Acute Sense (1pt Merit)
You have exceptionally sharp hearing, smell, vision or taste. The difficulties of all dice rolls that relate to the sense in question (e.g. Perception +Alertness to hear a faint noise, taste poison in food or see an oncoming attacker) are decreased by two. Combined with Auspex, this Merit can grant truly superhuman sense. This Merit can be purchased multiple times (a Cainite could have Acute Vision and Acute Taste for instance).
Additional Discipline (5pt Merit)
You can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a clan Discipline . All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your clan. A character can not take this merit more than once.
Alternate Identity (3pt Merit)
In addition to your normal identity, you’ve taken up an alternate role that allows you to run with another group or sect of vampires. This other self has a believable history and backstory that can stand up to at least cursory checks, and he is accepted at face value (more or less)** by his associates. However, you sire, Allies, Contacts, etc. don’t know you maintain this second identity, and treat this "stranger" accordingly.
Ambidextrous (1 pt Merit)
You have a high degree of off hand dexterity, and can perform tasks with the "wrong" hand at no penalty. The normal penalty for using both hands at once to perform different tasks (such as fighting with a weapon in each hand) is a +1 difficulty for the "right" hand and a +3 difficulty for the other hand.
Animal Affinity (1pt Merit)
You've an innate understanding of & rapport w/ a certain type of animal, such as dogs, bats, rats, cats or wolves. Animalism & Animal Ken rolls w/ these animals have their difficulty reduced by 2.
Assamite - Marijava Contact (1pt Merit)
You have an ally who is a member of the Marijava ghoul family, and can be called upon for a favor from time to time. Likewise, your Marijava friend may call upon you for help occasionally. The clan is aware of this relationship and will normally grant you leave to help your ally (knowing that you have given your word to do so),provided that the clan’s interests are not compromised in the process. The Storyteller creates the ghoul character, but should not reveal Trait score and other game-sensitive information to you.
Assamite - Multicultural (3pt Merit)
The Assamites have spread over an immense amount of territory, and they have encountered a wider array of cultures than many other clans can conceive of. Either in life or unlife, you have traveled among many different cultures and gained an almost instinctive understanding of how to blend in and not offend. You enjoy a -1 difficulty bonus on all attempts to move smoothly through a foreign society (though speaking the language is still a function of Linguistics), as you reflexively come across as familiar and knowledgeable in areas where other outlanders would be at a loss. This also applies to such tasks as appearing native in an area where you don't belong (such as a French Assamite hiding from German Ventrue pursuers in the markets of Constantinople)**.
Assamite - Unconquered Ally (2pt Merit)
You have a friend and ally among the Unconquered. The Storyteller creates this character, but should not reveal any information to you beyond that warranted by the two character’s acquaintance. Your Unconquered ally may be called upon for assistance and may also enlist your support from time to time. Naturally, neither of you may do anything which endangers your side of the clan without incurring the considerable wrath of your superiors.
Assamite - Unconquered Ally (2pt Merit)
You have a friend and ally among the Unconquered. The Storyteller creates this character, but should not reveal any information to you beyond that warranted by the two character’s acquaintance. Your Unconquered ally may be called upon for assistance and may also enlist your support from time to time. Naturally, neither of you may do anything which endangers your side of the clan without incurring the considerable wrath of your superiors.
Baby Face or Sanguine Humor (2pt Merit)
You look more human than other vampires, enabling you to fit in the human world much more easily. Your skin is pink, you never really stopped breathing (even though you don’t need to), and even sneezing comes naturally. You can make your heart beat as long as you have at least one Blood Point. This Merit cannot be taken by Nosferatu.
Baali - Apostate (2pt Merit)
It is said that dread Shaitan himself forged the ranks of the first followers of Baal from those Cainites of other lineages he could sway to his side. The practice continued to this day; a substantial minority of the bloodline are not Baali by blood at all, but rather, stem from n adopted parentage - converts to the Baali banner. This unpredictable and versatility of talents has proven to be one of the infernalists’ greatest strengths - but it does not always benefit those diverse within the bloodline. Characters with this Merit started their unlives as descendants of other blood, later converting to the Baali creed, or are sufficiently close decent from one such convert so as to maintain some link to her ancestral clan affinities. Apostates may replace either Obfuscate or Presence with any one Discipline, as appropriate to her ancestral clan. (Daimonon is innate and cannot be replaced). Furthermore, Apostate Baali can still pass with relative ease for member of other clans. A determined effort will still root out an Apostate, but how many Cainites are willing to make that sort of effort? The one negative to this Merit is strictly a political drawback. Apostate Baali are forever barred from leadership roles in the bloodline because of their "inferior" blood.
Baali - Unholy Aura (7pt Merit)
The other side of Infernal Aura’s coin, Unholy Aura allows a Baali to remain undaunted by most expressions of True Faith, The stench of spiritual corruption surrounding the Baali is literally so strong that holy things cannot abide it. Minor relics crumble to dust in the Baali’s hand, holy men and women flee his gaze (or suffer horrible consequences), and even consecrated places can be tuned to evil by the Baali’s mere presence. Any being with True Faith who faces a Baali with Unholy Aura must make a Willpower roll (difficulty Cool or else flee the scene in terror. A botch on the roll indicates that the Baali’s infernal power has literally reached out to taint the victim, causing some sort of injury (stigmata are popular) or even stripping True Faith away.
Berserker (2pt Merit)
The Beast is in you, but you know how to direct and make use of it. You have the capacity to frenzy at will, and this able to ignore your wound penalties. However, you must pay the consequences of your actions while in frenzy, just as you normally would. Your chance of entering an unwilling frenzy is also unaffected.
Blase (3pt Merit)
You can ward off the effects of Presence up to level 7. However, there is one type of person who can use presence on you, and it will work, no matter what. For example, a female Toreador singer.
Blush of Health or Baby Face (2pt Merit)
You look more hale and health in appearance than other vampires, allowing you to blend with human society much more easily. You still retain the color of a living mortal, and your skin feels only slightly cold to the touch.
Boon (1-6pt Merit)
Someone owes you a favor. The vampire in your debt might be the lowliest neonate in the city or might be the prince herself; it all depends on how many points the Merit costs. You only have that single favor owed to you (unless you take the Merit multiple times), so using it properly id of paramount importance. Depending on status and other factors, the vampire who owes you a favor may well resent his debt, and might go out of his way to "settle" it early - even going so far as to create situations form which he must "rescue" you and thus clear the slate.
Broken Bond (4pt Merit)
You were once blond bound but have secretly slipped the leash, an you are free to act as you will once more. Your regnant has no idea that you are not in fact bound, and continues to threat you as if you were. At Storyteller discretion, the experience of having been bound once may render you immune to even being enthralled again.
Bruiser (1pt Merit)
Your appearance is sufficiently thug-like to inspire dear or at least disquiet in those who see you. While you’re not necessarily ugly per se, you do radiate a sort of quiet menace, to the point where people cross the street to avoid passing near you. You are at -1 difficulty on all Intimidation rolls against those who have not demonstrated their physical superiority to you.
Brujah - Bearing of Kings (2pt Merit)
Unlike their primarily rivals the Lasombra and Ventrue, Brujah do not concern themselves with Embracing mortals of noble lineage. The Zealots, more than any other clan, encourage humans to influence change for their own well-being, rather than that of vampiric masters. Such leaders as the Brujah seek require rare qualities. While they may not possess a single drop of noble blood certain Brujah possess a force of personality that could make the most confident of monarchs show deference. A Brujah with this Merits is at -2 difficulty for all rolls involving Presence.
Brujah - Compassionate (4pt - Mental Merit)
You have the moral character of the Brujah of old, the proud warrior-poets who did what they did because their hearts called to them. If you ever fail a Conscience (but not Conviction) roll, you may spend a point of Willpower and attempt the roll again, at a difficulty of I higher than the last. If you succeed on this roll, it counts as if you succeeded on the first. You may do this only once per Conscience roll; you must accept the results of the re-roll. If you botch this second roll, you lose one permanent point of Willpower in addition to any consequences of the failed Conscience roll.
Brujah - Dynamic Personality (5pt - Social Merit)
People are drawn to you, due to some characteristic appeal you exude. You may purchase additional Backgrounds using your experience points at the end of each story - two experience points earn you one Background dot from the following group: Allies, Contacts, Herd, Retainers.
Brujah - Fury’s Focus (2pt Merit)
Whether they accept the truth of it or not, susceptibility to frenzy is a distinguished characteristic of the Brujah. Certain brethren of the clan, through their devotion to Entelechy, have more fully integrated their awareness of Beast and Self. While unable to resist the call of the Beast any more than their less disciplined brothers, these Brujah can for a brief time control he direction their frenzies take, A player with this Merit must spend a Willpower point and roll her Self-Control or Instincts at a difficulty one higher than the original difficulty to resist frenzy. For each success achieved the character may control her actions for one turn.
Brujah - Mentor‘s Tutelage (4pt Merit)
The character has a scholarly mentor, not necessarily his sire but one with the patience and resources to school the character in various courses of study. At the end of each story, so long as the player has extended contact with his patron, the player may roll as many dice as he has in the mentor Background (difficulty 10 minus the character’s Intelligence). For each success, the character gains one experience point to spend on increasing a Knowledge. No more than half the points spent to increase a Knowledge can be from use of this Merit. Obviously, a Brujah with this Merit must posses at least one dot in Mentor.
Bullyboy (2pt Merit)
You’re part of the brute squad the local sheriff calls on when he needs some muscle. As a result, you get in on action that others miss entirely, score points with those in power, and occasionally get a change to act outside the law. How far outside the law the sheriff is willing to let you go depends on circumstance and how much the sheriff likes you.
Calm Heart (3pt Merit)
You are naturally calm and well-composed, and do not easily fly off the handle. Raise the difficulties of all your frenzy rolls by two, no matter how the incident is provoked. Brujah cannot take this merit.
Capable Assistant (7pt Merit)
You have another vampire who acts as your right hand in everything. She's loyal, capable & powerful enough to stand against those in her way. She may be Blood Bound to you, but would serve your will anyway.
Cappadocians - Prescience (3pt Merit)
Some Cappadocians bear the strange gift of foresight, though their revelations are brief and dim, Prescience gives little insight of immediate or tactical value, but it does prepare the vampire somewhat for the future. This insight may be anything form knowing whether or not an individual may be trusted, recognizing an object of value, or any other effect that the Storyteller will allow for the sake of the story. The exact nature of the character’s premonitions are handled by the Storyteller. It is worthwhile to note that the Graverobber’s visions are not "possible futures". Rather, they are murky and vague fragments of a definite time to come.
Cappodocians - Giovanni Lineage (2pt Merit)
The Cappadocians have recently Embraced key members of the Venetian Giovanni family. These necromancer-merchants posses a keen insight into what may one night become a legitimate Discipline, and their Embrace encourages its development. Characters with Giovanni Lineage may take and learn the founding Discipline of Necromancy as an additional clan Discipline. Giovanni characters may not begin a chronicle any lower than 11th generation, nor may they take Prescience or Mad Visions; they peculiarities are curiously absent among Giovanni Cappadocians.
Castle (5pt Merit)
You own a castle w/ at least 50 rooms & maybe as many as 500. You also control a large estate around the castle. The servants, if you have any, are provided for if you choose this Merit. The castle can be in as poor or as good condition as you wish. The more inhabited it appears to be, the more attention it will garner.
Catlike Balance (1-pt Merit)
You possess an innately perfect sense of balance. Characters with this Merit reduce difficulties of all balance related rolls (e.g. Dexterity + Athletic to walk along a narrow ledge)** by two.
Celebrated Lineage (1-4pt Merit)
Your mortal lineage brings you certain status, even if you may have fallen far from the tree. You get some preferential treatment at tourneys and at court, and troubadours will pay special attention to you. In circumstances where she judges it appropriate, the Storyteller may give you a -1 diff bonus on social rolls. This is a variable merit, where cost indicates the repute of your lineage. A 1 pt version indicates that your family is relatively minor but said to descend from heroic stock. A 4pt version indicates that you are a recognized member of one of the prominent royal houses of Europe, such as those of Anjou or Aquitaine. Note that this Merit does not indicate your own reputation or power, only that of your relatives.
Charmed Existence (5pt Merit)
Your unlife is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others must. It could be that you are simply lucky. Whatever the reason, you may ignore a single "one" on every roll you make. This makes it far less likely that you will ever botch, and grants you more successes than others obtain.
Childe, Loyal (3pt Merit)
Your childe’s loyalty goes beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection and admiration. She would do almost anything to aid you, and you trust her as you do no other among the Kindred. You would be grief-stricken should anything happened to her.
Church Rank (1-3pt Merit)
You were part of the Church in life, and somehow maintain the illusion that you still live, thereby still possessing some of the advantages of church rank. You can influence local politics to some extent, an locals respect you as a representative of God. One point of this Merit might mean you are a summoner or deacon; 2 a monk, nun or pardoner. Three points represent a local friar or ranking monk. Higher ranks (abbess, bishop, and so on) should only be allowed with the Storyteller’s permission (and an even higher cost)** - these ranks carry a great amount of influence and a grave level of responsibility.
Church Ties (3pt Merit)
You have influence and contacts in some local churches, and have them means to create protest rallies and raise money. The more you use your ties of course, the greater your risk of being found out.
Clan Friendship (3-4pt Merit)
For any number of different reasons - appearance, bearing, background, or demeanor - something about you appeals to members of a clan other than your own (your choice). The difficulties of all rolls related to social dealings with members of this clan are two less. This can be a two edged sword: you are also marked by others as a sympathizer with that clan, whether you like it (or deny it!) or not. For 4 points: One particular clan (not your own) has a special liking for you. You might have done the clan as a whole a favor at some point, or perhaps you’re just a loud voice in support of their aims. Whatever the cause, you’re at -2 difficulty on Social rolls involving members of the clan in question. Of course, the reaction your cozy relationship with another clan is likely to draw from your own clan leaders is an entirely different can of worms.
