To Do

Use these pages to put up anything that hasn't been organized, and leave a note on this page.
Garou ToDo
Vampire ToDo
General ToDo
Buildering ToDo

General — Storytellers, if you have some time, these would be fantastic.
TF Combat -
Types of damage, init, combat actions, default actions, etc - all on one page!
Requests and Extended Rolls
How to use the request command, links to the request topics on the forums, general rolls and how to request them. I'd like a ST to write this, if possible, so the players know what you're looking for.

Garou Rites - still a WIP. I plan on using tabs on this one so it's not so insanely long {Ella}
Garou Society - More info please? (Sky)
Spirits — This… is going to be very long. I think we might make it Totems instead.

Road is basically done. Some decorating, maybe, if someone has the urge. See: Road of The Beast and Road of Metamorphosis. ALL THE MINOR ROADS… should actually be Paths. Can someone hop on name changes for them?

Thank you to everyone who's helped us on the Wiki!
As always, if you have questions, you can PM me on the TF forums under Skyborn.

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