your superiors within the Camarilla, and if you are discovered the penalty will surely be death.
Slow Healing (3pt Flaw) You have difficulty healing wounds. It requires two blood points to heal one health level of normal damage, and you heal one health level of aggravated damage every five days (plus the usual five blood points and Willpower expenditure.
Short Fuse (2pt Flaw)
You are easily angered. The difficulties of rolls to avoid freny are always two less, no matter how you were provoked. This is a dangerous Flaw; don’t choose it without careful thought.
Soft-Hearted (1pt Flaw)
You cannot stand to watch others suffer-not necessarily because you care about what happened to them, but simply because you dislike the intensity of emotion. You avoid any situation that involves causing someone physical or emotional pain, unless you make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). You must have a Humanity rating of 7 or above to take this Flaw. If you are the direct cause of the suffering, and you witness it, you will experience nights of nausea and days of sleepless grief. Whenever you must witness suffering, difficulties of all rolls are increased by two for the next hour.
Special Responsibility (1pt Flaw)
Shortly after your Embrace, you volunteered for some task in order to gain respect and approval from your pack member. Now, you wish you had never opened your damn mouth! While you are not given any special credit for performing this duty, you would lose much respect from the pack if you were to stop. The nature and the details of your duty should be worked out with the Storyteller in advance. Ideas can range from lending money to pack members to acting as pack messenger or possibly gathering victims for Blood Feasts.
Speech Impediment (1pt Flaw)
You have a stammer or some other speech impediment which hampers verbal communication. The difficulties of all relevant rolls are increased by two. Do not feel obliged to roleplay this impediment all the time but in time of duress, or when dealing with outsiders, you should attempt to simulate it.
Stereotype (2pt Flaw)
You buy heavily into all the vampire legendary you’ve read and heard. You wear a cape, speak with an accent and otherwise act in a cartoonish fashion. Such behavior is embarrassing in the extreme to other Kindred, who are likely to ostracize or mock you (+2 difficulty to Social rolls with other vampires who don’t share your habits). Also, you stand out to hunters, and run the risk of violating the Masquerade every time you take to the streets.
Sympathizer (1pt Flaw)
You have publicly expressed sympathy for some of the Sabbat’s goals and policies. Your outspoken views on the subject have made you suspect in the eyes of the city’s hierarchy, and you may be suspected of (or arrested for) treason.
Technophobic (4pt Flaw)
The blossoming of technology over the last 150 years, and the way it reaches into every part of life, makes you very uneasy. You see technology as a dark, unpredictable force, far more inexplicable and threatening than the familiar magic and superstition you grew up with. Some of the newer contraptions seem to be controlled by some malign intelligence, and few of them seem as though they’re out to get you personally. You have a two-dice penalty to all attempts to deal with devices powered by steam, internal combustion or electricity.
Territorial (2pt Flaw)
You are extremely territorial, staking out a particular area as your hunting ground and reacting aggressively to trespassers. If another vampire enters your territory, you must make a frenzy roll. If you fail, you immediately attack the interloper and continue attacking until the intruder is dead or has left your hunting grounds. You are reluctant to leave your territory except in desperate circumstance.
Thin Blood (4pt Flaw)
Your blood is thin, weak and does not sustain you well. All blood points costs are doubled (e.g. using blood-related Disciplines or healing damage), and you are unable to create a blood bond. Furthermore, efforts to sire other vampires succeed only 20% of the time.
Thirst for Innocence (2pt Flaw)
The sight of innocence - of and sort - arouses in you a terrible bloodlust. Roll Self-Control, or else frenzy and attack the source of your hunger.
Toreador - Artistically Inept (2pt Flaw)
You must work harder than most artists to accomplish great work. You are still capable of creating a masterpiece, but it is tougher for you than for someone else of equal training. All difficulties on Creativity rolls and Artistic Expression rolls are increased by two to a maximum of nine.