Clear Sighted (6pt Merit)
You can see through all levels of Kindred Obfuscate, Chimerstry & other related Disciplines or Gifts w/ a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty of the opposing power's level + 3)
Code of Honor (1pt Merit)
You have a personal code of ethics to which you strictly adhere. Even when you are in frenzy, you will attempt to obey it (an thus get three extra dice to your Self-Control rolls when in danger of violating your code). You can automatically resist most temptations that would bring you in conflict with your code. When battling supernatural persuasion that would make you violate your code, you either gain three extra dice to resist supernatural persuasions, or the opponent’s difficulties are increase by two (Storyteller’s choice). You must construct you own personal code of honor in as much detail as you can, outlining the general rules of conduct by which by abide.
Coldly Logical (1pt Merit)
While some might refer to you as a "cold fish" you have a knack for separating factual reporting from emotional or hysterical coloration. You may or may not be emotional yourself, but you can see clearly when others are clouding the facts with their feelings (-1 difficulty on all Sense Deception and related rolls)
Common Sense (1pt Merit)
You have a significant amount of practical, everyday wisdom. Whenever you are about to do something contrary to common sense., the Storyteller should alert you to how your potential action might violate practicality. This is an ideal Merit if you are a novice player because it allows you to receive advice from the Storyteller concerning what you can and cannot do, and (even more importantly) what you should and should not do.
Common Sense (1pt Merit)
You have a significant amount of practical, everyday wisdom. Whenever you are about to do something contrary to common sense., the Storyteller should alert you to how your potential action might violate practicality. This is an ideal Merit if you are a novice player because it allows you to receive advice from the Storyteller concerning what you can and cannot do, and (even more importantly) what you should and should not do.
Computer Aptitude (2pt Merit)
You are familiar with and talents in the uses of computer equipment. Other Kindred may not understand computers, but to you they are intuitive. All rolls involving computers at -2 difficulty for you.
Concentration (1pt Merit)
You have the ability to focus your mind and shut out any distractions or annoyances. Any penalty to a difficulty or Dice Pool arising from a distraction or other inauspicious circumstance is limited to two, though no extra benefits are gained if only one penalty die is imposed.
Corporate Ties (3pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts in the local corporate community. You understand the dynamics of money in the city and have links with all the major players. In times of need, you can cause all sorts of financial mayhem, and can raise considerable amounts of money (in the form of loans) in a very short period of time.
Corporation CEO (5pt Merit)
You have a particular influence and sway over a major corporation and associated companies, just as if you were its chief executive officer. Indeed, you may have owned this company before your Embrace, and retained your control. Through this corporation, you know much that takes place in the corporate community, and have the means to wage economic warfare. This Merit provides you with some informal Contacts and Resources, the exact extent of which are determined by the Storyteller.
Crack Driver (1pt Merit)
You have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18 wheelers and other tractors. The difficulty of all rolls requiring risky or especially difficult driving maneuvers are two less.
Crusader (1pt Merit)
It is known that you once donned the crusader’s cross and successfully returned from the Holy Land, having done your duty to God. In all likelihood you joined forces of Richard the Lion-Hearted and Philip Augustus in the Third Crusade and may even have seen Jerusalem (although not “freed” it). This accomplishment gives you special standing and repute among those knights, lords and ladies who never made the journey to Outremer. Jongleurs may request you share stories that they may turn into fanciful tales, and others may ask your opinion about events in the Latin Kingdoms or Iberia. You gain a -1 diff on social rolls in circumstances where a crusading background comes into play and on Knowledge rolls related to the region and events you experienced. Note that in some areas, the courts and tourneys may be bursting with former crusaders, making this Merit so common as to be meaningless.
Danger Sense (2pt Merit)
You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger. When you are in danger, the Storyteller should make a secret roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty depends on the remoteness of the danger. IF the roll succeeds, the Storyteller tells you that you have a sense of foreboding. Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give and indication of direction, distance or nature. This Merit is more reliable and specific than Level One Auspex power, the two can be combined to create and even more potent warning system.
Daredevil (3pt Merit)
You are good at taking risks, and even better at surviving them, When attempting exceptionally risky actions (such as leaping form one moving car to another), characters with this Merit add an additional three dice to their rolls, and negate a single botch die that may result from such a roll. Generally, such action must be at least difficulty 8 and have the potential to inflict at least three health levels of damage if failed.
Debt of Gratitude (1-3pt Merit)
An elder owes your gratitude because of something either you or your sire did for her. The depth of gratitude the elder owes depends on how many points the player wishes to spend. One point might mean an elder owes the character a favor, three points might mean that she owes the character her unlife.
Deceptive Aura (1pt Merit)
Your aura is unnaturally bright and colorful for a vampire. You register as a mortal on all attempts to read your aura.
Destiny (4pt Merit)
You have a great destiny, though you may well not realize it. Your destiny will become more and more apparent as the chronicle continues. Prophesies and dreams guide your way, and grant you clues to your ultimate goal. The sense of direction and security helps you overcome fear, depression and discouragement caused by anything nor relevant to your destiny. Until your destiny is fulfilled, you may suffer setbacks, but nothing will thwart you permanently. How this played is up to the Storyteller.
Disillusioned (1pt Merit)
You were once of the Cainite Heresy, but no longer. You have had the scales lifted from your eyes, and you see the faith for the insidious monster that it truly is. You now devote your efforts to destroying the Heresy, and you have the advantage of knowing how it (or at least the fraction of it to which you were exposed) truly works. You work as openly as you can, trying to raise allies (mostly unwitting) and expose corruption without destroying yourself in the process. Nevertheless, the Heresy has noticed your efforts, and may well make efforts to end the threat you represent very soon…
Domain (2-4pt Merit)
The prince has given you exclusive rights to a piece of territory. The size and importance of that territory are in direct proportions to the cost of the Merit. A few blocks’ worth of row-houses might be worth two points, while four square blocks in the city’s financial district could be worth four.
Double-Jointed (1pt Merit)
You are unusually supple, Reduce the difficulty of any Dexterity roll involving body flexibility by two. Squeezing through a tiny space is one example of a use for this Merit.
Downey (2pt Merit)
"Downey" is Victorian slang for a practiced liar and deciever. Each level of this merit, up to a maximum of three levels, adds one die to social tests involving deciet and manipulation.
Dual Nature (2pt Merit)
You have two distinct Nature, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. When you pick these Natures, be careful to choose Archetypes that are somewhat compatible. Dual Nature does not mean schizophrenia (that is a Derangement). This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. You may still choose a Demeanor, and it can be as different from the character’s Natures as the player desires.
Early Riser (1pt Merit)
You always seem to be the first to rise & the last to go to bed. You always get up at least an hour before everyone else, even stay up until dawn. You seem to have the ability to exist on less rest.
Eat Food (1 pt Merit)
You can eat food, an aptitude you picked up early in your undead existence. Although you peers may find this disgusting you can pass for living with much greater ease.
Ecclesical Rank (1pt Merit)
In addition to being a member of the Society of Leopold, you are also a member of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. This Merit determines your standing within the hierarchy. Note that anyone possessing a high rank within the Church is usually at least in their mid 30's.
Ecstatic (2pt Merit)
This is a Merit of dubious benefit. You are prone to the features of religious ecstasy: stigmata, glossarial (speaking in tongues), visions & trances, et al. While some may distrust your religious hysteric, you'll be highly regarded among other Inquisitors as "touched by God" Add one die to any rolls involving social interactions in the Society.
Ecumenist (4pt Merit)
Although you're steadfast in your own faith, you recognize the working of the Holy Spirit, which "bloweth where it liseth," in other religions. Usually, when using True Faith, you must use a holy symbol from your own religious tradition.
Efficient Digestion (3pt Merit)
You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. Every two Blood Points ingested increase your Blood Pool by three. Round down so leftover ‘halves’ are ignored. For instance, taking four Blood Points raises the Blood Pool by six, and so does taking five Blood Points.
Eidetic Memory (2pt Merit)
You can remember things seen and heard with perfect detail. By gaining at least one success on an Intelligence + Alertness roll (you can recall any desired sight or sound accurately, even if you hear it or glanced at it only once (though the difficulty of such a feat would be high). Five successes enable you to recall an event perfectly: the Storyteller relates to you exactly what was seen or heard.
Elysium Domain (1pt Merit)
You control some part of the city's Elysium. You're its recognized protector & in many ways it's considered your domain. However, it doesn't belong to you & other Kindred can enjoy it freely. While this merit involves some measure of responsibility, you can enjoy this Elysium domain at your leisure & you gain respect & Status as its protector.
Elysium Regular (1pt Merit)
You spend an unusual amount to time at the various Elysium’s in your city. You see and are seen to such an extent that all of your movers and shakers of Elysium know who you are. Extended time spent in Elysium also gives you extended opportunities to interact with the harpies and other Kindred of that stature - and they’ll know your name when you approach them.
Enchanting Voice (2pt Merit)
There is something about your voice others cannot ignore. When you command, they are cowed. When you seduce they swoon. Whether thunderous, gentle, pausing or simply talking, your voice commands attention. The difficulties of all die rolls involving the use of the voice to pursued, charm or command are reduced by two.
Enlightened (1-7pt Merit)
You have taken at least the first few steps on the steep and complex road to Golconda. Although you have by no means achieved this exhaled state of being, you are more aware of the proper approach than the vast majority of your kind will ever be. Much of your time is spent in the quest for further information on Golconda and on attempting to progress towards this distant goal.
Entrepreneur (1pt Merit)
Making money comes easy to you & you know what it takes to succeed in business. All rolls that involve acquiring money through business reduce their difficulty by 2.
Exceptional Steed (2-3pt Merit)
You own a warhorse of supreme quality, one with greater speed or courage than the norm. It also has a special bond with you, and you receive a -1 difficulty bonus on all Animal Ken rolls with it and on Ride rolls that involve stunts on one kind or another (simply chasing an opponent does not qualify, but jumping a hedge to do so does). The 2 point version of this Merit indicates an exceptional but natural warhorse; the 3 point version indicates a ghoul horse. Note that you must have Animal Ken 1 or Animalism to purchase the 2 point version. You should develop a background for this steed. Where did you get it? Who trained it? If it is a ghoul, what dangerous qualities has it developed?
Extremist Group (4pt Merit)
You have both Influence over & Contacts within an extremists group of some sort. This could be a group of insane survivalist’s w/ a cause. some hate groups or a terrorist group. This group provides you w/ assistance & possibly even agents to handle your dirty work. It may also provide you w/ ties to similar groups. The more often you use your ties, the weaker they grow.
Faerie Affinity (2pt Merit)
Your presence does not frighten faeries; indeed it attracts them, and you are naturally attuned to their ways. You are able, unlike most Kindred, to enter Arcadia, the mystical kingdom of the faeries, provided you find an entrance.
Family Member (1pt Merit)
A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. You have a good relationship w/ that member & he'll come to your aid if you call. However, he may also call upon you for aid someday. If the family member is close by, this is a 2 Pt Merit. If the family member is in your pack, it's a 3 Pt Merit.
Fast learner (5 pt Merit)
You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most. You gain one extra experience point at the conclusion of each story (not each a game session)
Fist of God (7pt Merit)
With this Merit, sometimes called the "Witch-Hammer" you can cause aggravated damage to a Kindred or other supernatural creatures by simply striking him/her. Work with your Storyteller to create a good reason fort his effect, and how it developed. The damage done is standard Brawling damage, only its considered aggravated against supernaturals. Only mortals with a Humanity of seven or higher may purchase (or keep) this Merit.
Former Ghoul (1pt Merit)
You were introduced to the Blood long before you were made Kindred. Your long experience as a ghoul gives you insight into and comfort with vampiric society. You are at -1 difficulty on all Social rolls when in the presence of other neonates (particularly those who haven’t been educated by their sires), and have a standing -1 difficulty on rolls relating to knowledge of the Kindred.
Fountain of Life (5pt Merit)
The healing power of God runs through you. Non-aggravated damage (normally an irrelevant distinction for mortals, who have no supernatural means of healing damage) heals as though it is one level less. if you're wounded, you'll heal in one week. if you're bruised, you will heal in a matter of hours. If you're not wounded, then those under your medical care will heal at your enhanced rate as well. Note that this might seem "miraculous," but it will not be scientifically verifiable. You wont get canonized for this. Unfortunately, vampires find your blood particularly strong & tasty: twice as potent as that of other mortals, in fact. Even better, you heal more quickly. Vampires consider you in the same manner you look at an all you can eat buffet.
Friend of the Underground (3pt Merit)
While you’re not a Nosferatu, you know your way around the sewers, tunnels, ducts, subway tubes and other subterranean passages of your home town. The local Nosferatu (and any other creatures dwelling down in the muck) may not actually like you, but they’re not inclined to kill you on sight when they see you in their territory. You are at -1 difficulty on all Sewer Lore rolls, and rolls involving the subterranean world (sneaking from place to place underground routes, finding routes into sub-basements and so on). Nosferatu cannot purchase this Merit.
Friendly Face (1pt Merit)
You have a face that remained everyone of someone, to the point where strangers are inclined to be well-inclined toward you because of it. The effect doesn’t fade if you explain the "mistake" leaving you at -1 difficulty on all appropriate Social-based rolls (yes for Seduction, no for Intimidation, for example) when a stranger is involved. This Merit only functions on a first meeting.
Gangrel - Without a Trace (2pt Merit)
The wilderness is your friend, working to hide your passage. You leave no trail to follow as the earth swallows your footprints, and the trees and grasses cover your scent. Even magical means of tracking you are inhibited. You pass through places like the wind, leaving nothing behind but a whisper. Even Lupines have trouble following you. Normal means of tracking you (with Survival, the use of dogs etc) fail automatically. Supernatural methods of tracking you, such as with Auspex, have a chance, but with greater difficulty (+2 diff).
Garou - Ancestor Ally: (1 point Merit)
You are strongly linked to one particular Past Life; the difficulty to channel him is 2 less. Create the ancestor; give him a name, abilities for which he was known (and which you can easily channel) and decide how renowned he was among other Garou. You must have the Background: Past Life to purchase this Merit.
Garou - Bad taste: (2 point Merit)
You're just plain nasty. Your flesh exudes oils tasting so bad that anyone whose mouth parts touch you (Garou, fomori, Wyrm monsters) becomes nauseated. The would-be biter must make a successful Willpower roll each turn for the remainder of the scene or be unable to act while he is retching. Lupus and wolves may react poorly to you; they obviously won't lick you. These oils aren't odorous in any way, but you must constantly wipe oily sweat from yourself.
Garou - Fair Glabro: (2 point Merit)
Your Glabro form can pass for Homid, albeit a large and bulky one. You lose no Social Attributes when in Glabro.
Garou - Immune to Wyrm Toxins: (6 point Merit)
You have a special boon from Gaia: You are immune to the toxins of the Wyrm. You receive no penalty from supernatural radiation, balefire, Wyrm elementals and the like (although you still suffer damage from such attacks). Likewise, you are immune to Bane possession. Your sept recognizes this invulnerability and thrusts you into many dangerous perils with the expectation that you will use your immunity for the good of others.
Garou - Lack of Scent: (2 point Merit)
You produce no scent, or your scent is extremely faint. You are hard to track by Garou or other hunters who use scent. Any attempts to track you are at +2 difficulty.
Garou - Longevity: (2 point merit)
Gaia has blessed you with long life. You do not suffer aging effects until you are 90 years old or more (rather than 70 and up). You can expect to reach 120 to 130 years of age, barring death in combat.
Garou - Metamorph (6 point Merit)
You find it extremely easy to change forms and can do it even in your sleep. You do not need to roll to shift forms (you are considered to have an automatic five successes); nor do you need to spend a Rage point to instantly assume a desired form. In addition, if you are ever knocked unconscious (due to wounds, etc.), you can make a roll of Wits + Primal-Urge, difficulty 8, to assume whatever form you wish instead of reverting to your breed form.
Garou - Mixed-morph: (1 point Merit)
It is easy for you to transform certain body parts only, such as a hand to a claw while you remain in Hornid form or changing your Lupus vocal cords into a human voicebox. Your difficulty for such changes is only a 6.
Garou - Pack Distinction (2pt Merit)
You have a certain degree of fame within your pack. The reason relates to some great heroic action that possibly saved many of their unlives. You may consider this 2 points that can be added to Pack Recognition. You may not be a pack leader, but you may be more respected than the leader.
Garou - Reputation: (2 point Merit)
You have a good reputation among the Garou of your sept. The reputation may be your own, or it may derive from your pack. Add +3 to all Dice Pools for social dealings with your sept's Garou. This Merit is not the same thing as Renown; a Garou can have little Renown, yet be well known and liked. A character with this Merit may not take the Flaw: Notoriety.
Garou - Savor (1-3 point Merit)
An elder owes you a favor because of something either you or your pack once did for him. The extent of the favor depends on this Merit's value: 1 point would indicate a relatively minor favor, while 3 points would indicate the elder owes you his life. This favor can be called in only once.
Garou - Silver Tolerance: (7 point Merit)
You have an immunity of sorts to silver. You are able to soak silver, although it still causes you aggravated damage. Also, any Gnosis loss from carrying silver items is halved for Garou with this Merit. Instead of losing one Gnosis for every silver item you possess, you lose one Gnosis for every pair of silver items you carry (always round up to the nearest number).
Garou - Supernatural Companion: (3 point merit)
You have a friend and ally who happens to be a vampire, mage, wraith or changeling. Although you may call upon her in time of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). However, neither your fellows nor hers are likely to appreciate such a relationship, and they'll punish both of you if you are found out (especially if you're slumming with a Leech). Meeting places and methods of communication are always risky. The Storyteller creates your companion, but doesn't reveal to you her full powers and potencies.
Garou - True Faith: (7 point Merit)
You have a deep-seated faith in (and love for) Gaia, God or whatever it is you consider the Almighty. You begin the game with one point of Faith (a Trait that ranges from 1-10). This Faith provides you with an inner strength and comfort that continues to support you when all else betrays you. Your Faith adds to Willpower rolls as an extra die to that Dice Pool for each point in Faith. The exact supernatural effects of Faith, if any, are completely up to the Storyteller, although it typically repels vampires. (The werewolf must make a Faith roll against a difficulty of the vampire's Willpower to repel him. For more rules, see Vampire Players Guide, p. 30, orThe Hunters Hunted, pp. 64-66.) The effects of Faith certainly vary from Garou to Garou, and some are almost never obvious—some of the most saintly people never perform miracles greater than managing to ease an injured soul's suffering. The nature of any miracles you might perform is usually tied to your own auspice or Nature, and you may never realize that you receive aid from a force beyond yourself. True Faith is a rare attribute in this day and age. No one may start the game with more than one Faith point. Additional points are only awarded at the Storyteller's discretion, based on appropriate behavior and deeds.
Ghoul - Pale Aura (1pt Merit)
Due to some quirk of fate or your reaction to the Blood, your aura is naturally pale. Vampires reading your aura via Auspex assume you to be Kindred unless they have strong reason to suspect otherwise. This Merit can be of great use if you wish to impersonate a vampire, but can also cause some very dangerous misunderstandings.
Ghoul - Blood Flaw Immunity (3pt Merit)
For some reason, you are resistant to the bloodline flaws of any vampire from whom you drink. You can guzzle Nosferatu vitae until your stomach bursts, and your complexion won't suffer a whit.
Ghoul - Benevolent Domitor (3pt. Merit)
You must purchase the Domitor Background to buy this Merit. For whatever reason, your domitor is actually rather fond of you. Perhaps your service has been exemplary, or perhaps you simply remind him of someone in his past — given the alien nature of the vampire mind, you may never know for sure. Your domitor treats you with some measure of compassion and does not casually endanger your life. Of course, he still expects you to give your life for his if need be, but until that night, the two of you are something akin to friends.
Ghoul - Kinfolk (4pt Merit OR Flaw)
Whether you know it or not, you are kin to a werewolf tribe. You carry the blood of the Garou in your veins, and your own children may be Garou. For ghouls, being Kinfolk can be an advantage or a hindrance. If purchased as a Merit, then you are still on amicable terms with your relatives (Garou 'and Kinfolk alike). Although they will never allow you to bring any vampire "friends" into their territory (and may well use lethal means to enforce their privacy ), they have an interest in your well-being and give you aid so long as this doesn't compromise their principles. Of course, your kin do not want you to be a ghoul forever, as they would like you to return to their society and raise a family of your own. Typically, only independent ghouls may purchase Kinfolk as a Merit. However, it's more likely that the Garou consider a ghoul Kinfolk to be a serious threat. If bought as a Flaw, then your extended family believes you may compromise their security. They seek either to remove you entirely from your diet and/or domitor's influence, or to kill you as a favor to your corrupted soul. This Flaw earns you dangerous enemies, one from whom your domitor (if any) is very unlikely to intercede and rescue you. This Flaw is more appropriate for vassal ghouls, as no werewolf would agree to let one of their precious Kin be sworn to a vampire. Revenants cannot be Kinfolk, either as a Merit or as a Flaw.
Ghoul - Supernatural Companion (4pt Merit)
You are allied with a supernatural being, but not a vampire. This may be a werewolf comrade, the ghost of a relative, or even a friendly mage. You may ask for her help in times of need, but she may not always be able to help. She may also require your help at inconvenient times (such is the cost of friendship). It is highly improbable that your allegiance is looked on favorably by her kind, and any Kindred who discovered your relationship would almost certainly disapprove. The Storyteller will create your companion, be it werewolf, wraith, mage or something else entirely, and won't reveal her full capabilities. (Note: This Merit supersedes those of Werewolf Companion and Spirit Mentor in The Vampire Players Guide.)
Ghoul - True Gypsy (5pt. Merit)
The blood of the Rom runs true in your veins. Perhaps you have a Ravnos domitor who chose you for your potential, or perhaps you simply acquired a taste for Kindred blood in your travels. You may purchase Blood Affinities, or other Gypsy only abilities from World of Darkness: Gypsies. Your relatives may or may not approve, depending on the whys and wherefores of your ghouling. Revenants may not purchase this Merit under any circumstances.
Ghoul - Unbondable (6pt Merit)
You cannot be Blood Bound to a vampire, no matter how often you drink from his veins. This Merit is obviously very useful for one whose powers depend on vitae, and its cost is accordingly high for ghoul characters.
Ghoul - Vicissitude Modifications (1-7pt Merit)
Although you may not be talented at the Tzimisce forms of fleshcrafting and boneshaping, at some point you have been… modified into a more warlike form. Generally speaking, you're a szlachra, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flaw: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p. 19). As a role, the Tzimisce make sufficient cosmetic alterations to rain the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modifications are not in and of themselves hideous. These modifications are permanent unless shaped away by further Vicissitude. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. You may purchase as many modifications as you can afford, but your social abilities are probably doomed.
Ghoul - Digestive Modifications (2pt Merit)
You are able to digest any organic material that you can break up and swallow. Your Stamina is treated as two points higher for purposes of resisting ingested poisons.
Ghoul - Spurs (2pt Merit)
Long bone spurs protrude from your forearms, back and/or legs. You may slash with these for Str + 2 damage; however, they are hard to conceal, and you must subtract three dice from any Social Dice Pools save those involving intimidation.
Ghoul - Carapace (3pt Merit.)
You are covered with bony or horny plates that protect you from attack. You may add two soak dice to your pool, but you must take the Monstrous Flaw.
Ghoul - Patagia (4pt Merit)
Your bones have been hollowed, and flaps of skin (from yourself or another hapless soul) have been grafted onto your arms, giving you the appearance of a human pterodactyl. You may use these flaps to glide, though you may not actually fly. While gliding, you may not use your arms. Furthermore, you subtract one from all soak pools to resist strikes from fists and blunt weapons, or any other force of concussive damage ( your bones are hollow) . You must take the Monstrous Flaw. Note: Ghouls may never heal Vicissitude modifications, not even with vampire blood. In this respect they are as helpless as mortals. The exceptions are ghouls who themselves possess Vicissitude, though a lowly Zantosa may well find herself helpless to repair the mutilation inflicted by a seventh-generation Tzimisce (to repair Vicissitude alterations, a ghoul must have a level of Vicissitude superior to that of the vampire who inflicted the mutilation)**.
Ghoul - Virulent Strike (1pt Merit)
Through strange Thaumaturgical sorcery, unknown rituals or even an odd quirk of your ghoul physiognomy, you have been imbued with the power of the supernatural. You can cause aggravated damage to supernatural creatures by striking them, biting them, raking them with bonecrafted spurs whatever. This is considered standard Brawl damage against mortals, and should normally apply to only one attack form (bite, bone claws, etc.). You should work with the Storyteller to find an explanation for this Merit, and the Storyteller may disallow this Merit entirely if she so chooses.
Giovanni - Sanguine Incongruity (5pt Merit)
Giovanni manifesting this peculiar trait are quite rare - there are fewer than a dozen reported instances. Those possessing it do not ear the Curse of the Lamia; their Kiss causes no more damage than the blood loss itself. However, these vampires acquire a peculiar pallor upon their Embrace - they look like corpses, and no among of ingestion will flush their features (as other vampires are able to do). Giovanni with this Merit are afforded wide berth, as their Trait is reminiscent of the Cappadocians clan weakness and the Giovanni tend to be quite superstitious about it.
Guardian Angel (6pt Merit)
Someone or something watches over you and protects you from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. IN times of great need you may be supernaturally protected. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. The Storyteller must decide why you are being watched over, and by what (not necessarily an angel, despite the name).
Harmless (1pt Merit)
Everyone in the city knows you, and knows that you’re no threat to their plans. While that sort of estimation may seem insulting, it’s also what kept you from being killed. No one considers you worth their time to deal with, and that low opinion keeps you safe. Of you start acting in a way that demonstrates that you are not longer harmless, others’ reactions to you will likely change as a result.
Harpy (5pt Merit)
You count yourself among the harpies, the vampires who rule the roost in Elysium. Yours is one of the voices that mock, exalt or humble the Kindred of the city.. Your opinion is very influential, which means that you’re going to face all sorts of attempts - from bribes to threats - to change it. You are at -1 difficulty on all Social rolls when acting in your official capacity.
Healing Touch (1pt Merit)
Normally vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict by licking them. With but a touch, you can achieve the same effect.
Hidden Diablerie (3pt Merit)
The tell-tale black streaks of diablerie do not manifest in your aura.
Higher Purpose (1pt Merit)
You have a goal that drives and directs you in everything. You do not concern yourself with petty matters and casual concerns, because your higher purpose is everything. Though you may sometimes be driven by this purpose and find yourself force to behave in ways contrary to the needs of personal survival, it can also grant you great personal strength. You gain two extra dice on all rolls that have anything to do with this higher purpose. You need to decide what your higher purpose is. Make sure you talk it over with the Storyteller first. (If you have the Flaw Driving Goal, you cannot take this Merit).
Holder of Office (3-5pt Merit)
You currently hold one of the official Camarilla positions in your city. The degree of the power you possess depends on the cost of the Merit.
Holdings (1-5pt Merit)
You own a number of properties that have been in your possession for years. These have all been modified to provide you with protection, numerous places to rest and emergency escape routes. Although such holdings are often ancient castles, museums and the like, they can also be specifically prepared apartment complexes, mountain lodges, old churches, etc. For every point taken in this Merit you have two such holdings, which can almost anywhere in the world. While the rights to this territory are yours, there are responsibilities that come along with it. If those responsibilities are not met, the prince may well strip you of your holdings.
Holy Aura (2pt Merit)
Your aura, no matter what color it takes, is unusually brilliant to those who can see it; you're practically a beacon among other mortals, burning w/ a religious devotion. Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence.
Huge Size (4pt Merit)
You are abnormally large in size, possibly over seven feet tall and 400 pounds in weight. You therefore have one additional Health Level, and are able to suffer more harm before you are incapacitated. Treat this extra Level as an extra Hurt Level, with no penalties to rolls.
Humanity's Window (3pt merit)
Although otherwise monstrous in appearance, you retain one striking feature from your mortal life. Beautiful eyes are the feature most commonly preserved this way, but Humanity's Window can encompass any aspect of what you once had, such as a wonderful voice or sensitive fingers. This merit adds one die to the character's dice pool for social interactions with others encountering the character for the first time. It can be purchased only by characters of Appearance 0, such as Nosferatu and Gargoyles.
Hypersensitive Palate (2pt merit)
You have an almost supernatural ability to analyze the blood you drink. Any sip of blood you are able to sample allows a single Perception roll (difficulty 7 + [the age of blood in hours]) to detect familiar tastes or distinction. If any successes are scored, the Storyteller may require a second roll to correctly identify the flavors tasted (water from the Thames, French merlot, Lingenwald factory soot, a particular family's blood).