Toreador - Démesuré (3pt Flaw)
Démesuré refers to sinful pride that results in extraordinary (and sometimes horrendous) costs to the possessor and those around him. The most famous example is that of Childe Roland, who refused to allow his men to retreat as the Moors slaughtered them, his pride goading him to remain so that he would not appear as a coward. A player who takes this Flaw should select one (maybe more) things that his character takes great pride in - his clothes, his horsemanship, his fighting, etc. When that pride is insulted or threatened, the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). If he fails, he pursues the salvation of his "honor" to the exclusion of all other business. This obsession can result in lost allies, plans gone completely awry, loss of loved ones or even Final Death. Each time the character achieves goals relating to his obsession, he may make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to see if he can let the obsession rest for the remainder of the night.
Toreador - Disparaged (2pt Flaw)
You married someone beneath your station, and thus have lost social standing yourself. An example, would be a countess who has married a knight or a duke who married a baron’s daughter. Among your own social class, you are treated with disrespect or eve actively snubbed, while your spouse is ignored or treated rudely. Your spouse’s peers don’t know how to behave with you, resulting in a further awkward relations or standoffishness. A +2 difficulty is added to your Social rolls when dealing with your peers. Your marriage may be a happy one, but you have paid a terrible price for it.
Toreador - Poor Taste (1pt Flaw)
You can never have the Art Appreciation skill. You are forever a Poseur, and you have no ability to judge a masterpiece from trash. In fact, if you had the choice, you would choose the trash.
Toreador - Rivalry (1-3pt Flaw)
You have an ongoing rivalry with someone (perhaps another Toreador, another Cainite, or even a mortal). You may or may not remember how the competition started, but now you and your rival are inseparable. This rival takes advantage of every opportunity to slander you and advance himself at your expense. There may be ways to cool or end this quarrel, but doing so will take a long time. A 1-point rival is at your own power level, and is often annoying but not too dangerous. A 2-point rival occasionally takes harmful action against you, or his words have some measure of influence. A 3-point rival has no qualms about occasionally attempting to have you killed or has some serious clout with someone of higher standing than you (a mortal authority or clan elder). For him, your rivalry has become a matter of death or dishonor.
Toreador - Social Outcast (3pt Flaw)
You have severed your ties to the Artistes and Poseurs. You no longer play their silly games. You will never rise in Clan Prestige, and you are the equivalent of an anarch. However, the anarchs will not accept you due to some past transgressions you have committed against them. You have no place in the world of the Damned.
Toreador - Used and Abused (2pt Flaw)
For some reason, you have incurred the wrath of those higher in station in your clan. These Cainites have the power o make your life miserable - injuring your reputation, spreading nasty gossip, slandering your lovers - and all for reasons that you can’t understand. However, just because you’re being abused doesn’t mean you necessarily have to endure it meekly. You may be able to find assistance from others who disbelieve the slander - but you may have to prove yourself several time over first.
Toreador - Vulgar (2pt Flaw)
You are rude and socially unacceptable. You seem constitutionally incapable of saying or doing the right things, in spite of all attempts to teach you. Your sire is criticized and ridiculed for choosing you, and you are frequently left off guest lists. You may eventually work off this Flaw, but the Storyteller should make it particularly difficult. At Storytellers option, you may be at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls.
Touch of Frost or Taint of Corruption (1pt Flaw)
Plants wither as you approach and die at your touch. Your touch leeches heat from living beings, as though you are made of ice.
Tremere-False Third Eye (4pt Flaw)
For reasons unknown to you or your sir, your Embrace left you with the imprint of a third eye upon your forehead. This remainder of Tremere’s diablerie of Saulot renders you both an embarrassment to other members of your clan and a figure of distrust to all except those who know you. The "third eye" does not open or function. Unless you conceal it under a hood or beneath your hair, the stigma is obvious to all who see you. All Social rolls ate at +2 difficulty whenever interacting with any Cainites other than your coterie or closest allies. Attempting to pass as a Salubri is not advisable.