Inconnu Associate (4pt Merit)
You're friends w/ another Kindred who belongs to the Inconnu. Though you may call upon your friend in times of need, she may call on you as well. Neither of your sects appreciate such relationships, & your leaders would punish you if your friendship were discovered. Arranging methods of communication & meeting places will be difficult.
Innate Magical Ability (5pt Merit)
You have some sort of magical ability that makes you unique. this ability is different from any normal vampiric power or Discipline. The exact nature of your ability should remain mysterious to you, though you have some say in what that ability is.
Inoffensive to Animals (1pt Merit)
Animals do not fear or distrust you the way they do most of the Kindred. They treat you as they would any mortal and do not shy from your touch.
Inquisitor - Bitter Blood (1pt Merit)
The Lord has made your blood bitter to the foul tongues of the undead. One taste of your blood and a vampire will never feed from you again. There’s nothing preventing a vampire from bleeding you just for the fun of it, of course, but you’re the last vessel from which a nightwalker would willingly choose to drink. A vampire taking even one blood point from you must make a Willpower roll (diff 9) to continue doing so, even if starving. A vampire in hunger frenzy, however, will drain you dry without batting an eyebrow.
Inquisitor - Callous-Sensitive (1pt Merit)
You know well that inquisitors aren’t always the paragons of piety that others expect them to be. Furthermore, when other inquisitors have become Callous, you can sense it. Roll Perception + Empathy (diff 6) any time the character is in the presence of a Callous cohort. Even one success reveals who it is who has fallen to Callousness. At the Storyteller’s discretion, more successes may reveal other information, including the duration of this period of Callousness or just how Callous he is.
Inquisitor - David’s Arm (3pt Merit)
Your aim is blessed, like David’s when he let loose his sling stone against Goliath. Your perception of distance and understanding of other relevant factors give you a clear advantage on all ranged attacks. Double all benefits gained from aiming.
Inquisitor - Divinely Favored (4pt Merit)
You are the beneficiary of an extraordinary degree of divine grace. While others seem to suffer Curses as some form of atonement or punishment for their access to divine power, you seem to bear that burden lightly, only rarely gaining the Curses that befall other inquisitors. In addition to whatever other modifiers may come into play, all rolls related to acquiring new Curses are subject to a -2 diff.
Inquisitor - Evangelist (2pt Merit)
Your joy in your faith is a palpable thing that others can sense. Good Christian folk enjoy being in your company and often come away with their own belief renewed by conversation with you. You have a knack for remembering apt Biblical quotations that help people through their days. You receive a -2 to all Social difficulties when interacting with other God-fearing Christians.
Inquisitor - Gifted Exorcist (5pt Merit)
You have a talent for forcing demons and other possessing spirits out of physical bodies that do not belong to them. You are probably well known and highly sought after for your abilities in this context. The diff on all exorcism rolls decreases by 3. Furthermore, if conducting the exorcism in conjunction with other inquisitors and one of them botches, you may take the burden upon yourself and expend a permanent Willpower point to prevent the loss of the group’s accumulated successes.
Inquisitor - Grace (2pt Merit)
Not only do you take great pride in doing God’s work, but you also have the compassion and humanity to avoid the hazards associated with such high levels of Conviction. Your conviction can be up to two points higher than your Piety before you show signs of Callousness. An inquisitor with this Merit will never become Callous if her Piety is 8 or higher.
Inquisitor - Hale (2pt Merit)
God has granted you a strong constitution, so you may better serve His cause. You are rarely less than robust health and take ill infrequently. Subtract 2 from all difficulties to resist disease, whether natural or supernatural in nature.
Inquisitor - Halo (5pt Merit)
You are blessed, and it’s unmistakable. You have a halo, not a traditional halo of light so much as a divine aura, actually, but it serves you well. Characters with this merit radiate a sense of divine serenity. While it’s possible to take aggressive action against such a character, those agents of the Devil who would do so must spend 1 Willpower point each time.
Inquisitor - Holy Aura (2pt Merit)
God’s touch upon you has an odd effect on the people around you. They sense that there is something different about you. The religious are drawn to you and the criminal or heretical tend to avoid you instinctively. However, everybody finds it hard to lie to you or hide his true nature from you. All difficulties on rolls to lie to you or conceal something from you are increased by 2.
Inquisitor - Holy Art Natural (5pt Merit)
One of the paths of the Holy Art comes very easily for you. For some reason, the Lord has blessed you with a particular aptitude, so that you may serve him better. Whatever the cause, the experience cost for your chosen path is (current rating x4). You need not begin with any dots in your chosen art; if you choose not to, the cost to buy the first dot is 8 experience points.
Inquisitor - Initiate (3pt Merit OR Flaw)
You have agreed to take on a young inquisitor as your student. He does not have any Blessings yet, but he is showing a fine aptitude for the business of inquisition and a firm resolution in the face of the enemy. This is a heavy burden, though, for you are responsible for this child’s soul as well as his life. If Initiate is taken as a Merit, the student is intelligent, faithful and diligent in his studies and prayer. He will fight for you only in the most extreme of circumstances, but willingly does research or runs errands for you when called upon to do so. He may well yet be blessed by the Lord. If taken as a Flaw, the Initiate is a problem who hinders your work. He’s incompetent, lazy, petulant and he lacks dedication to his faith. He can be a danger and a liability to the safety of your chapter.
Inquisitor - Inviolate (4pt Merit)
Your body is so filled with the Holy Spirit that invading spirits cannot worm their way in. You cannot be possessed by demons, ghosts, vampires, or any other creature. This merit only protects from Dominate 5.
Inquisitor - Order Prodigy (3pt Merit)
You are perfectly attuned to the wisdom and tenets of your order, so much so that your almost intuitive grasp of your order’s Endowments prevents you from suffering Curses when learning them. Even under difficult or rushed circumstances, you do not acquire Curses from learning your order’s Endowments. Learning the Endowments of other orders, however, still puts you at risk. Murnau and Red Order Characters cannot take this Merit.
Inquisitor - Orthodox (1pt Merit)
While others adopt Catholicism with one or two tiny private changes that make them feel better about the religion, you accept Catholicism entirely on its own grounds. You are a complete and utter true believer, happily ignoring any evidence that might give you second thoughts about the Church’s theology or its earthly hierarchy. The Powers That Be like you because you accept as God’s own truth whatever they tell you. It’s easy to get along when you accept everything you are told. All social rolls pertaining to representatives of the Church are made at -2 diff, so long as you do as you’re told and wholly embrace the Catholic Church’s stance on everything.
Inquisitor - Pain Resistant (2pt Merit)
The disciplines of faith, self-denial and mortification have granted you an unusual resistance to pain. Let Satan’s spawn do their worst: The flesh matters not. All wound penalties are reduced by one. (So at the Wounded health level your character loses one die, not two.)
Inquisitor - Pure (5pt Merit)
Most inquisitors begin play with an Acolyte-level Curse. You, however, do not - Either you have atoned for your sins sufficiently to negate the need for divine retribution, or you simply lead such a blameless life that no contrition is necessary. Whatever the case, you begin with an order Endowment, but no Curse. Obviously, this Merit is not available to characters beginning with their order benefit and drawback in lieu of an Endowment.
Inquisitor - Religious Heritage (1pt Merit OR Flaw)
When taken as a merit, Religious Heritage indicates your family has a history of dedicated service in the Church, with many of your relatives gaining prominent positions through the years. That reputation works to your benefit as well. If taken as a Flaw, however, your family has a dark reputation as heretics, demon thralls or pagans, a problem that taints your name. You receive a -2 to Social difficulties when interacting with members of the Church or anyone else who would be impressed by your lineage (if taken as Merit) or a +2 difficulty on such rolls (if Flaw) . House Murnau characters may not take this Trait.
Inquisitor - Saint’s Conscience (3pt Merit)
Like all Christians struggling with life, you can make mistakes. On occasion, however, in times of great moral ambiguity, you can pray to God for guidance and receive it. Once per game session when the character is in a morally confusing situation, he can pray and get a clear answer directing him to one course of action that is the most moral. Characters may use this Merit to keep themselves from acting in ways that would lead to Callousness or other similarly negative outcomes. The Storyteller determines which path the character is better off taking and guides him in that direction.
Inquisitor - Talented Liar (2pt Merit)
Others may give themselves away when they lie. A stammer, a glance at the ground, a quaver in the voice, they all suggest deceit to the would be duped. Not you. You can tell even brazen lies and make them sound entirely truthful. Even old priests have a hard time discerning when you’re lying. If you’re crafty, you may even be able to figure out ways around the Endowments of your fellow inquisitors. All rolls to discern whether or not you’re lying are at a +2 diff. In the case of something really obvious, it is still a +1 diff.
Inquisitor - Tough as Nails (3pt Merit)
You come from hardy, thick-skinned stock, or perhaps God has favored you. You shrug off damage easier than most. All soak rolls are made at -1 diff.
Inquisitor - Uncanny Logic (2pt Merit)
All inquisitors have to be able to separate truth from falsehood and right from wrong. You, however, have an uncanny reasoning ability that allows you to take apparently innocuous facts and ruthlessly deduce their true meaning. There is nothing supernatural in this: God has merely granted you an ordered and uncluttered mind that can work through trains of thought more fully than others can manage. All difficulties on rolls involving deduction decrease by 2.
Institutional Control (2-5pt Merit)
You begin play with absolute control over one mortal institution of your choice. Either you are the head of this institution, or you have mastered its leader. In the first case, think about how you will retain control without being able to appear to your followers during the day (it may be impossible to remain in command for long). If you control the mortal leader, then think about how you keep him loyal. (Blackmail? The Blood Oath? Dominate? Presence?) The cost of the Merit depends upon the size and power of the institution. Control of a small hermitage with six monks is a 2 point Merit. To control and opulent monastery with 200 brothers is a 5 point Merit. Plausible institutions include: monasteries, friaries (3-5 points) cathedral chapters (monks attached to a cathedral; 5 points), hermitages (2 points), hospitals (hostels for the poor and sick; 3 points), city guilds (2 to 5 points, depending on size and power), city law courts (3 points), etc.
Introspective (1pt Merit)
You have keen insight into the ulterior motives of all your actions. Through this nightly exercise, you also have incredible insight into the underlying motives of others’ actions. Add two dice to your Perception dice pool when you must take an action against someone with the same Nature or Demeanor as you.
Invisible to Kindred (4pt Merit)
Your very nature makes it difficult for Kindred to even look at you. To them, you have a Level 1 Obfuscate.
Iron Will (3pt Merit)
When you are determined and you mind is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals. You cannot be Dominated, nor can your mind be affected in any way by spells or rituals. However, the Storyteller may require you to spend Willpower points when extremely potent powers are directed at you.
Jack-of-all-Trades (5 pt Merit)
You have a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge obtained through your extensive travels, the jobs you’ve held or just all-around know-how. You automatically have one dot in all Skill and Knowledge Dice Pools. This is an illusory level, used only to simulate a wide range of abilities. If the character trains or spends experience in the Skill or Knowledge, he must pay the point cost for the first level a "second time" before raising the Skill or Knowledge to 2.
Judicial Ties (2pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts in the justice system. You know most of the judges as well as the attorneys in the prosecutor’s department , and can affect the progress of various cases and trials with limited difficulty to intervene in a case, you can influence it in one direction or another. These ties can also make it easy to acquire search warrants.
Kinfolk - Feral Appearance (1pt Merit)
Whether you’re more hirsute than the average person or have a lean, hungry look to your features, the werewolves like what they see. It isn’t a matter of physical beauty; there’s just something about you that stirs their animal natures. You get an extra die on all rolls involving Appearance when dealing with homid Garou, and you are considered to have an extra dot of Charisma among lupus Garou (although you can’t exceed 5).
Kinfolk - Fetish (5-7pt Merit)
You own a fetish, one you can actually use. You may have inherited this item, received it as a gift or found it on your own. In any case, the fetish is highly valuable. Fetishes aren’t common among Garou, much less Kin. You and your Storyteller should work together on constructing the item and establish how it came into your possession. 5 points equals a Level One Fetish, 6 points a Level Two and 7 points a Level Three Fetish.
Kinfolk - Gall (2pt Merit)
Audacity, guts, luck - whatever it’s called, you’ve got it. You aren’t afraid to stand up to anyone, from naughty children to tribal leaders. This isn’t brash, foolhardy behavior, you’re still polite, after all. You simply don’t get the shakes when the Silver Fang Ahroun comes over to speak to you. Many werewolves and Kin respect you for your honesty and forthrightness. Add an extra die to any Social roll involving a display of backbone.
Kinfolk - Gnosis (5-7pt Merit)
More than any other blessing, the possession of Gnosis among Kin is a special mark of Gaia’s favor. It’s extremely rare for mortals to be so gifted. Having Gnosis grants many privileges, such as the ability to learn Gifts, use fetishes and in case of a vampire’s Embrace, the chance to die with dignity and honor rather than suffer unlife. Five points spent on the Merit grants one point of Gnosis, 6pt merit gains 2 points of Gnosis and the 7pt merit equals 3 points of Gnosis.
Kinfolk - Good Old Boy (2pt Merit)
For either gender, this Merit means the same thing: You’re an intrinsically nice person and you genuinely care about your fellows. Depending upon the setting, werewolves and other Kin tend to like you and confide in you. Even lupus Garou may approach you in a friendly manner; something about you just seems trustworthy and inviting. Take an extra die on all Social rolls involving interaction with Garou or other Kinfolk.
Kinfolk - Recognize Garou (3pt Merit)
Over the years, you’ve become adept at picking out the werewolves in a crowd. Rather than having any kind of mystical awareness, you’ve simply learned what physical and personality traits tend to mark Gaia’s warriors. They just stand out to you once they’ve undergone the Change. This merit does not allow you to find those who have not had their First Change. All Perception attempts to notice which people in the room seem to have that special touch of rage or wilderness that could indicate they are werewolves are at -2 diff.
Kinfolk - Supernatural Kin (5pt Merit)
This merit is not for mortals. Supernatural Kinfolk is for vampires who are also kinfolk.
Kinfolk - Wolf-sense (1pt Merit)
This Merit is a blend of folk wisdom, practical sense and animal instincts. If you have Wolf-sense and make a successful Int roll, the ST can opt to give you advice on whether you’re about to do something stupid. It doesn’t mean she’ll tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, but at least you’ll have some warning.
Lasombra - Armed Vessel (5pt merit - 6 if antitrubu)
You have been given the captaincy of an armed vessel by the clan, this gives a certain amount of prestige in the clan, but it is also followed by a responsibility that is not to be taken lightly.
Lasombra - Cargo Ship (3pt merit - 4 if antitribu)
You have been given the captaincy of a cargo vessel by the clan, this gives a certain amount of prestige in the clan, but it is also followed by a responsibility that is not to be taken lightly.
Lasombra - Controllable Night Sight (2pt Merit)
You can choose to invert the effects of light and darkness on yourself. Spend on turn in concentration to turn Night Sight on or off, plus one per each heal level of injury you currently suffer. While Night Sight is active, pitch-black darkness seems brightly and uniformly lit to you, while any light brighter than a hundred-watt bulb creates a zone of pure darkness. The penalties for partial darkness instead apply instead to weak illumination. This Merit doesn’t allow you to see through Obtenebration-created darkness, which glows with pure white light that obscures all details.
Lasombra - Executive Officer - Cargo Ship (2pt Merit) or Armed Vessel (4pt Merit)
Serving as the executive officer of a such vessel does confer a certain amount of esteem as well, though not as much as the privilege of command.
Lasombra - Natural Swimmer (2pt Merit)
The character takes to the water as if she were born in it (perhaps she was). Her swimming speed is calculated as if her Athletics score were one dot higher, and all rolls for maneuvering underwater are made at -2 difficulty. This merit only costs 1 point for aquatic characters such as rokea.
Lasombra - Pelagic Harmony (3pt Merit)
Being close to the sea calms you and reinforces your self control. All Willpower rolls made while you’re on or within sight of the sea have their difficulties lowered by one.
Lasombra - Prestigious Confessor (1pt Merit)
You have been granted the favor of confession with one of the ranking priests among the Lasombra. This provides you with access to one of the "powers that be" in the clan, as well as providing you with a certain prestige among your equals. After all, it was you who was called to the cathedral, not they. Of course, given time and the appropriate background you may become a confessor of this sort, granting you access to all sorts of interesting information - subject to the sanctity of the confessional booth, of course.
Lasombra - Strength of Shadows (4pt Merit)
Allows to strengthen the shadows called forth so that even daylight will not immediately dispel them. The Strengthen shadows dissipate after four hours in the sun.
Lasombra - Weather Sense (1pt Merit)
This acumen is very much prized among seafaring Lasombra. A few sires manage to pass on its intricacies to their childer. You subconsciously sense impending bad weather. The Storyteller makes a Perception + Survival roll (diff 7) on your behalf to give up to several hours’ notice of storms and other weather problems before they manifest.
Library of Heresies (2pt Merit)
You have access to one or more of the core texts of the Cainite Heresy in some form. Whether those texts are complete or not, accurate or not, or even legible or not is up to the Storyteller. What matters is that you know what you possess and you know what it is worth, both to yourself and to others.
Light Sleeper (2pt Merit)
You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. The rules regarding how Humanity restricts the number of dice usable during the day are waived.
Lightning Calculator (1pt Merit)
You have a natural affinity with numbers and a talent for mental arithmetic, making you a natural when working with computers or betting at the racetracks. The difficulties of all relevant rolls are decreased by two. Another possible use for this ability, assuming you have numbers on which to base you conclusions, is the ability to calculate the difficulty of certain tasks. In appropriate situations, you may ask the Storyteller the difficulty rating of a task you are about to perform.
Likeness of a Saint (1pt Merit)
Through some quirk of fate, your visage is identical to that of one of the saints whose image is commonly enshrined in the region where you dwell. How you trade on this coincidence is up to you, but you are at -1 difficulty in all Social situations with persons who have especial veneration for the saint in question.
Literacy (2pt Merit)
You are able to read and write without the benefit of having been formally schooled. Either you are self-taught (very difficult) or an ally, acquaintance, mentor, or even a family member, when you were living, taught you to decipher the letters and words and to form them on paper. The level of literacy this merit covers is more functional than naunced. You might have little grasp of actual grammar and syntax, but you can understand written passages and create your own.
Living Icon (4pt Merit)
You have a band of mortals convinced that you are, in fact, a saint or other divinity of some sort, perhaps even the Messiah. Your followers do not doubt your divine status for an instant, and they follow your every command within their capabilities. Their devotion is such that they gladly give up their lives for you, either as sustenance or to root out any who blaspheme against you. Your band of worshipers is, of course, limited; the population of a single village is about the most you can expect without unnecessary complication. The only fly in the ointment of this scenario is a simple one. Should your followers ever be convinced that you are not in fact divine after all, they are sure to turn on you with all the fury the can muster. Furthermore, it may not take very much - say, the appearance of another Cainite whose powers are as impressive as your “divine” ones - to trigger such an adverse reaction.
Lucky (3pt Merit)
You were born lucky - or else the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you may repeat any three failed rolls per story including botches, but may try only once per failed roll.
Lunar Influence (1pt Merit)
The moon has an unusually strong effect on you. During periods of the new moon, your Strength, Dexterity & Stamina are cut in half. During periods of the full moon your Strength, Dexterity & Stamina are increased by half again. During the waxing & waning phases, the Attributes stay the same.
Malkavian - Benevolent Blood (1pt Merit)
Your blood still carries the Curse of Malkav, but its effects have been lessened just a little bit. Any ghouls you create suffer none of the usual deranging side effects of drinking Malkavian blood - they ca be loaded to the gills with your blood and not come one step nearer to gaining a derangement. Of course, ny childer you Embrace will still gain a derangement after the Embrace as usual - although our vitae is easily diluted by mortal blood, the pure stuff carries the Curse as one would expect.
Malkavian - Deadened Nerves (4pt Merit)
Whether it was a condition you held in life or an odd side effect of the Embrace, your nervous system is mssing a few connections. You suffer a +3 difficulty to all tactile-related Perception rolls. However your deadened nerves also protect you from pain, allowing you to ignore your wounds until your lesh is literally blasted from your bones. All penalties for wound levels are halved, rounding down.
Malkavian - Disembodied Mentor (5pt Merit)
The voices in your head may tell you things, but by God, they're useful things. You have a personal guide and advisor who exists largely in your own skull. Your mentor can also be a real distraction when you're trying to do something he finds irrelevant. You're not freed from running errands for your mentor just as often as any other pupil would, if not more so.
Malkavian - Immaculate Aura (1pt Merit)
Whether because of your iron control or some fluke chance, your aura does not give away your insanity. The aura doesn't shift or swirl at all, even when you're confused, frenzied or in a psychotic fit.
Malkavian - Sympathetic Bond (5pt Merit)
For whatever reason, you unconsciously cause a peculiar supernatural form of feedback through the links of the blood bond. Although you're not immune to being blood bound (and you can not take the Merit: Unbondable), if you do become bound to someone, your regent also becomes blood bound to you to an equal extent. Even if she was already blood bound to another, she nw has the unenviable position of being regnant to two vampires at once. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships.
Mage Companion (3pt Merit)
You have a friend & ally who just happens to be a mage. Though you have the right to call upon her in times of need, she can call on you as well. Most likely this mage is of the Euthanatos or verbena, but she can be of any Tradition or Convention.
Magic Resistance (2pt Merit)
You have an inherent resistance to the rituals of Tremere and the spells of mages of other creeds and orders. The difficulty of such magic, both malicious and beneficent, is two higher when directed at you. You may never learn the Discipline Thaumaturgy.
Magic Sensitivity (1pt Merit)
You have a supernatural gift that allows you to know if any magic is in use or had been used recently within a 10-ft radius of yourself. this includes all supernatural Disciplines as well.
Malkavian - Blessed (5pt Merit)
You exude an aura of holiness, your voice is like that of an angel and an inner light radiates from you. Others worship you, and even those who want to harm you find it hard to take action. The true source of this blessing is unknown, but those who observe you believe God has anointed you in some manner.
Manse or Mansion (2pt Merit)
You own a large manor - a home with 25 or more rooms - as well as the surrounding estate. The servants, if you have any, are provided for if you choose this Merit, although they cannot be used as Herd or Retainers unless you purchase the appropriate Background. The mansion is assumed to be fences or walled in, and makes an excellent haven. While the mansion can be in as poor or good repair as you wish, the more inhabited it appears to be, the more attention (from tax men and the like) will it garner. Similarly, superstitious mortals will go out of their way to avoid a "haunted" manor…
Mechanical Aptitude (1 or 2pt Merit)
You are naturally adept with all kinds of mechanical devices (note that this aptitude does not extend to electronics devices such as computers). The difficulties of all dice rolls to understand, repair or operate any kind of mechanical device are two less. However, this merit doesn’t help you drive any sort of vehicle.
Media Ties (2pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts in the local media. You can suppress and create news stories (though not always with 100 percent efficiency; journalists are an unruly bunch and you have access to the files and gossip of the staffs of newspapers and TV stations.
Medium (2 or 4pt Merit)
You possess the natural affinity to sense and hear spirits, ghosts, and shades. Though you cannot see them, you can sense them, speak to them and, through pleading or cajoling, draw them to your presence. You may call upon them for aid or advice, but there will always be a price.
Mercantile Ties (3pt Merit)
You have influence & contacts in the local merchant community. You understand the dynamics of money in the city & have links w/ all the major players. In times of need, you can cause all sorts of financial mayhem & can raise considerable amounts of money.
Miracles of the Faith (5pt Merit)
Somehow, in some way even you don’t understand, you are able to conjure miracles. You cannot do so on command, or even very often, but when the power comes upon you, the results are impressive. Fountains turn from water to blood, bread turns to flesh and other such impossibilities occur in your presence, usually when you need them to manifest to convince unbelievers or inspire the faithful. The source of your powers is unknown, though you most probably see it as a mark of divine favor. Whether or not that is actually the case, or if there are darker powers involved, is a question you prefer not to examine.
Misplaced Heart (2pt Merit)
Your heart has actually moved within your body, though no more than two feet from its original position near the middle of your chest. Those who attempt to stake you find it very difficult to find the right location (which should be your most tightly guarded secret).
Mole (3pt Merit)
You have an informer buried in the Sabbat (or, less likely, one of the independent clans or the Anarach Free States) who funnels all sorts of information as to what her peers are up to. What you do with the information us up to you, but abusing the knowledge might be a good way to get your informer killed. The other side has spies too, you know…
Mummy Companion (5pt Merit)
You have one of the world’s few mummies as a companion or close associate. Your relationship is one of relative equality, with neither of you able to dominate the other, and you find this most refreshing. Although it would not be condemned by the Kindred, you both take pains to keep the association secret. Other powerful elders might wish to take advantage of your companion and the benefits he occasionally provides you. Other Kindred may even attempt to destroy the mummy or turn him against you rather than allow you access to his great stores of information and abilities.
Mystic Ability (2pt Merit)
For some reasons you have visions. the visions are not necessarily precognitive, but like precognition, the visions occur outside your control. You may make yourself more sensitive to them through ascetic practices, but you can never consciously induce a vision. The again you may have a vision as you're walking down the street minding your own business.
Natural Cypher (2pts)
You have a natural flair for mathematical aptitude. You may have little to no formal schooling that involves numbers or logic, but when presented with a problem that involves numbers or logic, you are able to tackle it with great facility. Add three dice to your dice pool when employing this Merit against logic problems, mathematical problems, and games that require mathematical aptitude.
Natural Leader (1pt Merit)
You are gifted with a certain magnetism to which others naturally defer. You receive two extra dice when making Leadership rolls. You must have a Charisma rating of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit.
Natural Linguist (2 pt Merit)
You have a flair for languages. This Merit does not allow you to learn more languages than the number permitted by your Linguistics score, but you may add three dice to any Dice Pool involving languages (both written and spoken)
Nightclub (2pt Merit)
You own a moderate-sized nightclub, perhaps one of the hottest nightspots in the city. This club brings in enough money to support you in moderate luxury ($1000 a month, but it can grow) , but more important than the money is the prestige. You may use the nightclub as your haven, or you may simply hang out there. The name of the nightclub, its style, design, and its regular patrons are all up to you. Variations on this there could include a restaurant, theater, comedy club, sports arena or retail store.
Nine Lives (6pt Merit)
Fate has granted you the opportunity to come as close to Final Death as anyone can get and still survive. When a roll occurs that would result in your death, the roll is made again. If the next roll succeeds, then you live - and one of your nine lives is used up. If that subsequent roll fails, then another re-roll is made until either a successful roll occurs or your nine lives are used up. The Storyteller should keep careful count of how many lives the character has remaining.
Nobility (1-3pt Merit)
You possessed a mortal title before your Embrace and have somehow managed to pass yourself off as alive. Consequently, the advantages of nobility are open to you. You are presumed to be landless unless you purchase the Resources Background. One point of this Merit translates roughly as minor title with little prestige (a knight, say). With 2 points, you could be a baronet, and with 3 you might be a minor baron. Higher titles should be given to players only at the Storyteller’s discretion. In the Dark Medieval world, they represent great power, but require an equally great amount of work to maintain.
Nosferatu - Blood Bloat (1-3pt Merit)
Somehow you’ve developed the ability to store more blood in yourself than is normal for your generation. You are a fat little sausage saturated with vitae, and your skin is strained and partially split whenever you are full. Every point in this Merit increases your capacity to carry blood by one extra point above your generation maximum. You have a larger reservoir, but you cannot process or expend the vitae any quicker than your peers can. Whenever you are fully fed, your skin is a ruddy color, and other Cainites can smell the blood trying to squeeze past your pores (perception + alertness 7). This can cause frenzies in hungered vampires.
Nosferatu - Disgusting (2pt Merit)
You have the ability to contort your body and face in all sorts of shocking and grotesque ways. You can drool blood, pop your eyes out to double their width, spontaneously grow and burst boils on your flesh, extend your tongue three feet out of your mouth, etc. In addition, you are an accomplished practitioner of the fine art of disgusting others, and take considerable pride in your ability to gross out anyone or anything. By concentrating for a turn and spending a Blood Point, you may will your body to do something vile, making a Wits + Intimidation roll (difficulty of the opponent’s Wits + Self-Control). Each success on this roll subtracts one from the opponent ‘s Dice Pool for any action taken next turn (the opponent is so repulsed and horrified by your antics that concentration is broke).