Twisted Upbringing (1pt Flaw)
Your sire was quite malevolent and taught you all the wrong things about Kindred society. All your beliefs about how vampires interact are wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble. Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start (the Storyteller will tell you when). But until then, you will continue to believe what you were first told, no matter how others try to "trick" you into thinking otherwise.
Twitch (1pt Flaw)
You have some sort of repetitive motion that you make in times of stress, and it’s a dead giveaway as to your identity. Examples include a nervous cough, constantly wringing your hands, cracking your knuckles and so on. It costs one Willpower point to refrain from engaging in your twitch.
Tzimisce - Privacy Obsession (3pt Flaw)
You carry the Tzimisce respect for privacy to extremes. You must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) to enter another being’s dwelling without being invited (though you will go to fiendishly clever lengths to garner an unwitting invitation). When disturbed in your manse by an uninvited guest, you must make a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 7) to avoid frenzy.
Unconvinced (1pt Flaw)
You fail to see the need for the Masquerade, and have gone on record as saying so. Taking your stand has made you suspect in the eyes of your elders, and may have attracted the Sabbat’s attention as well.
Uneducated (5 pt Flaw)
You have received absolutely no education, and have five fewer points to spend on you Knowledge Abilities (with eight being the greatest you could have, and 0 being the least). You can still spend freebie points to take Knowledges. As part of this, you cannot have any Knowledge higher than 3 at the beginning of the game.
Unskilled (5 pt Flaw)
You have never trained extensively in any skill or craft, and therefore have five fewer points to spend on you Skills (with eight being the greatest you could have, and 0 being the least). While freebies can be spent to raise your Skills, no Skill may be higher than 3 at the beginning of the game.
Uppity (2pt Flaw)
You are proud of your new status and clan - so proud that you’ve shot your mouth off to other Kindred and made some enemies. Wiser vampires laugh at you and chalk your rudeness up to youth, but others regard you as arrogant and insulting. These enemies will take action to embarrass or harm you. Furthermore, you are at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls against any vampires you have alienated through your yammering - and you may not know who they are. At Storytellers discretion, you may also be required to make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) to keep your mouth shut any time the opportunity presents itself for you to brag about your lineage, your clan or your status.
Vainglorious (1-3pt Flaw)
You are boastful and know that you deserve any praise you receive. You are particularly found of Kindred who realize their lesser standing in the face of your obvious superiority, although you tend to view any who speak well of you as more intelligence and deserving than most. Due to your arrogance and love of sycophants, you receive an increase of one to three points on the difficulty level for resisting any attempts at Manipulation using flattery (the modifier is doubled if the flatter has a flattery specialty). The modifier is determined by the rating of this Flaw.
Vengeful (2pt Flaw)
You have a score to settle, incurred either during your mortal days or after your Embrace. You are obsessed with taking your revenge on an individual or group, and it is your overriding priority in any situation where you encounter the object of your revenge. You may temporarily resist your need for vengeance by spending Willpower point.
Victim of the Masquerade (2pt Flaw)
The Camarilla’s propaganda machine did too good a job on you. Even after your Embrace you refused to believe you were a vampire. You remain convinced that there is some logical explanation for your condition, and spend as much time as you can searching for it. You also have problems feeding, and may insist on trying to eat regular food. None of these habits makes you particularly pleasant company for other Kindred. This Flaw must be roleplayed at all times.
Ward (3pt Flaw)
You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. You may describe your ward, though the Storyteller will actually create her. This character id often a friend or relative from your living days. Retainers do not count as wards, as they "pay their own way". Wards have a talent for getting caught up in the actions of stories, and are frequently target’s of a character’s enemies.
Weak-Willed (2pt Flaw)
You are highly susceptible to Dominate and intimidation by others; you are, in fact unable to use your Willpower freely. You can employ your Willpower only when survival is at stake or it is appropriate to you Nature.