Nosferatu - False Reflection (3pt Merit)
When using Mask of a Thousand Faces, a Nosferatu with this Merit can create a false impression of his disguise on recording media. He can have his picture taken, show up on a videotape and even record an imitation of the subject's voice. Nosferatu withut this Merit cannot disguise themselve to machines using the Obfuscate Discipline.
Nosferatu - Feeding Tongue (2pt Merit)
This merit gives the Nosferatu a cartilaginous tongue through which he feeds. It is believed to stem from the Larvae Nosferatu and any of their progeny. The tongue cannot extend more than six inches past the mouth, but it does cause aggravated wounds (treat the attack as a bite). Unlike the Kiss, this feeding is very painful for the victim. It’s much like a giant mosquito plunging a spike-sized needle into the flesh and siphoning blood fast enough to collapse blood vessels.
Nosferatu - Foul Blood (3pt Merit)
Your blood tastes truly awful. Opponents who bite you in combat must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) or spend the next turn retching and gagging; the idiot who actually tries to commit diablerie upon you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) and score three successes to complete the process.
Nosferatu - Gaping Maw (2pt Merit)
You've got a nasty gash where your mouth should be. It can smile, it can frown, and most importantly, it can grin two or three inches wider than any human mouth can. An ordinary vampire can suck up to three blood points in a turn. You can drain up to four points a turn, provided you can latch your tooth-filled orifice around enough skin.
Nosferatu - Legendary Accomplishment (3pt Merit)
Somewhere in your past you accomplished a great feat of Nosferatu cunning, turning you into an immortal legend. Perhaps you stole the Pope’s miter or convinced a Lasombra lord he actually possessed a reflection that looked just like you. Regardless, your one exploit has marked you in the annals of clan history, and it’s unlikely the legend will die during your existence. As a result, you gain 2 dice in any social interaction with other Nosferatu based on status (Intimidation, Leadership etc). Unfortunately, all other actions and exploits are measured up against this one great accomplishment. Nothing you can do can equal to that one moment of greatness, and younger Nosferatu are constantly competing to outdo you.
Nosferatu - Lizard Limbs (1pt Merit)
When your limbs are restrained or grappled, you may spend a Blood Point and make a Willpower roll (difficulty Cool. If you succeed, you may "shed" a limb, leaving it in your opponent’s grasp while you escape. The limb may be regrown normally. If you shed enough limbs, you can escape nearly any bonds, though it is hard to flee the scene of captivity when one has not legs….Nosferatu with this Merit often use it for practical jokes (Let’s shake on it…).
Nosferatu - Long Fingers (1pt Merit)
Your fingers are unnaturally long and spidery. You gain one extra die to Dice Pool involving digital coordination or grappling.
Nosferatu - Oversized Fangs (1pt Merit)
When you grew your fangs, you really grew’em. Your fangs are enormous, snaggly things resembling cobra fangs or possibly even tusks. Your bite does one additional die of damage, and you may add one to your Intimidation Dice Pool.
Nosferatu - Oversized Mouth (1pt Merit)
Your mouth is huge and you are able to open it to prodigious width, You may drink an additional two Blood Points from your victim each turn.
Nosferatu - Patagia (4pt Merit)
Leathery wings fold up into your horrid little body. Picture the gliding wings of a pterodactyl or a flying squirrel. Now visualize them hanging off the twisted skeleton of bat-like wings. With the aid of an updraft or a strong wind, you can glide for short distances — rather useful for Nosferatu who skulk along rooftops, don’t you think? Storytellers should know that a vampire with this Merit can glide at his normal walking speed. MET: You can’t actually fly or hover with this Merit, only glide like a flying squirrel on flaps of leathery skin that stretch from under your arms and down your sides. You may not carry passengers and only personal items may travel with you (Storyteller discretion). Furthermore, you need wind to carry you, and if there’s none, you just drop like a stone (so don’t even think about using this indoors). When gliding, hold your arms out at your sides and wear a tag indicating your unusual appearance. You may glide at a normal walking speed. Consult the Storyteller before taking this Merit.
Nosferatu - Projectile Vomiting (2pt Merit)
This talent is like the Eat Food Merit, but twice as versatile. Food comes in; food goes out very, very fast. A vampire with this ability can ingest, and possibly even taste, food and drink. He cannot gain any nutrional benefit from this ordinarily digestible matter, but he can store it for later use. When this need arises, the Nosferatu can not only disgorge his stored supply of food, but also aim it with a degree of precision. For the record, projectile vomiting in the Storyteller system usually requires a Stamina + Athletics roll; the diff is 8, and a victim can attempt to dodge this bolus of ejected victuals. Althogh this attack does not cause damage, the type of food ejected may temporarily obscure a victim's vision, cause him to slip or merely force him to weep with shame at a Camarilla Toreador's grand ball.
Nosferatu - Reptile Buddy (3pt Merit)
Yes, those legends about albino alligators in the sewers really are true. You've been nursing a few of them with your vitae in the local spawning pool for years. Your careful breeding and vigilant training has produced a reptilian slave of exceptional intelligence. It has a mind as sharp as that of a five-year-old child and teeth as keen as butcher knives. The beast understands your native language perfectly and can even follow complex directions. Faster and deadlier than any human ghoul, it is a highly efficient killing machine fully capable of patrolling your domain with ruthless efficiency. Reptile buddies also love to play "fetch" with human limbs (whether attached or severed).
Nosferatu - Rugged Bad Looks (1-5pt Merit)
Your face is hideous, but it could almost pass for that of a really ugly human. If you were to cover every other part of your body, you could shamble into mortal society looking only slightly suspicious. While you might have a hunchback, reptilian scales over parts of your flesh or a foul stench that never dissipates, you can actually walk among mortals — with extensive precautions — with-out automatically breaking the Masquerade. Other vampires give you no end of grief for not looking like a “real” Nosferatu. By the way, this is as “attractive” as a Nosferatu ever gets; no Merit will ever increase a Nosferatu’s Appearance above zero.
Nosferatu - Sleep Unseen (2pt Merit)
You can use the Obfuscate Discipline to hide while you sleep during the day. Such prolonged use of this ability requires an extra blood point to keep your body hidden for a full day. Of course, you must at least be hidden from sulight, and vampires using the Auspex Discipline can still detect you, but mortals will ignore your very presence. This is a useful Merit for Nosferatu emissaries and travelers; many would perish without it.
Nosferatu - Slimy (2pt Merit)
Your skin secrets slime like that of a worm or mollusk. Opponents must score two more successes than normal to grappled you, and your difficulty to soak fire damage is reduced by one.
Nosferatu - Swarm Attractor (2pt Merit)
You must have at least one dot in Animalism to take this Merit. Your skin exudes a grease that attracts flies, gnats, bees and other flying insects. While these insects normally buzz passively about you in a thick cloud, you may command them in a limited fashion, The bugs may travel up to 20 feet from you to sting and distract your foes. The swarm does no actual damage, but any being caught in the swarm must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If the roll fails, the victim loses two dice from her Dice Pool that turn; if it botches, she may take no actions whatsoever.
Nosferatu - Tough Hide (2pt Merit)
Your skin is thick and leathery, resembling that of a pachyderm. You gain one extra dice on your soak Dice Pool (though not to soak fire and sunlight).
Occult Library (2pt Merit)
You possess a library of occult material which may include at least one version of the Book of Nod. You are not necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of knowledge (that is a function of your Abilities), but in time of need your library can be an invaluable source for research.
Old Pal (2pt Merit)
An acquaintance form your breathing days was embraced at the same time you were. Fortunately, your friendship has endured even death and unlife, and you find a constant source of support and aid in your old friend. She expects the same of you, which isn’t always convenient, but at least you each have someone to hang onto who remembers the good old night - and days.
Open Road (2pt Merit)
Unlike many Kindred, you like to travel. You have a solid knowledge of safe travel routes and methodologies, not to mention haven space available in any number of destinations. Unless someone out there knows your exact route and is specifically looking for you, you can move between cities unimpeded by random encounters with Lupines, overzealous state troopers and the like.
Oracular Ability (3pt Merit)
You can see and interpret signs and omens. You are able to draw from these omens, for they provide hints of the future and warnings of the present. When the Storyteller feels that you are in a position to see and omen, you will be required to make a Perception + Occult roll, with the difficulty relative to how well the omen is concealed. If successful, you may then roll Intelligence + Occult to interpret what you have seen, the difficulty again relative to the complexity of the omen.
Pale Aura (2pt Merit)
Any color your aura takes has a pallor to it like a Vampire’s. In fact, if a Vampire makes less than 5 successes on an Aura Perception roll, she believes you to be one of them.
Paramour (3-5pt Merit)
You have had a long-term (minimum 75 years) relationship with a fellow Kindred. Although you may have had your disagreements over the many years, you are generally loyal to each other. You know most, if not all, of your paramour’s secrets, and your paramour knows as much about you. You have both come to each other’s aid several times over the years, and you would be aggrieved were anything to happened to your love. The cost of this Merit depends on the relative power and position of your paramour in Kindred society (3 for an ancilla, 4 for another elder of equal power, 5 for a more powerful elder).
Paranoia, Limited (2pt Merit)
You know that there are many vampires, hunters, Garou, and the like who would love to destroy you. You go out of your way to prepare contingency plans, vary your movement patterns and habits, and otherwise make yourself a difficult target. As a result, you are less likely to be attacked unawares (-1 difficulty to spotting ambushes and the like).
Patience (3pt Merit)
You have learned the wisdom of patience in all things. Passions may burn brightly; but as they say revenge is served best cold. Often, with enough patience, new avenues of endeavor open, enemies grow careless and favors shift. Those who wait and watch are in a position to take full advantage of the vagaries of time. Due too your mastery of patience all Frenzy rolls are made with a -1 difficulty modifier.
Pawn (3pt Merit)
You can manipulate and have some control over other vampire - one of higher generation than you. Your hold was likely formed through Blood Bond, but can also come from a variety of other sources, such as blackmail, bribes or threats - you make it up. The pawn does not necessarily know that it is being controlled.
Pelagic Harmony (3pt Merit)
A rare state of mind that runs counter to this disorder, seems to grant the reverse effect, giving added mental equilibrium (-1 difficulty to all willpower rolls) if the character is on or within sight of the sea.
Pitiable (1pt Merit)
There is something about you that others pity. This causes them to care for you as if you were a child (see the Archetypes section). Some Natures will not be affected by this Merit )Autocrat, Deviant, Fanatic, Sycophant), and some Demeanor may pretend they are not. You need to decide what it is about you that attracts such pity, and how much (or how littler) you like it.
Poisonous Blood (3pt Merit)
Your blood is poisonous to kindred, though they will not know until they drink it. Every blood point drunk causes 1 health level of damage (lethal) to them.
Police Ties (3pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts in the local police department. You can, with a single phone call, cause a APB to be issued. However, the more often you use your ties with the police department, the weaker they become, and the more attention you attract towards yourself. Your influence is not solid (that can be achieved only through game play), and can let you down at times.
Political Ties (3pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts among the politicians and bureaucrats of the city. In times of need, you can shut off the power and water to a building or neighborhood, and can unleash many different means of harassment against your enemies. The more you use your political ties, the weaker they become. Total control can only be achieved through game play.
Powerful Childe (1-5pt Merit)
You have a childe in a position of power within vampiric society. This child is loyal, and often serves as both an information font and protection. Although she sometimes asks favors of you, you are most definitely in control of the relationship, as it is right for a sire to be.. The cost of this Merit depends upon the power and position of the childe (1 for leading anarchs, 2 for an Archon, 3 for a primogen, etc., determined in conjunction with the Storyteller). This Merit must be taken separately for each such childe. Having this childe Blood Bound to you costs two extra points.
Precocious (3pt Merit)
You learn quickly. The time for you to pick up a particular Ability (or Abilities, at Storyteller discretion) is cut in half, as is the experience cost.
Precognition (4pt Merit)
You have the ability to perceive events before they happen. this ability is not under your control. The premonitions come to you when you least expect them to. The focus of the premonition is not under your control either.
Presentation Gifts (2-6pt Merit)
One or more Kindred currently owe a boon to you. You may have gifted them with favors or material items sometimes in the distant past, or just last week, but they now owe you a debt. This grants you an advantage in your dealings with these Kindred (-1 to the difficulty level of any checks to influence them). Although you would not give up you current position lightly, you may also call in this debt 9or debts) should you require aid. Such aid must be commensurate with the initial value of you gift of Presentation. The number of points in Presentation Gift must be determined by both the player and Storyteller, based on the number and magnitude of the debts owed to you, and the importance of the Kindred who owe them. The exact nature of this Merit should be worked into the elder character’s journal or memories.
Prestigious Order (1pt Merit)
You are a member of one of the most prestigious of the knightly orders of the day, most likely the Templars or Hospitalers. By your membership, you stand as a paragon of Christian knighthood, a warrior monk. You gain a -1 diff on social rolls among knights not part of the order. This Merit does not define your status within the order. Note also that Templars and Hospitalers generally cannot have the Resources Background as they take a vow of poverty.
Prestigious Sire (1pt Merit)
Your Sire had or has great Status in the Camarilla, and this has accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be nothing compared to them. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your sire. Indeed, your sire’s contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. Though your sire may no longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your ancestry has marked you forever.
Primogen (7pt Merit)
You are part of the ruling coterie of vampires in the city in which you reside. Your voice is one of the few to which the prince must listen, and you have tremendous influence in your clan. On the other hand, there are always others plotting to take your place, making your position a precarious one.
Primogen Friendship (4pt Merit)
The ruling council of the city values you and your opinions. You are called in to consult on decisions, and your recommendations carry great weight. Your positions may not be an official one, but it’s powerful nonetheless.
Prophetic (3pts)
You see the future and detect pivotal moments in time. You may have some ritual or routine to perform when you try to glimpse future nights, but most often, your ability is sporadic and involuntary. You might be harassed by distant sounds echoing backward through time, or you might recieve terrifically vivid mental images of a single future moment. The Storyteller may require a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty based on your proximity to a person or place that will be instrumental to history) to make sense of your prophetic signal. Prophecies may be important or insignificant and may relate to the future of the world or your future alone.
Prophetic Ability (4pt Merit)
God speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. Some visions may be precognitive, while others might be warning or advice. You can not request or induce others a prophetic vision; they come in on their own. These visions will range from the obvious to the symbolic; the exact nature and effect of the visions is up to the Storyteller. This Merit should provide dramatic moments, and players should not come to rely upon them for plot resolution.
Protégée (1pt Merit)
Your sire watched you for some time before Embracing you, and spoke glowingly of you to acquaintances. These vampires may be inclined to look favorably on you by dint of your sire’s recommendation; you are at -1 difficulty on Social rolls with all those who’ve hear good things about you.
Ravnos - Charmed Samadji (1-4pt Merit)
Your family or sire has gifted you with an item of power. You are expected to carry this powerful draba until you sire your own progeny, then pass the gift to her. Power levels of samadji vary greatly; a samadji might reduce target numbers on certain actions (1-2pt), or even provide the user with effects equivalent to low-level Disciplines, such as Unseen Presence(4pt). Samadji may be activated in any a number of ways. Design your samadji with the Storyteller, who will assign a final value to it.
Ravnos - Family Allegiance (2pt Merit)
Through your travels, you have gained the favor of a mortal Gypsy family. The family aids you in your exploits whenever possible, providing shelter from enemies or acting as a method of transportation to or from a city. All difficulties numbers involving social interacting with the family in question are reduced by two. So long as you do not abuse your trust (such as using family members as steady sources of blood), the family will not turn away from you. Note: You may not take a Family Allegiance with the Tsurara or Ravnos families.
Ravnos - Phralmulo (3pt Merit)
You were Embraced from within the Rom, from one of the families of power. Because of your heritage, you may be able to regain Blood Affinities by feeding on Rome and may begin with Abilities or Backgrounds available only to Gypsy characters. In addition, phramulo characters need not pick a specific crime as their weakness; the phralmulo show a general (but compulsive) contempt and disregard for all the laws of the gaje. Note: Without this Merit, a Ravnos player character is assumed to be Georgio.
Rep (1pt Merit)
Your fame has exceeded the bounds of your sect. Everyone knows who you are. What you’ve done and what you’re supposed to have done 9which might not be the same thing). The publicity can be good or bad; what matters is that everybody knows your name. Whether individuals outside your immediate social circle know enough to match your face to your name is a different matter.
Reputation (2pt Merit)
You have a good reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from you sire. Add three dice to all Dice Pools for social dealings with the city’s Kindred. A character with this Merit may not take the Flaw Notoriety.
Resemble Kindred (2pt Merit)
You look like a Vampire - usually pale and thin like them. You can move among them as one of them, but they may force the new stranger before the Prince for recognition, and he may ask for a Blood Bond. This Merit does not automatically make you aware of vampires or anything associated with them.
Rising Star (3pt Merit)
You’re one of the up and comers in your city, a rising star in the Camarilla’s firmament. Everyone wants to know you and be your friend, even as those in power groom you for positions of higher responsibility. You are at -1 difficulty on all Social rolls against any Camarilla vampire who aren’t actively opposing your ascent.
Sabbat Survivor (1pt Merit)
You have lived through at least one Sabbat attack and /or attempted recruitment. Your experience helps you anticipate situations where you might potentially be endangered by the Sabbat once again. You are at -1 difficulty on all Perception rolls when it comes to Sabbat based matters. This Merit comes into play most frequently as a means of avoiding ambushes and the like.
Safe Passage (1pt Merit)
You have the right to pass through the territory of some other vampire or sect that does not normally allow others passage through their territory. Toreador often have this Merit for various hostile cities, allowing then to enjoy the Elysium of those cities without fear.
Salubri - Blooding by the Code (7pt Merit)
For some reason, you were fortunate enough to receive a blooding by the Code of Samiel in the prescribed way. Consequently, you may learn abilities granted by this blooding if you can find a teacher. You must have an excellent reason for possessing this Merit, and your good fortune may arouse some suspicions both in and out of the clan. Only warrior Salubri may take this Merit.
Salubri - Protected (2-5pt Merit)
You have some shelter from the Tremere hunt, whether from an individual who shares a vow of friendship or from an organization that find you useful. Work out the generalities with your Storyteller, but she creates the final details and most likely plays the character who has an interest in keeping you around. Why doe these people risk themselves for you? These people are not Retainers (unless you purchase the Background as well), and protection has a way of running out if you misuse it or abuse your companion' goodwill. For two points, your shelter is likely a mortal or ghoul who whistles when he sees the torches coming. For three points, you have a weak vampire companion who has a useful Discipline. At four points, you have the security of a church or monastery (with Faith), a coterie of vampires or a vampire ancilla age, and several Disciplines. With five points, you are sheltered by a powerful vampire elder, a church or monastery with Faith, or even a mortal lord and his retinue.
Salubri - Scent of Other (1pt Merit)
For some reason, you just don't seem like a Salubri. Maybe you carry yourself like a Brujah, or it's just one of those inexplicable things. Whatever it may be caused by, the end result is that people need to look hard before admitting to themselves that you are in fact a Salubri, and they will rationalize away what might otherwise be suspicious behavior of yours.
Salubri - Sight Beyond Sight (5pt Merit)
Your third eye occasionally sees things that are invisible to your normal sight. You have no control over what the eyes sees, and sometimes this additional vision can get you in a great deal of trouble. Perhaps you can sometimes see through Obfuscate or Chimerstry, or though magical illusions. Some Salubri have reported seeing into the Shadowlands or occasionally glimpsing the true form of a faerie. The third eye must be open for the Merit to work, whether through Valern or through a concentrated effort (Willpower, difficulty 6).
Salubri - Warrens (3pt Merit)
It doesn't matter that the Tremere are hunting you. You have to go to ground. Whether your knowledges covers the catacombs, Roman ruins, dockside complexes or anywhere else you can imagine, you know a place or two where you can hole up and hide, safe and sound - at least for a little while.
Samedi - Fragrant (3pts)
Perhaps the potency of your vitae keeps your rot from truly manifesting, or maybe you just don't smell as bad as your corpse-like brethren. Whatever the reason, you count yourself among the less vomit-inducing walking corpses, and your horrid stench of decay hangs more closely about you than it otherwise would. You do still reek to those in close proximities, but you no longer stink up the entire room.
Sanctity (2pt Merit)
This Merit is sometimes called the halo effect; everyone considers you pure and innocent, though not necessarily not naive. You have a saint-like quality that is hard to pinpoint but cannot be denied. You are trusted, even if you are not trustworthy. At Storyteller's discretion, you tend to receive lesser punishments for wrongdoing, and you are liked by most.
Sanctuary (2pt Merit)
Another vampire has promised you protection from all harm should you come to her sanctuary. This may be a mentor, a sire or someone who owes you a boon. The vampire has the power to protect you from most threats.
Sanguine Humor (2pt Merit)
The flush of life still seems to fill your veins; therefore, you appear more human than other vampires. Your skin never paled w/ death, you never really stopped breathing & even sneezing comes naturally. You can make your heart beat as long as you have at least one Blood Point.
Scholar of Enemies (2pt Merit)
You have taken the time to learn about and specialize in one particular enemy of the Camarilla. You are aware of at least some of the group's customs, strategies, abilities and long-term goals, and can put that knowledge to good use. This Merit is worth a -2 difficulty for all rolls pertaining specifically to the subject of your specialization. On the other hand, you are at a +1 difficulty when it comes to dealing with other enemies simply because you're so thoroughly focused on your field.
Scholar of Others (2pt Merit)
This Merit functions identically to Scholar of Enemies, except that it applies to a group that is not necessarily inimical to the Camarilla.
Self-Confident (5pt Merit)
You spend a point of Willpower to gain an automatic success, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without actually losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point when you spend it, unless you end the roll with only one success (i.e. you do not gain any additional successes from the dice you roll. This Merit may only be used when you need confidence in your abilities in order to succeed. This means you can use it only when the difficulty of your roll is six or higher. You may spend Willpower at other times; however, if the difficulty is five or less, the Willpower will be spent no matter what you roll.
Setites - Addictive Blood (3pt Merit)
Your blood is especially delicious to others, Kindred or Kine, containing a substance they find physically addictive. Once they have drunk it, they must drink again, or spend a Willpower point at inconvenient moments to avoid the pangs of craving. Setites with this Merit find it much easier to Blood Bond an opponent, as once they have tasted the tainted vitae, they will do almost anything to drink again.
Setites - Agent of Prophecy (1-3pt Merit)
None other than mighty Set himself has foretold your coming, and it is whispered by the elders that you figure prominently in one or more of the Prophecies of Set. This mark of great destiny carries great weight among devout Setites, but it also makes you something of a prize to be sought after by ambitious elders seeking to bask in the reflected glow of Set's favor. The prophecies in question may not come to pass for many hundred years, but your fate will not be denied. This is a variable Merit, with cost representing the perceived importance of your role in the prophecy. Each point taken allows you to cancel a single botch during a give story, but also increases the expectations of your clan. As an added wrinkle, the Storyteller may decide that at least one of the prophecies you are intended for is soon to come, making you the locus of vast events that you may or may not have any control over. This merit does not indicate whether you have been able to translate your association with prophecy into any real authority among other Serpents. For that, you must purchase the Status Background.
Setites - Drug Resistance (2pt Merit)
You are unusually resistance to drugs. Alcohol, narcotics and similar addictive substances have little or no effect upon you. You can drink from winos with impunity, or pretend to be far drunker than you are in order to take advantage of an opponent.
Setites - Poisonous Bite (2pt Merit)
You have developed poison glands in the roof of your mouth. The poison is virulent, although Kindred and other supernatural creatures are unaffected by it. You, of course, are immune. When you bite, you always inject this poison usually killing your human victims. You must learn to feed in other ways, perhaps drawing the blood you need with a syringe or razor, if you do not wish to kill every time you feed.
Sheriff's Friend (2pt Merit)
For whatever reason (maybe your winning smile or perhaps just your superb groveling technique), the local head lawman likes you. He's inclined to overlook your minor trespasses and lets you in on things you're not supposed to know about. He even gives you warnings about occasional crackdowns and times when the prince isn't feeling generous. Of course, abusing this connection might well turn a friendly sheriff into an enemy - and the change might not be apparent until it's too late.
Silence (1pt Merit)
You have an unusual ability to move quietly that goes far beyond the norm. Reduce the difficulty on any Stealth roll involving moving quietly by two. you are even able to move quietly over dry leaves. Should the wind blow while you're moving, there's no way to hear you.
Smell of the Grave (1pt Merit)
You exude an odor of dampness and newly turned earth, which no amount of scents of perfumes will cover. Mortals in your immediate presence become uncomfortable, so the difficulties to all Social rolls to affect mortals increase by one.
Soothe the Beast (2-5pt Merit)
The touch of your hands is calming, the sound of your voice lulling…but not to a restless body or over-stimulated mind - rather, to the Beast within all vampires. You have the ability to aid vampires in their attempts to resist the loss of their humanity. Depending on the point value of this Merit, you may be able to help preserve the self-control of one Cainite you know well - your master, someone else you are close to, or a vampire with whom you are not particularly well-acquainted, depending on the value of the merit.
Soothing Voice (3pt Merit)
Your voice is calm and soothing, almost entrancing. You may add two dice to all rolls that directly involve use of your voice - singing, debating, leading etc.
Sorcerous Awareness (4pt Merit)
For some reason, you have been gifted with the ability to detect when any of the Devils arts (i.e.,magic) is in use or has been used recently within a 10ft radius of yourself. This also includes all supernatural Disciplines and Gifts. How much you may know about this magic depends upon the number of successes you roll using Perception + Occult (difficulty Cool
Special Gift (1-3pt Merit)
Your sire gave you a valuable gift after the Embrace. The Storyteller should create something suitable or choose one item from the Mystical Items lists to gave to you (though you can suggest something). The Storyteller will decide how much a particular item is worth.
Special Rapport (2pt Merit)
You have a special bond w/ another vampire that extends beyond any other bond you know of. You may not love the other vampire, but you have a special link to her. This link allows you to always know when she's in pain, when she's lying & when she needs you. In return, she knows the same about you as well.
Spirit Mentor (3pt Merit)
You have a ghostly companion and guide. The identity and exact powers of this spirit are up to the Storyteller, but it can be called upon in difficult situations for help and guidance.
Spy Network (2pt Merit)
You begin play with access to a group of mortals who frequently bring you information on the daylight world or on faraway places. Their information is both up-to-date and fairly reliable, and they are not likely to lie to you. However, these cannot be used as Allies or Retainers(unless you have that Background too); they have their own aims. Why do they keep you informed? Do you pay them? Perform occasional "favors" for them? Dominate their leader? Or are they mortal friends and family? Also, how much do they know about you? (The more they know, the better they can search out relevant information and pursue useful rumors - but the more damage they could do if they betray you.) A spy network might be anything from a peasant family to a coven of witches, a merchant family's underlings to a network of wandering lepers. What they can discover will depend upon who they are; different people move in different circles, after all.
Strong Blood (5pt Merit)
Your blood's especially potent. Any Kindred who tastes your blood will find it extremely rich & potent & will recognize its great strength. Any diabolist who tastes it will lust after it. You can Blood Bond someone w/ but 2 drinks of your blood.
Student (1pt Merit)
You serve as a mentor to a younger, more inexperienced vampire. The student is most likely a neonate or an ancilla. This student will assist you as you command, but you also consider this Kindred your ward. You take responsibility for training this vampire & for protecting her from harm.
Symbol Independence (3pt Merit)
The use of True faith against a supernatural creature typically requires use of holy symbol. however, Inquisitors & other hunters w/ this Virtue are free from this restriction; they may use their Faith unfettered by any such psychological or religious crutch.
Thick-Skinned (2pt Merit)
Kindred must make their Strength plus Potence roll versus your Stamina to penetrate your skin with their bite. This only works if you struggle though. If unconscious or unmoving, a Kindred can slowly pierce your skin and drink. This only works with feeding or biting.
Time Sense (1pt Merit)
You have an innate sense of time and are able to estimate the passage of time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device. You can accomplish this whether you are concentrating or not. You can estimate the time of day within a minute or two, and the passage of time with the same accuracy.
Toreador - Closer Than Blood (3-5pt Merit)
You have an affinity with another Cainite (most likely a Toreador, but possibly one of another clan) not brought about by the Blood Oath or other artifice means. You would lay down your unlives for each other, and you feel empty without the other nearby. Such bonds can be same sex or opposite sex, and there is not way to predict who your "twin" will be. A 3-point Merit indicates that you occasionally can sense the other's strong emotions (fear, joy, pain) if your "twin" is in the vicinity. A 5-point Merit means that you often sense the other's emotions even at a distance, and can feel the other's physical pain or peril.
Toreador - Fetch (2pt Merit)
You have access to a mortal who looks just like you. Perhaps she's your twin sister, a long-lost relative, someone who has been Vicissituded or simply very good at disguise. Unless she is ghouled, however, she will age and eventually no longer be your double. Your fetch may move about during the day, conducting your business and keeping up your semblance of a mortal life- but also commits actions for which you will be held responsible. Remember, your fetch should be kept carefully informed regarding your relationship and business dealings. (Toreador)
Toreador - Patron (2-4pt Merit)
You have attracted the attention of another Toreador, who has made it her job to see you succeed. Perhaps you gained her attention because of your lineage, perhaps because of your artwork, or something you did or said. Whatever the reason, you have someone who will champion your work and speak up for you in the courts. She may even arrange for shelter or training. Be careful not to abuse your Patron - no one likes being taken for granted. A two-point Patron is someone who is about your own level in clan station, but is perhaps older than you and has good advice to offer. A four-point Patron has resource at her disposal and occupies a station high enough to make a significant difference in your unlife.
Toreador - Touched by God (3pt Merit)
Your art is considered truly inspired and inspiring. There is an essence of life and beauty about your work that moves others. Perhaps you were always gifted, or the Embrace might have opened you to the Almighty in ways you hadn't expected. Your singing voice causes stones to melt, your paintings look as if their subjects might step off the canvas at any moment, or your storytelling holds people utterly spellbound. The difficulty on all Expression rolls is reduced by two. If the art being produced relates to God, the Church or similar higher ideals, the difficulty is reduced by three instead. Such perfection, however, can be engender jealously in mortal or Cainite rivals. Some suspicious clergy may believe that you sold your soul to achieve your talent, or that you are guilt of hubris by reaching too high with your endeavors.
Toreador - Vampiric Consort (5pt Merit)
You are in a relationship much like a marriage with another vampire. This pairing bestows the benefits of the Merit True Love on both of you. Taking this Merit in addition to Closer Than Blood allows you a remarkable degree of closeness - you may be even able to share Disciplines on occasion. Your consort is most likely your equal in power and status, but together you present a formidable front. You would die and kill for each other, and God help the fool who attempt to come between you or harm you lover.
Toreador - Controllable Thirst (1pt Merit)
Because Toreador spend so much time around mortals, resisting frenzy caused by the smell, sight or taste of blood is easier for them. Whenever the Kindred makes a Frenzy roll over blood, reduce the difficulty by three.
Toreador - Eye of Beauty (1pt Merit)
The Kindred is a natural critic. Reduce difficulties for Art Appreciation by 4.
Toreador - Mortal Double (2pt Merit)
You have the services of someone alive who looks just like you. This person might be your actual twin. (Other explanations are possible: a long-lost brother, a master of disguise, a victim of Vicissitude, etc.)However, unless he is made into a ghoul he will eventually age normally. Eventually, he will no longer be your exact double. The double may move about freely during the day, aiding you in hiding your vampiric nature. The double must be fully aware of your personal life, including all your relationships and activities. He must also be a good actor.
Toreador - Refined (2pt Merit)
You are a member of the elite. You are at home in high society and you never feel out of place around the "beautiful people." The difficulty on all Etiquette rolls involving high society is reduced by three. In addition, you are often invited to Toreador socials reserved for those of higher Toreador Prestige (or Camarilla Status) than yourself.
Toreador - Artistically Gifted (3pt Merit)
The difficulty on all Creativity rolls, and Artistic Expression rolls are reduced by three.
Toreador - Greater Colors (3pt Merit)
The vampire sees colors more distinctly and with greater definition. The world is far more colorful. Unfortunately, the vampire is more likely to become enraptured by colorful objects. Despite the drawback, when used in conjunction with Aura Perception, the vampire will discover far more information about her target. The difficulty for reading a target's aura is reduced by five. The player may ask the Storyteller one question about the target for every success, and the Storyteller must provide accurate information. This may be used only once per story on a particular target. Finally, all Artistic Expression difficulties involving color are reduced by one.
Toreador - Supernatural Spouse (4pt Merit)
You share a relationship with a supernatural creature other than another Kindred. Both of you receive the benefits of the True Love Merit for one another. This creature may be a mage, a werewolf, a changeling, a wraith, or something even more unusual. Unfortunately, both of your kind would consider you threats if they knew of your relationship. You may declare your love for one another openly, although you risk becoming an outcast, or worse. You and your spouse would die or kill for one another.
Toreador - Powerful Ghoul (5pt Merit)
You have a very powerful ghoul Blood Bound to you. The ghoul has six points to put into any discipline other than Thaumaturgy, although at least one point must be put into Potence. The ghoul is also very competent, possessing fifteen points among Attributes, twenty-seven points in Abilities and five points in Backgrounds. The ghoul has reasonably good Virtues and Willpower ratings and will do anything you say, since it loves you so much. However, the ghoul may get jealous of any relationships you have with others.
Toreador - Vampire Spouse (5pt Merit)
You hold regnant over another Kindred, though she holds regnant over you as well. The two of you are in love, and you automatically have the benefit of the Merit: True Love. Your vampire spouse is your equal in terms of power and status. However, as a couple, you are very formidable. You allow nothing to get in the way of your love. You and your spouse would die or kill for one another.
Tremere - Attuned Taste (2pt Merit)
You've got a natural instinct for the favors in blood. When you taste blood, you can tell if the blood is from vampire, and you can automatically taste the generation. There is no test or cost. If the blood is not from a vampire, you only know that—you cannot specifically tell Lupine or faerie blood from human blood without other testing material.
Tremere - Natural Vicissitude (5pt Merit)
You have "inherited" more of your clan's stolen Tzimisce blood than most of your clanmates and have thus become something of a throwback to your "parent" clan. You may, therefore choose Vicissitude, rather than Dominate, as a clan Discipline. Improving your rating of Vicissitude, however, may present difficulties. Unless you can locate another Tremere willing and able to teach you further mastery of Vicissitude's higher levels, you must seek further instruction from a Tzimisce (most likely though coercion).
True Faith (7pt Merit)
You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty. You being the game with one point of True Faith; this Trait adds one die per point to all Willpower and Virtue rolls. You must have a Humanity of 9 or higher to choose this Merit, and if you lose even a single point, all your Faith points are lost and may be regained only when the lost Humanity is recovered. Individuals with True Faith are capable of performing magical acts akin to miracles, but the exact nature of those acts is up to the Storyteller.
True Love (4pt Merit)
You have discovered, perhaps too late, a true love. He or she is mortal, but is the center of your existence, and inspires you to keep going in a world of darkness and despair. Whenever you suffer, the thought of your true love gives you one automatic success on all Willpower rolls, which can be negated only by a botch die. This can be a great gift and also a hindrance, for your true love may require protection and occasional rescue
Tzimisce - Dracon's Temperament (3pt Merit)
taking the notion of Azhi Dahaka to new levels, you've emulated the permutable nature of change and evolution into your very psyche. Like the protean Dracon, you are a whirlwind of temperaments. Unlike multiple personalities, whch gives you more than one identity, you are the sme person but with different and changing Natures. Essentially, you either have no anchored sense of self, or you're so mutable that you can be anybody. At the beginning of each story, until its conclusion, you may choose one Personality Archetype to function as your Nature. This oesn't changeyour identity; it simply alters the way you perceive situations and howyou deal with others. You also regain Willpower according to your new Nature and may be affected by other effects or Discipline powers as per your new Nature as well.
Tzimisce - Haven Affinity (2pt Merit)
Your territoriality rivals that of a Lupine. When acting on "home soil" (your main haven, not auxiliary havens), you gain an additional die to all Dice Pools. You may also home in on your haven by making an unmodified Perception roll (difficulty variable; 6 if across town, 8 if in another state or country, 9 if across the globe).
Tzimisce - Naturally Supple (4pt Merit)
You are attuned to Vicissitude like a fish in water (or blood, or puss). Your difficulties are reduced by two when using Vicissitude on yourself (copying someone exactly, bonecrafting someone into an elaborate shape etc.)
Tzimisce - Pain Tolerance (2pt Merit)
Note: You must have Callousness and Morale rating of 3 or higher to take this Merit. Either because of personal proclivity or the rigors of Vicissitude, you have become acclimatized to pain. This affinity enables you to ignore one die of wound penalties. Thus, when you are Hurt or Injured, you suffer no penalties to actions. You suffer only a one-die penalty to action at the Wounded and Mauled states, and even Crippling injuries subtract four dice rather than five. You are still Incapacitated normally.
Tzimisce - Revenant Disciplines (3pt Merit)
The ties to your revenant family stayed with you well past the Embrace. As such, the Disciplines that were unnate to you as a ghoul have remained so as a Cainite. At character creation, select the ghoul family from which you hail. Instead of the Tzimisce's standard complement of disciplines, you instead draw from your three family Disciplines for your starting allocation. Also, you learn your family Disciplines at the cost of a clan Discipline. It's either or, however, meaning you cannot buy both the Tzimisce and family powers at clan cost unless they both share a particular ability.
Tzimisce - Secular (4pt Merit)
You have begun to explore the first glimmers of what awaits mankind after the renaissance. You have a dim understand of the scientific method, and while such concepts as evolution and entropy are still beyond you, you have begun to suspect that the world is much more complex than the Christians and pagan fools imagine. The difficulties to affect you with any Faith-based power (including Infernal magic!) is raised by one. Once per story, you may automatically regain a single Willpower point (you do not live with the same dread of damnation that many other Cainites do). Moreover, by spending a Willpower point and making an appropriate Intelligence + Science roll, you may formulate concepts and invent machines unknown in your time (higher mathematics, elaborate torture devices, etc.). The Storyteller must use prudence in adjudicating this; a da Vinci-esque flying machine is remotely conceivable, while a A-bomb (fun as the thought might be) is impossible. You may not follow the Road of Heaven or the Roach of the Devil. Moreover, the difficulties of all Conscience/Conviction rolls are increased by one (you are too existential to be overly concerned with your actions.
Tzimisce - Vindictive (3pt Merit)
Your personal honor is your life, and you will go to the ends of the earth to settle a score or avenge a slight. When directly opposing someone who has insulted, shamed or harmed you, you gain an additional die to all combat Dice Pools. This bonus does not apply towards casual foes, only blood enemies. For example, a Tzimisce would not get this onus against the bandit who ambushes her on the road but would receive against the Shadow Lord who slew her sire and drove her from her ancestral fief. The down side to this Merit is that you must do everything in your power to avenge such deeds or insults. Should you refrain from action, the Storyteller is within his rights to deduct temporary Willpower from your character until such time as you pursue your vengeance once more.
Unbondable (3pt Merit)
You are immune to being blood bound.
Underworld Ties (3pt Merit)
You have both influence over and contacts in the local Mafia and organized street gangs. This provides you with limited access to a large number of "soldiers", as well as extensive links to the underworld of crime. The more often you use your ties with the criminal element, the weaker they grow.
Uncanny Sight (2pt Merit)
Either due to some innate ability or to your long exposure to vampires, you are aware on a visceral level of their inhuman nature. On meeting a vampire, possibly even at first glance, you may have an immediate sense that your new acquaintance bears the mark of Caine. This perception is not always accurate, depending on the Storyteller's judgement.
University (4pt Merit)
You have control over a University. The trustees & important officials serve your interests. You have full access to the school & you can hunt the campus freely. The libraries & professors are useful in providing you w/ research information.
Useful Knowledge (1pt Merit)
You have expertise in a specific field that makes your conversation intriguing to an older Kindred. So long as your knowledge holds the other vampire's attention, he has a vested interest in keeping you around. Then again, once he's pumped you for every iota of information you possess, that patronage may suddenly vanish. (Note: This Merit should be played like a 1 - dot Mentor with a specific interest. However, unlike a Mentor, Useful Knowledge does not imply a permanent relationship.)
Valuable Secret (2pt Merit)
Others would kill or die to know ths secret you guard. The Valuable Secret should be created & given by the Storyteller. perhaps the character knows that the Prince is & Infernal Diabolist or that the primogen are actually all Sabbat. Whatever the case, only those involved in the secret & the character know about the Valuable Secret.
Ventrue - Paragon (6pt Merit)
The Embrace has awakened within you an aspect of personality that others find particularly compelling. You may select one Background from the following group; Allies, Black Hand Membership, Clan Prestige, Contacts, Fame, Herd, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Sabbat Status or Status. Your maximum Trait score in that Background may exceed your normal generation limit by one. For example, a 10th-generation Kindred may take this Merit and enjoy the benefits of a Contacts Background of 6. You may take this Merit for only one Background, which may drop at the ST's discretion. Players should choose this Merit only for a Background that makes sense - - a Camarilla archon is unlikely to have a Black Hand Membership Background of 7, for example.
Weather Sense (1pt Merit)
This merit grants occasional warnings (with a Perception + Survival roll, difficulty 7) of impending inclement weather, even that which stems from unnatural causes.
Well-Placed Confessor (1-3pt Merit)
Either you or someone you control has obtained the position of personal confessor to a figure of some importance. It could be a local lord, an abbot or even a king. As confessor, or patron to the confessor, you have access to the content of the individual's confession, which may well include tidbits of extreme political importance, blackmail material or salable intelligence. Whether you honor the sanctity of the confessional is up to you; the information is in your hands to do with as you will.
Well-Traveled (2pt Merit)
You've traveled all over the globe, seen many different cities & meet a great number of Kindred. There's a chance you'll know of a vampire from another city when you hear his name. This is an Intelligence roll.
Werewolf Companion (3pt Merit)
You have a friend and ally who just happens to be a werewolf. Though you may call upon this being in time of need, it also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). However, neither your kind nor its appreciates such a relationship, and your respective societies will punish both of you if your friendship is discovered. Arranging for meeting places and methods of communication will be difficulty. The Storyteller will create the werewolf character but will not reveal to you its full powers and potencies.